
Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
:mmmm::cheers: Ooh....musta missed the part about countersinking the 5mm borehole to 8.01mm. :doh:

My bad. (Tokes another take over the line). :spliff:

Changing airflowdynamics, not going to take advantage of the Venturi effect?

you didnt miss that part, I didnt state it...toke another take only as you wish

I learned to think about airflow when I was a flutemaker So I have an appreciation of the VC when I look at what it does via air columns Course most of it is above my level

I have ideas of ways to introduce airflow, but thats not the issue
Does the VC thing need to happen inside the bottom portion of the tip? and where in that bottom portion As the condenser does indeed enter the tip, if that is a must have, then George has a lock. There will have to be a nozzle sticking up in there...does @phattpiggie extend the intregal condenser up into the tip?

anyway I made a quick stemm 5mm bore countersink 8mm tip pocket
will post a pic ...just wondering what the vacuum pullers experience I may make a few
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The Universe is our endless supply
@danielj thats a great idea. I'd like to see both renditions. What are u using for the 8mm bore ive tried sae bits and the dimensions arent close enough. Working on some hand widdled pieces that look like biscuits lol. Some great ideas coming up the grape vine here! Beads and diffrent size air pathways oh my. @RogueGuy just wanted to say thanks for the orings will be having a try in a bit. Think I figured out pics. Got a backload of dynaporn otw soon.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
@danielj yes my condensers do extend into the tips but only in a bid to encourage the vapor to leave less reclaim in the Ti hot ends.
It still builds up but less so.

No venturi effect can take place unless there is a hole to allow air into the vapor path.
The main thing that changes that effect is the size of the hole.
The Omni keeps a constant hole size and relies on a needle valve set up to vary the effect.

Without testing it I'd imagine there will be some kind of cut off point where the hole is too close to the MP end.
Not in any way a scientific opinion but the way I see it is the closer the hole to the MP the less of an effect you'd achieve.

@Xclerk I get my Ti machined to 7.9-8mm. I used to use an 8mm drill and I'm sure @Ed's TnT uses 5/16", 7.938mm.

Be aware that the only time you drill an accurate circular hole in a piece of wood is literally minutes after you've drilled it.
The wood will change shape and size as it settles down after the abuse you've put it through.
Overly wet or dry wood will also change as it's humidity settles down.
What may be a good fit in a dry climate will change in a humid one and vice versa.

Anyone who has any questions on making stems please feel free to PM me I'm more than happy to share my findings over the last three years.


Child Of The Revolution
@danielj yes my condensers do extend into the tips but only in a bid to encourage the vapor to leave less reclaim in the Ti hot ends.
It still builds up but less so.

No venturi effect can take place unless there is a hole to allow air into the vapor path.
The main thing that changes that effect is the size of the hole.
The Omni keeps a constant hole size and relies on a needle valve set up to vary the effect.

Without testing it I'd imagine there will be some kind of cut off point where the hole is too close to the MP end.
Not in any way a scientific opinion but the way I see it is the closer the hole to the MP the less of an effect you'd achieve.

@Xclerk I get my Ti machined to 7.9-8mm. I used to use an 8mm drill and I'm sure @Ed's TnT uses 5/16", 7.938mm.

Be aware that the only time you drill an accurate circular hole in a piece of wood is literally minutes after you've drilled it.
The wood will change shape and size as it settles down after the abuse you've put it through.
Overly wet or dry wood will also change as it's humidity settles down.
What may be a good fit in a dry climate will change in a humid one and vice versa.

Anyone who has any questions on making stems please feel free to PM me I'm more than happy to share my findings over the last three years.
@phattpiggie , I don't know you, but you amaze me with your talent, skills, contribution to community and kindness to members. I see you daily on IG ( and usually comment) , and am blown away by your artistic creativity in the pictures you post. If I weren't currently impoverished, I would shovel money your way, and mean no disrespect that I'm not.
I loved hearing about the changes in hole size in wood. Thank you. That made my day, the way the pictures of your "opium pipe" made my yesterday.


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
@danielj yes my condensers do extend into the tips but only in a bid to encourage the vapor to leave less reclaim in the Ti hot ends.
It still builds up but less so.

No venturi effect can take place unless there is a hole to allow air into the vapor path.
The main thing that changes that effect is the size of the hole.
The Omni keeps a constant hole size and relies on a needle valve set up to vary the effect.

Without testing it I'd imagine there will be some kind of cut off point where the hole is too close to the MP end.
Not in any way a scientific opinion but the way I see it is the closer the hole to the MP the less of an effect you'd achieve.

@Xclerk I get my Ti machined to 7.9-8mm. I used to use an 8mm drill and I'm sure @Ed's TnT uses 5/16", 7.938mm.

Be aware that the only time you drill an accurate circular hole in a piece of wood is literally minutes after you've drilled it.
The wood will change shape and size as it settles down after the abuse you've put it through.
Overly wet or dry wood will also change as it's humidity settles down.
What may be a good fit in a dry climate will change in a humid one and vice versa.

Anyone who has any questions on making stems please feel free to PM me I'm more than happy to share my findings over the last three years.

thanks @phattpiggie for letting me know about your integrated condensers and your thoughts on venturi

see my pic on a quick and dirty experiment on 5mm bore and 8 mm pocket...sans integrated condenser. the stem is about 3/4" longer than xl.

my next experiment will be to deepen the 8mm pocket a bit and drill 4 small holes in the stem to introduce air into the tip area...venturi?
anytime you restict airflow in a tube via a choke, even a long one like the 5mm bore, you increace airflow speed and decrease pressure. The only cavaat I can envision is that if the choke length is way longer than the unchoked tubage i.e. the 8mm pocket, a venturi tube may be less effective

anyway, I will bet there is more than venturi going on in the VC design. I have been impressed since first seeing it...I commented at the time that it was a unigue approach for a pipe...putting a high speed chamber inside a slow speed chamer pipes that cool the smoke usually have a slow speed chamber, than a narrow stem(the high speed chamber) to the mouthpiece end


Lonesome Planet
A separate autonomous thread might be expedient, allowing those interested in the finesses
Of fabrication, and the material science of stems and bodies, to exchange ideas, develop new

Those of us not technically oriented could go back to discussing the merits of various VapCaps,
And accessories. And perhaps gasp for some air.

Awkward sauce?
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Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
I certainly hope my little bit of techno babble didnt really make anyone feel .... less

I myself do not have to venture out very far to find an infinate number of folks that can do circles around me on most any subject.

there is always a higher hill than the one we are standing on..if that makes us feel less...consider that there is also always someone standing on a lower hill. and all hills are under the sky of the universe...that puts all of us in our true place.


Land of the long vapor cloud
there is always a higher hill than the one we are standing on..if that makes us feel less...consider that there is also always someone standing on a lower hill. and all hills are under the sky of the universe...that puts all of us in our true place.

Now your just rubbing it in.

Not only a wood turning god, but a poet and philosopher extraordinaire. :rockon:


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
hey rogueguy....I just about fell off my stool good thing the lathe was turned off for the day

I wonder if we all went down that rabbit hole...who would hit bottom first!

oh, and I didnt mean to get all poetic on ya all.. but once I gotcstarted....rabbit holes indded

evrybody have a great weekend


Well-Known Member
So I got a pleasant surprise in the mail yesterday. Seems that the 2019 M that I bought from Planet Vape CA must have been from the faulty run of tips as they sent me a new one with the (noticeable) deeper grooves. I really didn't find the first one unusable just tight and being relatively new to the dynaverse all I've had to compare it to was my 2018 model which I'd only bought a few weeks earlier. Haven't tried it yet, (still experimenting with my new ti tip) might save it and buy a dynacoil for it sometime in the near future........

This thing might really be the VAS killer for me, especially if it ends up cooking concentrates properly !
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