Mr. Gweilo 420
Wow - that one is really beautiful!
Wow - that one is really beautiful!
Sorry for the white background guys, it really did a good job of hiding the clouds!
@ACE OF VAPE just a token of my appreciation for your fine handiwork!
@Caligula the glove slap has been issued. Will you rise to the challenge? lol, also, is the EFS the new glass you were talking about, or is that piece not done yet? I wanna see!!!!!![]()
Soooo after like 30 mins of browsing I now want to buy an e-nano. Special thanks to @Caligula for those recent milk vids with his new efs piece. Is the e-nano best purchased through epic vape? As well as the gongs? This thing is going to be awesome!
No runny oil leaking through gong/rest of the glass. It is an absolute godsend! I use QWISO which is either a stable wax or stable oil depening on whether I use fresh stuff or ABV.@herbivore21 What purpose does encapsulating your SS wool in those basket screens serve?
Teedub, the bottom two cork sticky feet on the underside of the Nano (the ones on either side of the epicvape logo) can be pulled off by hand gently and there are two screws underneath. If you take these phillips head screws off, you can safely adjust where parts inside the unit are by hand. Wear rubber gloves, and DO NOT EVER OPEN YOUR NANO WHILE IT IS CONNECTED TO AN OUTLET!!!Hellzzz yehh, woke up to a nice box on my doorstep yesterday morning. Nano and ev2 all at once!
Let them heat up somewhat then tried the nano at 6, got some average clouds golden abv so kept bumping the temp slightly up till I realised I was totally f ing gone!
Such tiny amounts, seemingly low temp. It extracted some low temp potent actives I don't usually notice to that degree from that temp & amount. The abv looked barely touched but some magic smacked me in the head outta no where. I usually like high temp but I will be exploring that temp range some more for sure!
So I've been up the dial starting from 6. I've been rocking it around 8 to get that one hit even dark abv, tried 9 and got a bit of charing in the middle. Im gonna head back down the temps a touch now that I've seen her hot and sweaty side. I like that its got the range to keep going. Cant wait for concentrates.
I just can't believe how efficient the nano is, I don't usually weigh up but I did tonight for fun .025 (as recommended on the epic site) which is like nothing compared to an old combustion cone/bowl. Really gets some goodness out of nothing. I keep laughing when I tip out the avb, its the smallest of crumbs!
And restriction is very light on the little loads.
Really been loving my first nightmainly been getting to know nanobot and I can already say I love her, the walnut looks gorgeous. Love the size and ease of use with water. Works great at low and high temps. Flavour is kick ass.
Hats off Andy, nice bloody work. I'm sold on this one!
The only downer is my nano makes a rattle/re verb noise, sounds 'tingy' like the ceramic heater is touching/vibrates inside against the metal tube. I hear it every time i put the nano down on the table and I even have a cushioned cork bench top. If I tap it ever so slightly with my finger I can also hear it.
Does anyone else's nano make a rattle/reverb noise?
I'm worried the ceramic may be loose or damaged from transport. Is there anyway to tell?
Andy has been generally cool in the past with people opening up their Nanos (me included!). You won't get more understanding customer service with this kinda stuff than you get from EV my friendThanks man!
Yes I was wondering about opening it, does that kill the warranty though? And the more I fiddle with it the noise def seems to be coming from the ceramic heater/metal stem area. Its not the type of noise I would expect from what I've seen is in the internals of the base. Really sounds like ceramic on metal. And it makes the noise whether the light is on or not. I have no probs whipping her open just wondering what Andy is like with that?
I cant get over the nano at low temps its getting me into a spot I've never been before!
Andy has said (a few times) the noise is not anything to worry about. And yes mine makes this noise too.
@Silent your post makes me feel a bit better because now i'm wondering if it is a stock issue. You should have received a stem with your Nano.
This vaporizer has been a massive game changer for me and continues to put a smile on my face almost daily. You don't hear much whining or complaining in this thread which says alot.
I love my e-Nano.