Unknown Member
Ground up my last nug of Grandaddy Crack, running stock stemfulls at 6.274599 on the Nano for the pure joy of it. 

When I was in EUROPE in the early nineties I didn’t smoke pot. (5 years) wine from FRANCE was mostly consumed!
When I was in EUROPE in the early nineties I didn’t smoke pot. (5 years) wine from FRANCE was mostly consumed!
Didn’t accept CANNABIS until 1970 so I guess I’m new to this?
In a Beach town if U didn’t smoke zig zag’s U weren’t cool.
Surf Film and CANNABIS is true 2 life!
I use a NANO DUE 2 my love of water path.
Sorry 2 barge in!
The CHEESE I have is very decent!
Just say’n?
Tobacco was gross 2 me?
I like CANNABIS by it’s self!
I just took a few minutes to really check out our new cords and they are so flexible now!
Hi Nadia - can you upload a pic of them...on the website, the cord pic looks identical to what I got two years ago so....are these just new stock or a new design? Has the rheostat changed at all also?
@nadia_epic, yea can you post a few pics? any word on dem in house bubblers?
very interested in those, tired of getting cheap glass from the other side of the world, would prefer something more local.
I’m in a legal State.Check out Flick from 2008 "Bottle Shock"
AkA "Judgement of Paris"
NanO Stem is filled with some Platinum Cookies, have not had this one in a while and always love it when it comes my waynot easy when one lives in an outlaw state, where the federales love to bully and the politicos swing where the $$$ wind blows
@nadia_epic, you can't lay them out looped to show how the new cord is more flexible than the old one?
Let me see if I can get a quick video for out YouTube channel up in the morning showcasing them.[/QUOTE]How many languages do yanks speak?
Joke jokes
I’m pretty excited about the new glass Nadia has been slaving over on our behalf. The new stems look like a must-have item for me, and I’m plain intrigued by this genius idea of selling in-house bubblers. If they are the same value-for-money as the Enano, well that has my attention. It’s kind of annoying really, every time I think I’m done ordering more accessories, they roll something out that I just gotta have. Thanks a lot Nadia(!) I hope my sons plan on getting scholarships...
And before I get a chance to even glimpse the new glass, I’d like to beg and plead for a simple 2-4 hole/slit diffusion ash catcher pretty please. Why you ask? Because like @ataxian I can’t deal with the trumpet mp that’s so prevalent, and we’re not the only freaks out there. So ash catchers are groovy to pair with a j-hook and play the saxophone instead of trumpet. When I’m not plonking the nano directly on a j-hook!
I assume you’ve seen Office Space:
“So yeah... if you could get a TPT for that ash catcher turned in ASAP, that would be grrreatl”
@Baron23 i use the NANO at 6.15463275 and I’m over MEDICATED.Hi Nadia - can you upload a pic of them...on the website, the cord pic looks identical to what I got two years ago so....are these just new stock or a new design? Has the rheostat changed at all also?