
They're already super affordable and now they're on sale. I'm happy to support them. I hope they make a ton of money.
All of this we agree upon.

I’m still unclear as to why you tagged my post. You read the part where I said I’m always happy for a DynaVap sale and that I’m not ungrateful, right? That was what you replied to, so I would hope so.

As I’ve said now twice, it’s simply underwhelming compared to previous sales.


Well-Known Member
So I got my m 19 in this week. And I really feel like I need to get used to using it. My heat up seems very inconsistent, even combusted it once or twice. I have watched numerous videos, some reason I have not been able to get the hang of it, or maybe I was expecting different results.

I do wish there was a little less air restriction. Will have to keep going at it, i guess. I also find the body to be a bit small for my hands maybe need something with a larger body.
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Lonesome Planet
All of this we agree upon.

I’m still unclear as to why you tagged my post. You read the part where I said I’m always happy for a DynaVap sale and that I’m not ungrateful, right? That was what you replied to, so I would hope so.

As I’ve said now twice, it’s simply underwhelming compared to previous sales.

Underwhelming to you perhaps, but since y’all practically bought out the kaboodle (plus the good Karma)
During the pre-Sale, an time compressed between the two sales, we may have cause a shortage.

You boys are like little brats, spoiled silly. :love:

I am thankful for the pre-sale, I look at it like an extension of 4:20. Before 4:20. —And free mailing, to boot.

Go, 49-ers! Sorry, 4(1)9.

Yup. Less is more. :cheers::spliff:


Well-Known Member
I'm scouring the site to take advantage and realize... I don't Need ANYTHING right now from dynavap. I can wait for an updated omni. No desire for 2019 M. I have extra orings n ccd's, Caps n tips. No need for a cap jus because it says 419 (although I'm down with the gesture)...

I'm in a strange place where vas is oddly 'satisfied' at the moment??

I do require good batteries. Preferably LG h2 3000 mAh 20A.... Any CANADIANS that could point me to a trusted retailer?


Putin is a War Criminal
I’m not going to lie, 20% off and a 419 cap plus some leftover green Omni parts is pretty underwhelming as far as it goes.
Not that I am ever sad about a sale, and I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, but... I have to admit I too expected more.
Were it not for the M19 introduction sale I suspect folks might be happier with this sale, but coming right after that some are disappointed. Since I blew my wad for the intro sale I wasn't gonna be buying anyway unless there was something very special happening. Personally I think 20% off and free shipping (over a value) isn't a bad sale.


Well-Known Member
HI everyone. Wanted to see if anyone had info on this.

So when i first got my vapcap a year or so back, i had picked up a few extra titanium screens. The slotes were kinda small, and i would have to put in different screen some time during the week, no big deal overall.

Well, i picked up a used omni damascus, which i love and primarily use, as well as a woodscents which came wtih tip/cap/screen.

So i am not sure where i picked up this titanium screen but the slots are noticably wide making it easier to clean out and stay unclogged for the week.

Was there an update at sometime where they made the slots larger on the titanium screens, and maybe just most of mine are the older version?

Just wanted to check because i would prefer to use the large slotted ones, but don't want to order in case this may have just been a one off or maybe an older version and then then slimmed down the slots.



Take my money
For owner of both devices, do you think that the Titanium Omnivap really worth 2.5 time more money more than a M19?? I would really like to try an omni, but I find the price a little exaggerated if I compare it to the M...


Well-Known Member
For owner of both devices, do you think that the Titanium Omnivap really worth 2.5 time more money more than a M19?? I would really like to try an omni, but I find the price a little exaggerated if I compare it to the M...
I have: the glass OG, the M18, the M19, M18 Kharma and Omni XL
The difference between the glass oG and the M18 is the biggest difference and step up in the Dynavap line.
Is the Omni Xl worth 2.5/3x M19's price?
Absolutely not, but it's due to material cost and machine engineering Titanium that makes the price go stellar. Experience wise, you have 90% of the Omni Xl experience with the M18/19.
Do i regret it? Not a second: i love Dynavap's vaporisers, and i'm happy to help them grow and the Titanium is so light that it is a nice addition to my collection.
But i wouldn't say to a first time user to buy an Omni Xl, he'd better start with the M line, very affordable and you get a lot of experience with it first, to see if you dig it.
Then you'll see if you like to try some cool features like lightweight titanium, first heat-up with big tasteful clouds whereas the M18/19 needs the second heat-up to achieve that much and carb-hole that can be almost entirely closed to use the Omni Xl with only one hand.
But when there's a sale... Titanium is very appealing though ;)

edit: I first thought as a lot of us i suppose (that was months ago):
"Damn! that price, i will never buy some metal the price of electronic devices..."
then i went deeper in the idea of that price: what will last longer between an electronic device (with a lot of parts that can go wrong, and cost money in, say, 5-10 years) and this piece of engineering that won't cost me anything and will last forever...
On the long run Dynavap>any electronic device.
Last edited:


Take my money
Thanks Hopla for your help, I already own a shadow M, but the look of the titanium so amazing! But the price vs the 57$ M19.... think I’m gonna wait for the new Omni.... hope they came out soon!

Monk Debate

The monks do be debatin’
Thanks Hopla for your help, I already own a shadow M, but the look of the titanium so amazing! But the price vs the 57$ M19.... think I’m gonna wait for the new Omni.... hope they came out soon!

If you don’t care about the Omni condenser, you can use the Dynabuilder to get a Titanium stem, XL condenser, Ti mouthpiece and Ti tip for $108 with the sale.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Hopla for your help, I already own a shadow M, but the look of the titanium so amazing! But the price vs the 57$ M19.... think I’m gonna wait for the new Omni.... hope they came out soon!
you're very welcome ;)
You may have a good idea there, i'm sure the next Omni will be something special!
I just hope i'll be kind of immune to it, as i have already spent too much lately :p


Well-Known Member
Were it not for the M19 introduction sale I suspect folks might be happier with this sale, but coming right after that some are disappointed. Since I blew my wad for the intro sale I wasn't gonna be buying anyway unless there was something very special happening. Personally I think 20% off and free shipping (over a value) isn't a bad sale.

In my opinion, the sale price point for the M represents the true value for the device. The normal retail prices are a bit harder to justify, especially for parts. I didn’t buy the 2019 M but instead got the 2018 plus a Ti tip because I lost my 18 tip and gave the stem to a friend. So my buddy gets a tip to complete his vape, and I get a Titanium enhanced M with all the benefit of the airflow of the 19 plus more.

Other thoughts:

* Unless they radically redesign and improve the 2020 M and the Omnis, I don’t really see how they could continue to create buzz. I’m not paying for some metal carved out of an existing design and being called “new and improved”. Frankly, it’s a tool that already does its job really well, so it must be a challenge to come up with better iterations annually.

* This year they have had a strong marketing push that I noticed when all the YouTube reviewers came out with videos praising the 2019 M almost all at the same time, with very similar notes about the features. Looked like a product launch affiliate strategy. Also the 419 thing is definitely an attempt to market themselves to the non-stoner crowd and to distance themselves from the negative pothead image that people associate with 420 or with weed in general.


Well-Known Member
"Damn! that price, i will never buy some metal the price of electronic devices..."
then i went deeper in the idea of that price: what will last longer between an electronic device (with a lot of parts that can go wrong, and cost money in, say, 5-10 years) and this piece of engineering that won't cost me anything and will last forever...
On the long run Dynavap>any electronic device.

My reasoning exactly! I almost bought the HR Fury2 for 420 because I read it performs well with the type of material I use. Ended up getting another M. The Vapcap hits the spot - although I do wish it were possible to use it over extended times, and that is where the electronic devices shine.


Well-Known Member
My reasoning exactly! I almost bought the HR Fury2 for 420 because I read it performs well with the type of material I use. Ended up getting another M. The Vapcap hits the spot - although I do wish it were possible to use it over extended times, and that is where the electronic devices shine.
yeah! I loved that extended time allowed by electronic devices.
Until I bought some more Vapcaps:
now I load my 2 M18, my M19, my Omni XL, I grab my induction heater and I don't see what more I could wish (but I keep on buying vaporisers... I'm very proud I resisted the Splinter Z's appeal, to end up buying the Plenty...No logic in passions)


Well-Known Member
I just noticed that Dynavap updated their user manual. The font colours at the top have been reversed, some of the spacing is slightly adjusted and all of the images of the 2017M have been replaced by the 2019. Tips are now scalloped instead of square and reflect the new serpentine design, and the o-rings have been changed from black to grey. It still looks to me like they're suggesting that you stick a piece of shit in your Vapcap though.



The Dynavap website still shows the old manual, but if you click the download link, you get the new one.


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
Happy 420 everyone!

Hope the weather clears at least a little (unless you need the rain, in which case, enjoy!).

Happy 4/20 to you and everyone here as well!

I received my 4/20 present to myself today, and I've been putting this big ol' steamroller through it's paces with various vapes, including my Vapcaps, and it's lovely with them! All the flavor.



Well-Known Member
Happy 4/20 to you and everyone here as well!

I received my 4/20 present to myself today, and I've been putting this big ol' steamroller through it's paces with various vapes, including my Vapcaps, and it's lovely with them! All the flavor.


Wow that thing is huge, what a great present for yourself! Enjoy :drool:
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