Hi everyone, my first post here! I've been perusing the site for a few weeks here, and I don't think I've come across a more helpful community, you guys all seem great! I've had a MFLB for a couple of years and like it very much, and the E-Nano and other log tapes drew my interest because they are similarly built with wood, are efficient, etc. I purchased a walnut E-nano and have had it for about a week, and should be getting my buckeye burl E-Nano (from snappos) next week! Will probably give the walnut E-nano to a friend once I see the buckeye burl, looking forward to it!
Anyway, I've read through much of this thread and have seen pretty much nothing but universal praise, and how efficient log vapes are. So far in my use it seems I'm using more herb than I did with my MFLB (granted it's still a small amount compared to combusting), but I'm not too sure if I'm doing everything right. I have the stock stem that came with it, I pack a small amount into it against the metal screen, I've pre-heated the e-nano for at least 5 minutes on a 6.5 setting, and I seem to be able to get 2-3 draws out of it and then it's a darkish brown color where it seems to be about done...but maybe people here keep using it for additional hits afterward? The MFLB has a nice users guide and tons of youtube videos about how to use it, I couldn't find too much besides this forum on how to use it properly. I'm not saying I'm disappointed, just a little discouraged, though I'm hoping there's just a slight learning curve I have to get over and then it will be amazing. I hope to one day get a water bubbler for it, but that's a ways off.
My only nitpick with the actual unit, the power cord seems a little heavy overpowers the unit so it doesn't sit up straight, unless the cord is balanced against something else. I'm sure I'll get used to it though.