Think there are trade-offs when you change water temps. Cooler is probably going to cause a bit more condensation, but cooler air is more dense so you can fit more of it (and vapor mixed in) into your lungs. Some people find it refreshing, too. Keep in mind
@DieHard s post about exhaled vapor being wasted vapor!
If I go with other than room temp water (actually kind of chilly this time of year), I prefer warmer water. Not super hot, but about as hot as it gets from my tap (115 - 120 F?). I find it more soothing. I don't re-heat it as it cools, but actually used one of those coffee warmer things when I was playing with this technique a couple years ago. Needless to say, I didn't really find it worth it. That warmer is tucked away in a drawer somewhere! Although I don't really notice a difference in effectiveness of the vapor, it does allow me to vape easier with a little bit of a sore throat or a cold. This is a pretty big deal for me. Know many want nothing to do with vaping while their sinuses or throat are suffering, but seems to make me crave the relief of a good sesh even more.
Same as pretty much everything... give all a try and do what you enjoy most. You may even find sometimes you like cool water, sometimes warm, sometimes room temp - or sometimes none!
TOTALLY agree with you on this one!!! No real science here, but after decades of smoking and vaping I think big hits do get you a little higher faster. Good analogy from Max of liquor compared to beer. Think this is mostly because of the pressure created while trying to hold that big hit in. Not so much in more absorbed into your lungs or bloodstream, but because of the pressure you create inside of your body. Think pretty much the same results can be had with a smaller hit if you push hard with your diaphragm (recreate feeling of trying to hold a big one in) while holding your breath before exhaling. I suppose there could be a perfect sized hit that is totally absorbed, so you get the most out of it and exhale virtually nothing. Have only played with this a little bit, but I sure couldn't find it! I still think most effective way is to take decent sized hit, exhale half, inhale fresh air, repeat as long as you like and are seeing vapor on exhale. One or two fresh inhales are usually plenty for me.
Some people really do get a thrill from the big clouds and huge cloud exhales, though. Have at it if that turns you on. But, please don't pull it from my stash! The only benefit I see here is that the dog gets to catch a better contact high. And, mine does just fine with the smaller hits. When he feels like joining me in a sesh he sits right next to me as soon as the nano goes on the bubbler and sits there with his nose inches away waiting. Once he has enough, he turns his head when I clear the bubbler so I know not to exhale into his face. He also will only take the first 2 hits off a load. He can't count, but can tell from the smell and turns his head quickly when I try to give him a third or later hit. But, then knows it will be good again after I reload. Silly dog! Wish he could learn other things as well!
@nadia_epic !! Glad to see you here in the thread!
There aren't any stock ones from Epic.
@VaPeD&CoNfUsEd could probably work one up for you, but not sure how practical. I think it is much better to keep your stem angled down in use (nano end higher) - definitely on the first hit or two until the load gets stickier and compressed in the chamber. It's kind of hard to really get if coming from solo to nano until you use the nano. The solo has that heating chamber that the glass slides into. Bad as that is for creating more conduction and less convection, it keeps the load in place. nano glass goes on outside of heater element with no oven, or catch basin of any sort. So, little bits can fall out if you wiggle the stem, big bits will fall out if you start to pull the stem and some is bound to fall down into the heater element sleeve. Those bits that fall out fall into the nano around the heating stem. Not really a problem, and easy to clean out with a long q-tip, but why have to bother with it? And, you can roast and shake out what falls into the heater sleeve. Tipping it up lets gravity hold the load in place and no need to worry about all of that. And, if inverted on a GonG the issue isn't even there. So, if you really like to solo habitrail style the curved stem would be fine. Or, it could allow you to keep the nano at a good angle (business end tipped down) and have glass level or even tipped up a bit.
Some HI stems will work on the nano, but don't think Alan does any with an angle either. So, Joda may be the only way to go if you really want one. Or, you could use a piece of silicone as a link (old school UD/HI style) if you have an angled piece of glass tubing that is close to right size. Solo stem would probably even work if you're good with stretching little pieces of silicone over glass. Think you should be OK with hi-temp silicone. But, you won't find me putting a piece of silicone on my heating element!