
Lots of Ebay sellers offer 12 OD x 8 ID boro pieces for quite cheap. That is what I made my first all glass bodies from.....10mm OD is fairly weak for using with a vapcap I think.
:D You might have missed the point in doing this... I am looking to decrease the surface area of the inside of the draw tube.

Pipe’s VCIHs has made life butane free for me.

Been Fire Free. Life is simpler now, IMHO—if that makes sense. YMMV

No combustion required

That is my favorite implementation of the IH yet, @stark1 . Which unit is that?


I see....but then what are you comparing that setup to as far as the need to decrease surface area?


I have a preference for slender stems for my VapCaps. The bore in this is 5/32" [4mm] and a 7mm glass stem will have a 1.5mm wall also making it a 4mm ID.

Pipe’s PSM.
Naturally. :tup:

(In an EDC “toolbag”)

I didn't realize the PSM had that much stuff on the interface panel. Definitely liking the toolbag fit.

...and just to be sure these posts stay on topic - drool on! :D
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Anything worth doing, is worth overdoing.
I have been having some great sessions with my vapcap and the new IH. The two are just in-sinc with each other. On the very first heat cycle I go 2 seconds beyond the click, and then respect thereafter. This is the same for herb as well as concentrates wrapped in cotton.

With a torch I would get mostly flavor for the first 2 cycles and very little vapor. With the Caldron I get big tasty clouds from the beginning. Then the big hits don't end for a while. Even with an average size bowl the clouds just keep coming. I seriously don't even know where all this vapor is coming from. I've never gotten so many massive hits from such small amounts of weed.

God fucking damn. :goat:


Lonesome Planet

I have a preference for slender stems for my VapCaps. The bore in this is 5/32" [4mm] and a 7mm glass stem will have a 1.5mm wall also making it a 4mm ID.

I didn't realize the PSM had that much stuff on the interface panel. Definitely liking the toolbag fit.

...and just to be sure these posts stay on topic - drool on! :D

Tom, the VC tip is 8mm, how are you fitting it into a 4mm bore?

Call me vaped, & confused?

HMU, I’d be interested in buying one of your magical stems. :)

VapCap on.


Those will never be for sale... but you might find yourself with one someday @stark1 .

Oh, I see; the glass terminates a quarter inch short of the end. So the hole in the wood for the glass doubles for the VC port. However, I can step-drill the wood so the VC port is 8mm ID and the grip on the glass can be whatever I drill. This is easier from a setup standpoint. Same with the mouthpiece; I drill a 4mm hole for the mouthpiece and size the other end for the glass. What is strange about this material is that it girds the glass and holds fast even with a 1mm thick wall. I work this material in the green. It is kind of like wrestling a bear when it puts a death grip on the lathe's mandrel. Obviously a risky move as a good enough 'tweak' on a VapCap to the side could split the wood and you have a nice glass stem for your soda at that point.

And bottom line, I don't like toking on a glass straw. I really like the feel of this material as a mouthpiece. Learned that on the Launch Box. I now have 2 keepers for VC stems - the one pictured on the lathe and the glass hybrid. Now I just spin them for fun. Those worthy of being VC stems will find homes in the future as I continue to ferret out the remaining things I should know or need to learn about working what is normally junk wood.


Lonesome Planet
You should have lots of fun with a lathe while you hone your turns. G/L! :peace:

The important thing is that you physically have your hands on a lathe, to implement
Your soon to be VapCap stems.

For what’s it worth, from the curves of the stem you are working on, you seem to have a nice
Feel for the wood. :tup:


toke down Babylon
Newbie question:

What should I do if I combust?

Like, right away - immediately upon realizing I've overheated - what's the first thing I should do?

Right now I just blow OUT rather than suck in. Wait for cool down click, then clean.

Is there any better method to minimize the "damage" of char, flavor, smell, and general nastiness?


Starve the ember of oxygen before intervening.

BTW, anyone buy any xl condensers in the last 6 months that seem bulged in the section where the MP sits? I have 2 that are this way and the MPs are too tight to spin. I still need to contact DV about them.
I got one of those condensers to have some titanium tubing ...and to fashion a mouthpiece to make an XL. I just noticed a dent at the mouthpiece end on mine. It doesn't appear proud anywhere when I spun a blank mouthpiece on it. This is likely an over-tightening at a machining operation. I might suggest using something like a drill-chuck to 'reshape' it a little. Any 3-jaw chuck that can flatten the high spot. If you have the touch with metals, you could peen it into shape with enough :spliff: <<== patience, persistence, vape breaks, bigger hammers and a torch :disgust:
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Lonesome Planet
Newbie question:

What should I do if I combust?

Like, right away - immediately upon realizing I've overheated - what's the first thing I should do?

Right now I just blow OUT rather than suck in. Wait for cool down click, then clean.

Is there any better method to minimize the "damage" of char, flavor, smell, and general nastiness?

Don’t combust. Respect the click. :tup:

BTW, if you get an induction heater, like a well engineered/affordable one from Pipes,
You can “Fuck Combustion”.

Good buy, butane. :wave:
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Well-Known Member
Newbie question:

What should I do if I combust?

Like, right away - immediately upon realizing I've overheated - what's the first thing I should do?

Right now I just blow OUT rather than suck in. Wait for cool down click, then clean.

Is there any better method to minimize the "damage" of char, flavor, smell, and general nastiness?

Yes...this is pretty much what you do....does not matter if you blow it out just as it happens...your going to take it apart and clean it all out anyway. Unless you just continue to use it and let it wear Some actually do that...but for me...I can not stand the taste bastardization. is not that hard to combust with either a torch or IH. It happens more with torching because of torch size and amount of jets....but with either of them... it only happens if you go too far past the click....or predominantly for me anyway...if you heat before the cool off click happens.


Well-Known Member
One thing I see rarely mentioned that should be factored for newbies is wind and temp of the setting you’re in. If you have a fan blowing or ac on it delays the click and causes a combustion at the click. Consider that as well when you are thinking of how to not combust, especially out in the wild
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