Vapor Trails
Well-Known Member
No worries, guys. In all honesty the only thing I will probably be saying in a few days is "This thing is awesome!", and "Im a jerk" 
I'll probably even buy a 2nd one in Maple Burl for my den if the quality (product and vapor) is as good as I hope it will be. The only toughy that kept me from getting a higher up models during the sale is the accessories in the higher up kits weren't discounted either (which really goes against the sale since we know for fact the accessories are supposed to be discounted), and so the tray wouldn't have been discounted, nor the other options. If the code would somehow apply to the accessories in the higher up kits I would have definitely gone all out, but I'm assuming the database is not configured to sort pieces out from a kit and then discount them.
ADVERTISING, ringing up products incorrectly, and justifying the meaning of the asterisk:
An asterisk does not spell out "Some things aren't on sale" along with "Everything", and keep in mind, the accessories aren't on sale with a single kit besides the cheapest and the full sale is revoked for additional accessories if you try to get them with anything but the lowest end kits. That asterisk doesn't just mean "Nano", but the whole kit is excluded (accessories, and you'll have to try to order the out of stock tray for $4.99 above any kit). Even if trying to justify this by their homepage asteriskified "*Nano", the accessories within the kits not being discounted still makes the listing incorrect, and it does not refer to entire kits, but only the device, because a GonG, stem or tray in a kit is not a "Nano". Buying a higher up E-Nano at this very moment will charge you full price for your accessories. You cant even get the accessories outside of the kit discounted with a higher up model sitting in the cart. You still have to pay full price in that case, because the code is going to be revoked for everything your order. Youll have to make 2 transactions.
A car lot can't justify themselves after advertising "Everything's on sale!", put an asterisk next to every model car in the listing, and flood people into the dealership only to sell Keychains and 1 model car with the explanation "It's our accessories and only one model car, but we used the word 'Everything' as well, because...ummm...". What could they say to logically somehow change the meaning of the word "Everything" into "Some things", and then tell you your car won't be discounted if you buy floor mats (yes, vehicles like BMW consider floor mats an add on)?
If a company makes an error in ringing up an item, I have only ever known of them to honor it, and certainly smaller businesses. See, I was rung up incorrectly for a high end model with the 20% off hovering above screen and the code applied the first time and not honored. A decent scenario of all I have seen in customer service in my life, and expected in any business, is a friend of mine that works for a pharmacy. Every week they have a sale. Not only does the company have to honor a misprint (which you guys pointed out there is not due to the asterisk next to the "Nano"), but even if a company has covered all bases in fine print, the business is still required to honor a sale if a cash register rings the price of the product incorrectly, and rings up an old sale price. So when a day goes past a sale and a coupon still works, they honor it every time. That is what I am used to from Mom & Pop shops to big business, and what happened here is I was rung up, applied discount successfully, and ran an errand. So anyone that placed a kit at that time got what they placed in the cart discounted, but I didnt even get offered free shipping (yes, i realize there is the free shipping code) for the error. I got back, and then my order was suddenly not discounted, but revoked when refreshed before hitting order, and suddenly the red warning stating it isn't discounted anymore, because they changed the settings on the discount while I was gone. Well, I had no idea the sale wasn't for high up products, and so that's why I applied the code, and it woupdated have worked if I would have just clicked order. When I emailed them about the code not working, they still would not honor it. This along with stacking the money of the accessories amounting a total of an overpriced S&B product, and of course the accessories even at this very moment are in fact not discounted when buying any model besides the lowest. I guess if I wasn't used to better service, and if I were not in business for myself, I don't think I would be so outspoken, but I know customer service very well, and I believe if anyone here were at Walgreens and carried an expired Barcode that worked for a $3 bottle of face wash, you'd flip if they wouldn't even honor what the register rung up and charged you $1 more, out of principle, not the cost. Now, imagine $280+, the coupon working, and then being denied even discounting the accessories chosen. You would have to pay them $4.99 more for a tray outside of the order that would not even be delivered with the device, and also will not get 20% off of the $10 add on glass screened stem or any accessory chosen within the higher up kits. Maybe they will get their database straightened out so somehow they can discount all accessories within an order except the main device if it is a Premium or higher, but as of now their database is not even functioning in a manner to make the advertisement legitimate (IE no accessories within a kit).

I'll probably even buy a 2nd one in Maple Burl for my den if the quality (product and vapor) is as good as I hope it will be. The only toughy that kept me from getting a higher up models during the sale is the accessories in the higher up kits weren't discounted either (which really goes against the sale since we know for fact the accessories are supposed to be discounted), and so the tray wouldn't have been discounted, nor the other options. If the code would somehow apply to the accessories in the higher up kits I would have definitely gone all out, but I'm assuming the database is not configured to sort pieces out from a kit and then discount them.
ADVERTISING, ringing up products incorrectly, and justifying the meaning of the asterisk:
An asterisk does not spell out "Some things aren't on sale" along with "Everything", and keep in mind, the accessories aren't on sale with a single kit besides the cheapest and the full sale is revoked for additional accessories if you try to get them with anything but the lowest end kits. That asterisk doesn't just mean "Nano", but the whole kit is excluded (accessories, and you'll have to try to order the out of stock tray for $4.99 above any kit). Even if trying to justify this by their homepage asteriskified "*Nano", the accessories within the kits not being discounted still makes the listing incorrect, and it does not refer to entire kits, but only the device, because a GonG, stem or tray in a kit is not a "Nano". Buying a higher up E-Nano at this very moment will charge you full price for your accessories. You cant even get the accessories outside of the kit discounted with a higher up model sitting in the cart. You still have to pay full price in that case, because the code is going to be revoked for everything your order. Youll have to make 2 transactions.
A car lot can't justify themselves after advertising "Everything's on sale!", put an asterisk next to every model car in the listing, and flood people into the dealership only to sell Keychains and 1 model car with the explanation "It's our accessories and only one model car, but we used the word 'Everything' as well, because...ummm...". What could they say to logically somehow change the meaning of the word "Everything" into "Some things", and then tell you your car won't be discounted if you buy floor mats (yes, vehicles like BMW consider floor mats an add on)?
If a company makes an error in ringing up an item, I have only ever known of them to honor it, and certainly smaller businesses. See, I was rung up incorrectly for a high end model with the 20% off hovering above screen and the code applied the first time and not honored. A decent scenario of all I have seen in customer service in my life, and expected in any business, is a friend of mine that works for a pharmacy. Every week they have a sale. Not only does the company have to honor a misprint (which you guys pointed out there is not due to the asterisk next to the "Nano"), but even if a company has covered all bases in fine print, the business is still required to honor a sale if a cash register rings the price of the product incorrectly, and rings up an old sale price. So when a day goes past a sale and a coupon still works, they honor it every time. That is what I am used to from Mom & Pop shops to big business, and what happened here is I was rung up, applied discount successfully, and ran an errand. So anyone that placed a kit at that time got what they placed in the cart discounted, but I didnt even get offered free shipping (yes, i realize there is the free shipping code) for the error. I got back, and then my order was suddenly not discounted, but revoked when refreshed before hitting order, and suddenly the red warning stating it isn't discounted anymore, because they changed the settings on the discount while I was gone. Well, I had no idea the sale wasn't for high up products, and so that's why I applied the code, and it woupdated have worked if I would have just clicked order. When I emailed them about the code not working, they still would not honor it. This along with stacking the money of the accessories amounting a total of an overpriced S&B product, and of course the accessories even at this very moment are in fact not discounted when buying any model besides the lowest. I guess if I wasn't used to better service, and if I were not in business for myself, I don't think I would be so outspoken, but I know customer service very well, and I believe if anyone here were at Walgreens and carried an expired Barcode that worked for a $3 bottle of face wash, you'd flip if they wouldn't even honor what the register rung up and charged you $1 more, out of principle, not the cost. Now, imagine $280+, the coupon working, and then being denied even discounting the accessories chosen. You would have to pay them $4.99 more for a tray outside of the order that would not even be delivered with the device, and also will not get 20% off of the $10 add on glass screened stem or any accessory chosen within the higher up kits. Maybe they will get their database straightened out so somehow they can discount all accessories within an order except the main device if it is a Premium or higher, but as of now their database is not even functioning in a manner to make the advertisement legitimate (IE no accessories within a kit).
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