
Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Uggg!! I started back to work full time last week. Its a lot more fun to sit around, vape bowls and bullshit on the forums but sadly I need to get back to making a living.

The FC crew is definitely going to be my testing crew!! I'm totally open to suggestions and critiques.

@thejackalsmark I am thinking of remaking the OG in the 2.3mm glass. Is that something you guys are interested in? Anyone have feedback on how well the X rings stay in the original glass? While the tips are tight the condensers x rings dont seem to like to stick to glass.


Just another "Person Of Interest"
Uggg!! I started back to work full time last week. Its a lot more fun to sit around, vape bowls and bullshit on the forums but sadly I need to get back to making a living.

The FC crew is definitely going to be my testing crew!! I'm totally open to suggestions and critiques.

@thejackalsmark I am thinking of remaking the OG in the 2.3mm glass. Is that something you guys are interested in? Anyone have feedback on how well the X rings stay in the original glass? While the tips are tight the condensers x rings dont seem to like to stick to glass.

Hell yeah! 2.3 mm would definitely be a "solid" reboot for that stem! :tup:

Not sure on the O-rings, because I've only seen one that a friend owned, in person, once. Never got to own one myself. :cry:

Glad to hear you're recovering, well, and back to work... :clap:


Sorry to hear, you're...
"Back To Work". :rofl:

Stay High, man! :smug:

Happy Vaping! :mmmm::bigleaf:
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Just another "Person Of Interest"
This looks to be a profoundly groovy and yet enigmatic device (where's the traditional tip, for example?). Is it from the past or the future?

Old School, right there!
One of DV's first. :myday:

Too bad, jeers from the uninitiated of, "Looks like a crack pipe", prompted George to move AWAY from glass...
Just my :2c:

Bright side, because of that, we've gotten some of the coolest wood and metal stems from both
@VapCap as well as many very talented accessory makers. :nod:

But of course, glass is obviously one of the best mediums for vaporizing through, hence why he went with it to begin with. :tup:

Things generally come full circle in the world.

With more and more States going pot friendly, more people are seeing and using a wider variety of stems and don't instantly see a glass stem and equate it with a crack pipe! :clap:

We are now seeing incredible interest in glass pieces AND various glass accessories to ADD to them to enhance Vapor Cooling!

Plus there's nothing like watching your Vapor move through a beautiful glass piece, both to help gauge the effectiveness of your vaping as well as the cool Factor!

Happy Vaping! :rockon:
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Well-Known Member
@thejackalsmark I am thinking of remaking the OG in the 2.3mm glass. Is that something you guys are interested in? Anyone have feedback on how well the X rings stay in the original glass? While the tips are tight the condensers x rings dont seem to like to stick to glass.

Until quite recently, dynavap still had replacement glass condensers for the OG vapcap in the parts section. Just checked and they’re not there anymore. They had some kind of orangey-red o rings on them, if I’m remembering correctly


Well-Known Member
Uggg!! I started back to work full time last week. Its a lot more fun to sit around, vape bowls and bullshit on the forums but sadly I need to get back to making a living.
Sorry and congrats about going back to work. Today at work I am doing some work while day-dreaming of a carb-less Vong stem :)

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Well-Known Member
Hi guys, just wanted to share a few things with you:

I've bought my first Dynavap (the M) in June 2017. Feel in love with it and in the same year I bought the Ti Woody and the Omni XL, and been using it almost exclusively since then. Although I have other great vapes (Mighty, ELEV8R, Sb. Jr, Milaana), If I had to choose one to keep, it would be a the Omni. Now, I was waiting for the next gen of the Omni, because I think there's always room for improvements and I thought that sometimes the vapor would be a little harsh (a water piece fixes this, but I always liked the convenience of hitting it dry). I also love reading your comments, theories, kindness, techniques and jokes in this thread. Although I don't comment much, I'm always watching you (:freak:).

So, I kind of got tired of waiting for the new Omni and last week I ordered the Vortex stem with Intercooler from Simrell Collection. It's a bit expensive for a stem, but it's totally worth it. This thing is definitely the upgrade I was waiting for. It's like hitting with water, but instead it's dry. It's just simple like that. The piece is great quality, the finish is top notch (leveling the Omni or even better) and it's basically a new vape and I swear I'm not overreacting. The vapor is smooth to the point that it feels like I'm taking a small hit but then I exale and I'm shocked because it was such a big hit. I can now take much bigger hits than I was able to with the Omni and honestly, I'm not sure what's the next level with this thing (maybe an improved tip?). Anyway, I'm totally happy with it and I think you guys should try whenever you have the chance.


Just another "Person Of Interest"
Another view of a glass OG, from the past

Niiiice stems!
Lovin the turtle stash.
All it needs is a magnet on the shell and it's complete! :lol:

I do that now with virtually everything I see. "Hey that could use a magnet on it for a great heat sink" or "Hey that would make a great potential stem!" :rofl:

Oh ooooh...
What happened here? :o :bang:

Nice save, if that silver band is a repair job! :tup: :nod: :clap:

Happy Vaping! :wave:


New Member
Ok two interesting topics i recently thought about.
1. Mighty vs Vapcap Experience, (Mostly microdosed at home, on the go, like raves and parties mostly full chamber)
2. Different Experiences with different strains and temperatures (CBD is 180°. THC 170)

I feel like for high cbd strains i really have to go beyond the second click, but if i go to long i burn it,
i have the vapcap m 2019 do you stop directly when it clicks?
Mine has two clicks are there any temprature estimations?


Land of the long vapor cloud
Ok two interesting topics i recently thought about.
1. Mighty vs Vapcap Experience, (Mostly microdosed at home, on the go, like raves and parties mostly full chamber)
2. Different Experiences with different strains and temperatures (CBD is 180°. THC 170)

I feel like for high cbd strains i really have to go beyond the second click, but if i go to long i burn it,
i have the vapcap m 2019 do you stop directly when it clicks?
Mine has two clicks are there any temprature estimations?

I don't have a mighty so a cant help on that front.

How long have you had your M?

Most of the time I respect the click, if I go over I know I'm on borrowed time.
Two clicks mostly for me.

Temperature estimates.
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