Just another "Person Of Interest"
Same here. A kid’s view is always open minded. LOQ
Silly Kids.

Dynavaps (and related)
Are For Grownups, 18 yrs+!

Ya know...
ME, for example.

Happy Vaping!

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Same here. A kid’s view is always open minded. LOQ
Uggg!! I started back to work full time last week. Its a lot more fun to sit around, vape bowls and bullshit on the forums but sadly I need to get back to making a living.
The FC crew is definitely going to be my testing crew!! I'm totally open to suggestions and critiques.
@thejackalsmark I am thinking of remaking the OG in the 2.3mm glass. Is that something you guys are interested in? Anyone have feedback on how well the X rings stay in the original glass? While the tips are tight the condensers x rings dont seem to like to stick to glass.
This looks to be a profoundly groovy and yet enigmatic device (where's the traditional tip, for example?). Is it from the past or the future?
@thejackalsmark I am thinking of remaking the OG in the 2.3mm glass. Is that something you guys are interested in? Anyone have feedback on how well the X rings stay in the original glass? While the tips are tight the condensers x rings dont seem to like to stick to glass.
Sorry and congrats about going back to work. Today at work I am doing some work while day-dreaming of a carb-less Vong stemUggg!! I started back to work full time last week. Its a lot more fun to sit around, vape bowls and bullshit on the forums but sadly I need to get back to making a living.
Did the OG glass have a tip, or was it like a one hitter with a glass bowl? Looks like the cap just slips onto the glass.
Ok two interesting topics i recently thought about.
1. Mighty vs Vapcap Experience, (Mostly microdosed at home, on the go, like raves and parties mostly full chamber)
2. Different Experiences with different strains and temperatures (CBD is 180°. THC 170)
I feel like for high cbd strains i really have to go beyond the second click, but if i go to long i burn it,
i have the vapcap m 2019 do you stop directly when it clicks?
Mine has two clicks are there any temprature estimations?