If I had to restart from scratch I would skip the 18mm and just get two 14mm GonGs and an 18-14mm reducer or two. It is very easy and even elegant going down in size with bubblers. One of my reducers has a nice curve that gives added character to my D020-D when I use it.
In my opinion going with 18mm doesn't really add anything functionally speaking to the E-Nano's performance. The airflow is already wide-open, and it is limited by the air intake holes and the heater stem inner diameter (~8mm), not the joint size on the GonG.
Thanks so much Vapor_Eyes! Ok, I'm going to show my noobness...some of this terminology is new to me. Please be patient! I just google searched what a Reducer is.
What do you mean that an 18mm doesn't add anything, the airflow is already open and it is limited? Isn't the functionality of the 18mm gong for mating your enano to a water pipe? I need to get some of this stuff in my hands to understand better. I don't know which ends are the male and which are female...don't know which are 18mm and which are 14mm.
I'm OLD SCHOOL I think?
1970 in a bathroom at the beach before a surf movie. COLOMBIAN GOLD ZIZ-ZAG joints.
HAWAII = MAUI WOWIE x AFHANI + killed all the MALES + SUPER CROPPED so they weren't seen.
OLD SCHOOL = only ZIG-ZAG'S (no bong's yet)
I hate big mouth-pieces and find them gross!
You named some I have that work well.
I never got a D020-D because the can is the same size as the UFO.
D022 is the best bubbler. (my opinion)
My FC 187 I will cut off the mouthpiece and add a MALE down stem like a giant ash collector so I can use a JHOOK with it.
When I broke $2,000 worth of glass I buy CHEAP LOW INCOME GLASS. (I still break it!)
The NANO works well and very simple.
You will love the flavor.
I can't stand the taste of joints now.
haha, well you may be a little more old school than me....born in 1967. Been smoking Zig Zags since 1983. I always like the Joker 1.5's cuz you could roll a big fatty.

You're lucky to have all those good strains. Here in the South, we had Mexican brick weed and that's it. Been getting "kind bud" for 15-20 years now but we never know the strain...it's either good weed or bad weed. Every once in awhile in the past few years I've been able to buy and know what strain it is. I think that is stuff coming from Colorado. Back in high school, once in a blue moon we'd get some "pine" or "skunk" weed and it was the shit.
Sure we had bongs, pipes, steamrollers, etc but all this whole new world of dab rigs and dabbing, percs, showerheads, fab eggs, lighters, torches, nails, wax, shatter, reducers, gongs, etc etc is ALL NEW to me. I have very few friends that smoke and being in a non legal state, like you ataxian, I smoke by myself at home 95+% of the time.
I have a nice piece of HVY glass but I'm tired of hacking and wheezing. For health reasons I need to fuck combustion and commit to a vape. I love water bongs, bubblers etc so I want to go the water route with a vape for sure.
I purchased an Herbalizer a few years ago and hate it. I hate the whip. I hate the bags. I don't have any mods or pipes hooked up to the Herbie...honestly before I found FC i didn't know it was possible. ..maybe I need to give Herbie a chance.
So my next moves are the eNano (ordered and on the way), some glass water pieces, and then an EVO and I think I'll be set.
VAS and now I'm afraid GAS has set in.