Do they only sell the nano online? Any other stores carry it?
I never leave my stems in longer than 15 minutes (which I sometimes do to heat soak a good load for maximum clouds). I also learned from experience to use an anti joint-lock compound (like Chap Stick) to keep gongs from getting stuck. I think what's happening with your stems left in for too long is that the heat dissipation rates are different between the stem/gong glass and glass joint (different thicknesses of glass), which is thicker and has a greater thermal mass (holds heat longer). The pressure between them is cracking your stems, possibly.Another stem cracked.. I had a load or two in it, left the Nano at low heat and eventually turned it off. I left the stem on the unit as the load was not completely finished, so I could turn it back on later and finish it. The stem was almost completely stuck to the heating element, and got a huge crack while heating up. It didn't break, but it's definitely not far from and I don't really feel like using that stem anymore.
Is this happening because I keep leaving the stems on the heating element? Do any of you leave your stems on the element or do you always take it off after use?
@ACE OF VAPE Am I doing something wrong here? Is it cause I keep leaving the stems on the heating element? Or have I gotten really unlucky with the glass I've received? No one else here seems to have issues with glass cracking like I am having.
Do they only sell the nano online? Any other stores carry it?
Another stem cracked.. I had a load or two in it, left the Nano at low heat and eventually turned it off. I left the stem on the unit as the load was not completely finished, so I could turn it back on later and finish it. The stem was almost completely stuck to the heating element, and got a huge crack while heating up. It didn't break, but it's definitely not far from and I don't really feel like using that stem anymore.
Is this happening because I keep leaving the stems on the heating element? Do any of you leave your stems on the element or do you always take it off after use?
@ACE OF VAPE Am I doing something wrong here? Is it cause I keep leaving the stems on the heating element? Or have I gotten really unlucky with the glass I've received? No one else here seems to have issues with glass cracking like I am having.
No fridge.Dude! That sucks!! I don't know what you're doing or not doing, or maybe you're just unlucky. I've used the same few GonGs forever (2 literally for almost a year), and hardly used stems at all until recently (now still < 20%). I don't usually leave my nano on though. Is your heat cranked way up? Do you put them in the fridge before using? j/k here, doubt you do but DAMN!
In this case that seems like the case, except that it didn't crack untill I was heating it up again. This is also only the scenario for one of three cracked pieces of glass.Your glass is being heated up and then cooling around a very close and tight fitted metal piece. I would say not to ever leave you glass stem on the e-nano for any reason other than heat soaking with the intention of hitting it soon there after. Letting the glass cool around the metal part can lead to the glass tightening around it so much so that it cracks like in your case. Just take them off and set it down or create a stand.
No fridge.
The heat was cranked up once cause I was trying hash in it and well ... I forgot it was even there.
In this case that seems like the case, except that it didn't crack untill I was heating it up again. This is also only the scenario for one of three cracked pieces of glass.
The first one was a brand new GonG, cracked while heating up before I even got to use it. The unit was not even heated yet.
The second one was a stem that I left on very high heat and forgot about, so I assume it must have been too much for it and it eventually gave in.
The third one was this brand new stem that I also left on, but not at high heat.
Except for the first one, leaving the stem on the unit is a common factor so I will stop doing that, hopefully no more cracks will happen. If it keeps happening I will have to get some wood stuff I guess.![]()
@Jman5280, you really should try to read a little. All of your questions have already been answered - most in the last 20 pages or so!
But, since I'm here and a few haven't been.... only available online at epicvape, through massdrop (as mentioned above) and one LHS in Philly.
Without even getting into electronics (or the probably not too good tasting PAX you're used to) the VB and SSV both require a whip. That in itself is going to hinder taste, even with a brand new fresh one a bit. I'm thrilled for @davesmith and his new whipped up nano - but the only silicone you'll ever see on mine is the heat protector on the GonG.
The claisen is cool, but would suggest you try the nano without before buying one. Not too hard to master pulling the nano & GonG together with one hand, and once you do it becomes second nature.
Dude! That sucks!! I don't know what you're doing or not doing, or maybe you're just unlucky. I've used the same few GonGs forever (2 literally for almost a year), and hardly used stems at all until recently (now still < 20%). I don't usually leave my nano on though. Is your heat cranked way up? Do you put them in the fridge before using? j/k here, doubt you do but DAMN!
Order a NANO!I assume you work for epic?
In short, are your electronics superior than the SSV?
I am on the fence about going to the store now and buying a SSV or ordering a nano...
I tried calling epic today and yesterday to ask a few questions, no answer...
BRILLIANT!!! 5 paragraphs of info said in 10 words!!!Order a NANO!
Or just buy a pack of Zig Zags.
I assume you work for epic?
In short, are your electronics superior than the SSV?
I am on the fence about going to the store now and buying a SSV or ordering a nano...
I tried calling epic today and yesterday to ask a few questions, no answer...
Let me add a SSV is a nice vape for some. There are those who like a whip?Or, as @ataxian suggests, get yourself a pack of papers and spend all your scratch on nugs instead of super-effecient vaping bliss.
2. Flavor. Again, not even close even with a fresh brand spanking new whip!
@JeeSee if ordered usps first class and if i would belive the tracking info mine is also in LA processed and in transit... as mentioned before after you didn t pay for priority mail i wouldnt count to much one the traking info.. by the way i got mine to day...
Nope... don't work for Epic - though I probably should!Just a long time nano owner and admitted fanboy. Was fortunate enough to discover this thread while beta testing was just finishing up.
I am on the fence about going to the store now and buying a SSV or ordering a nano...
It's gotta be all up to Jman now! What more can be said again and again after 271 pages ofIf I was there i'd be pushing you off the fence because as a former owner of an SSV, and a current owner of a Nano, I much prefer the Nano. For desktop, I will go for the Nano before anything else on the market...yes, it's THAT good.
It's gotta be all up to Jman now! What more can be said again and again after 271 pages of!
I just picked up some Fire OG grown by a big name up in Oregon (goes by "Koma" or "Komatose"). Shit is LEGIT. Easily some of the best herb I've ever had. SUPER dank SUPER sticky. Its been a while since I've had herb that hits me like an oil, but that's what this stuff does given a large enough hit though the bubbler.
Best part? Well maybe not best but an awesome part none the less? IT MILKS LIKE A MOFO! But don't take my word for it, check out this video I made (brought to you inglouious HD)! Sadly lighting wasnt ideal for the exhale, but I think it captured the milk in the can very well. What say you?
BTW the Nano was only at level 7.
Dammit, you always have a way of making me feel really old, @flotntoke!
I happen to remember your entrance to this thread, actually. Back in the good ol' days when kingofnull and shredhead and newvapor420 and max and toros used to rule this thead...
And @ataxian and even @Ed's TnT were poking around here too; I haven't forgotten.
And, unless I am mistaken, it was actually @RUDE BOY who was the first to bring up the idea of an Ed's TnT stem for the Nano. I bet RUDE BOY doesn't even remember that!
Don't mind me. Just... feeling old, is all.
I am truly happy, though, to see how far the Nano has come, thanks to early adopters and big-time champions who came after (You know who you are.) It truly pushed the boundaries of what a log vape could be, IMO.
what do i need to order with this to make sure i can use it with my bubbler?
I have a 14mm female downstem...
Sorry to make you feel old @EveryDayAmnesiac . Not so bad here in the thread for me, it's those aches in the morning that leave me wondering "how the hell did I do that?" that get me! Definitely remember you and all those other nano-pioneers as if it were only yesterday (though no real test of my memory - was only last year!) You know I definitely agree about the power of the nano! And, unquestionably my vape of choice as I wait my way up that list. Yeah... you know the one! Am guessing you're still loving yours. You still thinking about adding a new uber-exotic nano to the mix?
Are you talking about the heartaches or the muscle aches? Because I have both.
Ugh. 1 year? Seriously. What the fuck happened to the last goddamn year?!
If I'd had the money, I would have bought the Nano that @Caligula snatched up. You know, that asshole who bought it without even waiting for someone more ... you know, classy, worthy, wise, cute, or funny to grab it.
Such a beautiful piece belongs in the hands of someone who's not such a... a... a...
Give me 6 months (hopefully) to sell this collection of words I've been working on and.... I just might be there with ya'...![]()