I asked andy to cancel my order. Ive waited too long.
Maybe ill change my mind later on and reorder, but im probably going to get the LSV. I still think the nano wouldve treated me well, had it arrived...
Iam sorry to hear that, Iam sure the post office had a lot to do with it, andy has always been on point with the 3 orders so far. I feel your pain, the lsv I am positive is not going to let you down either.
I hope you get up and going asap.
I hope to hear your take on the lsv , ill pm you later, if you dont mind ?
Not only do I expect conscientious service, I also expect a certain degree of courtesy and respect. I sincerely hope there is a good reason why you aren't being accorded your due. I also put in a request to Epicvape on Jan. 5th, and hope for a timely courteous reply. Anything short of that and I will write this one off my list. There are many other fishes in the sea. Recently went through a whole other ordeal with VaporBlunt and I will never deal with them or their products again.
Somehow I think you guys slipped thru the crack's but I do believe something must of happened for you guys not to get proper info, every order I have made gotten almost immediate notification, and a few hours later the stamps.com notification.
I really hope you get your asap as well, I know any one getting one will love it.
I am sorry to hear your difficult time with VB, there good dudes as well, but at times I assume people can get consumed in the other projects, or just other life in general. Totally agree with both of you thats it is important to get timely info, I would just say that you should be very happy if you do wait, and I cant comment on what happened but Iam sure it was not intentional.
I hope you both get back to vaping asap, I have been there and realized that having a back up was crucial for me. Many times devices I wont mention left me in pain and depressed from not medicating me properly or having to tinker with it to get it going right. I now have been fortunate to have at least 2 vapes in case of a vape-meltdown

I wish you both were near by, I would let you borrow my devices till you got your's !!!!!!
Look what I got in the mail today! Thanks Andy (@
ACE OF VAPE ), it fits like a glove! These need to come with ALL Nano stems, IMO.
Thats Awesome dude , look great!!!
I have had great success making these with the chop stick trick ,so I make a few to have as spares ready made. Its hard to center them so what i do is , once I push it in and it gets shaped I pull it back out halfway so the uneven top is exposed and trim away neatly with scissors.
They work great dont they???