Just a dude
Dear @UnevenPizza It certainly looks like you've got your afternoon and evening sorted, lol! I've read of @ataxian and others doing concentrates with the Nano in the thread. @ataxian has even got a quote on EV's site testifying to the Nano's versatility in this regard, or did. I can't help you at all my friend, I don't have access but you can trust that I would be right by your side, Nano in hand and ready to experiment! LOL! Yessir @UnevenPizza I do believe that you and I could time-travel via Nanotechnology back to our teen years! I love Mr. Smiley Hashball and his frosty nug, but what pray tell is that gooey goo? I don't even know what it is, but instinctively it just looks perfect for a flower sandwich in a gong-get-it-on! Yummy!
You would probably vape me under the table but who knows? Maybe not? I'm a wild man!
Have fun with all that my man! Enjoy your whatever day is this?! 
EDIT: Your Nano looks real purty in that pic btw. What beautiful grain.
You would probably vape me under the table but who knows? Maybe not? I'm a wild man!

EDIT: Your Nano looks real purty in that pic btw. What beautiful grain.
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