thoroughly vaped
has there ever been a temp chart for the e-nano? I know all units are different but it would be nice knowing approximately what temp I am using. (which is typically at 7)
This chart is for the original nano with original cord and dial. Not sure how much it may be off for newer nanos with removable cords, but probably some.
Keep in mind, temperatures are going to vary a bit for different variables. Ambient room temp, how clean and direct your power is and other factors will slightly change temp even on the same nano. See the bit below from the master himself in response to this chart when it was posted back in April. It had been on the old website and up since about May 2013 IIRC.

Those results are based on one unit. The heating elements have a tolerance + or - 10%. The dimmers also have small variations. The number should be used for estimates only. Your mileage may vary. Such is life in the analog world.
Only real way to be sure is get a good infared thermometer, figure the point you want to measure temp at and start experimenting. For me, I don't really care what the exact temp is or even close to it. Just want to find my settings and have them respond the same when the same variables are in place. Never had an issue with this, but I do notice a slight difference between my house plugged into my pretty spiffy surge protector and my girlfriend's house with her Walmart surge protector. Not much, but my setup is about 1/4 notch warmer most of the time.
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