Just another "Person Of Interest"
This thread moves way to fast. Simpler; motorcycle carb with the big-ass needle going into the metering hole connected directly to the throttle cable. That is the condenser in the Omni being pushed or retracted from the VC. It is a 'metering' function. The airport acts as a choke. Since VC's with condensers have two carb functions, we have 2 elements better defined than just calling the hole a carb. Remove the condenser and you have a carb 'to clear the chamber of smoke'. But the term "smoke' messes everything up in the urban dictionary for 'carb'. The M and XL still uses this metering approach, but at a fixed rate where feathering the airport adjust the 'fuel mixture'. That is what makes the Omni a lot more vape than say the M.
Normally closed airport... I'll let that rattle around in DV's chamber of secrets.
@TommyDee Thanks for an
Excellent and detailed description of the concept.

I seem to remember George, once saying, that the air port/carb, by Design was originally intended to be wide open.
For the air to Vapor ratio and to drop the air pressure inside the stem, helping to keep both condenser and stem cooler.
But he also said that obviously there will be people who want bigger clouds or more Vapor production and of course they can close off that hole to varying degrees to assist or feather it.
My preference, honestly, varies by the day.

And that is one of the biggest beauties of the dynavap that sold me on it.
The sheer adjustability and ability to customize not only the Cosmetic appearances with its modularity but also the ability to adjust your vaping at any time and customize your experience to your preference.

Many of us try to give advice to others from our own personal experiences.
But in the end, this is one of those subjective products, where there truly is NO right or wrong... Just what's "right" for YOU.

On a side note, I am not a mod and would never have any desire to be so because I would never have time to do anything else. LOL
With that said, obviously I won't call someone out specifically, but I'm pretty sure I speak for many of us, when I say, that snarky, condescending, jab trading back and forth between people gets old quickly, in a thread that moves at a pretty good pace and is on track to be two thousand Pages here shortly.
@Stu and @pakalolo have been very kind during the holidays, and let us all (myself, included) slide a bit on some of these. 0.o
I like to think that many of us are like a little second family up in here.
Let's All try to remember that when we have differences of opinion on various topics concerning these products.
Demeaning comments to each other during these discussions don't help solve anything or sway anyone to a particular point of view. They only create more tension and a further divide.
When I first joined this forum, I came to this thread in search of information about my new dynavap.
I STAYED because you are ALL awesome, and since May, when I joined, this has been a fun thread to come to, to trade info and tips,(no pun intended

It's OUR family, here!
Let's please treat one another that way.

I hope EVERYONE has a SAFE and HAPPY Holiday season!

Happy Vaping!

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