Ships passing in the foggy rain, more likely. Have to fix that.
Yes, I have been a bit more medicated this past week, as I'm fighting a lung congestion thing. Also, the more I medicate, the more [insert some sort of higher power reference here] decides I need to dig all the crap out of my psyche, and the therapy just continues.
Cool little poem.
Here I am! *cough* don't get too close, though, I'm still coughing up crap, and I don't want to get anyone else sick.
Religion does poison everything, but like [same as before] is neither helped nor hurt by religion, so we should stop hurting ourselves (rule #1), and Holy Grail Cannabis must needs be brought back to the proper reverence that should be felt and demonstrated to all of Nature, and to all the things & beings & spirits (cannabis is all three, just as we all are), who/which will all benefit us when we will regard them the same way that [and once more] does.
Cannabis = Holy Grail
that's an equation that works for me, too.
EDIT: where are my manners? Here, let me relate all this to the ENano.
The Holy Grail requires the perfect Chalice to experience it from. Or, an assortment of chalices, like stems, gongs, water tools, JHooks, bamboo stems, ceramic stems, wood stems...
There is no better way to get that range of experiences than with the ENano. It works with all of them.
Less is more. All the time.