
Just another "Person Of Interest"
The gospel, according to VapCap, ANY heat source can be used with a VapCap.
Here, in the 21st Century, we are spoiled, and use easy easy induction . ;)

As you can see from the picture, back, in our friend, Harry the caveman's day, the stems weren't very fancy and there were no stainless or titanium tips yet. :shrug:

Just a one hitter hollowed out in the end of the stem. :doh:

And you can see the inefficiency of his method of heating because you have that tell tale wisp of smoke, showing that he, of course, combusted. :o

They didn't respect the click yet, in those early days, either. :bang:

"We've Come A Long Way, Baby!"

Happy Vaping! :leaf: :smug:
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Vape weed everyday

Well-Known Member
I used to have a pipes PS Mini IH and always combusted going past click to get big hits so i sold it, everytime I combusted I had get iso out and it ruined my night.

At the click I got 5+ average hits and uneven AVB.

My lighter 2 fat fulfilling hits every time I like the heavy hits you feel in your chest, issue is outdoors using a flame is hard work with the wind, I'm in London and even when it's hot theres always wind.

So I'm conflicted I want the user experience of an IH with the hits a lighter a give.

FLUX heaters look interesting but the process to get one puts me off, if a vendor (vapefiend, vapewellness, hedonist club, urbanistic) stocked them id prob buy one just to have one.

I hear such positive feedback on I.Heaters I feel like I may have just had a bad experience and I need to try again.


Putin is a War Criminal
This should probably be over in Pipe's thread, but did you ask for help from the group when you were having troubles with your PSM? I have noticed very few folks who say they couldn't get it down and I wonder if there was a problem with yours.

Personally I have a JarHead, and I combusted a few times in the beginning when pushing to get the most out of my goods, but once I got it down combustion is VERY uncommon.


Well-Known Member
I love my Pipes Portside Mini IH, I have never once combusted using it. Just respect the click, then release the pressure on the heater switch, and I am good to go. I think even with using lighters, having two Dynvaps full and switching from one to the next helps let the opposite one cool. That way even if I am not paying attention, the one I cycled first will have had to come to the cool down click before I switch back to it.

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Well-Known Member
Induction heater was a game changer for me. I was always interested in dynavap but was hesitant because of the whole using an open flame and having to buy butane. Plus I feel very professional using an induction heater. it's easy can't really mess up if you respect the click, it's very elegant.
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