I use water 99.9% of the time and vary between 5.75 to just under 7, depending on strain. 6.5 seems just about perfect.
For those that use water pieces, what temps do you use when vaping low and when vaping high, when vaporizing bud?
I only have two types of indica available for me to vape. I mix them together and set the nano to 6. I was vaping at 6.25 but it started getting a roasty flavor. A setting of 6 gives me the flavor along with the clouds. That's on a waterpipe BTW.
Okay i just ordered my nano and keep reading about waterpipes. Is it a better smoother taste? Or can you draw longer, whats the big difference. And what size do i get?
More percolation = smoother hits (can take in more), but less tasty. Honestly tho, if you're getting a huge hit thru water, no doubt it'll be super tasty.
You want 14mm or 18mm depending on what GonG you get.
You want nice airflow with little restriction.
Find a size you enjoy. I had one about 6 inches wjrh a small chamber and found that too small, my d020d is 9 inches wjrh a big chamber and that's perfect
Oh okay that makes since now. I guess ill buy a few to see whats the best. D020d did you order that, or from a local shop?
Okay i just ordered my nano and keep reading about waterpipes. Is it a better smoother taste? Or can you draw longer, whats the big difference. And what size do i get?
Okay i just ordered my nano and keep reading about waterpipes. Is it a better smoother taste? Or can you draw longer, whats the big difference. And what size do i get?
slow and lowThanks guys my nano actually came this afternoon cannot wait to try it once i get home. Should i use a slow or fast draw on it? Only other vaporizer i personally owned was a g pro (lol) and i had to suck so hard was quite annoying
Should i use a slow or fast draw on it?
You usin water or just the direct? I find the direct is easier to find the sweet spot than with water. That being said, I like water now that I've found the right temp and draw speed.Man ol man the enano is a pretty darn good vape. Im still getting the hang of it but i tried it on 7.5 and i guess i hit it to hard I was coughing for 2 minutes lmao. I fell asleep not long after. This morning i tried it on 6 didnt really feel and effects, but 6.5 is pretty decent. Im still trying to get my draw speed just right.
You usin water or just the direct? I find the direct is easier to find the sweet spot than with water. That being said, I like water now that I've found the right temp and draw speed.
Yea using direct hit til i order some glass. N yea alot people has been loving it with water so ill be upgrading soon
+1 to using it with water. The glass through dhgate is low cost and comes highly recommended.
Also, if you have $60-100 to spend and want it sooner than several weeks, consider dankstop.com and thickassglass.com. Both companies have their own line that is nice, thick boro glass and will arrive within the week. I have a 12in waffle perc from dankstop and I just love it. It's a thick piece of glass that is well made and hits like a mo fo.It also arrived in two days with free priority mail.