Well-Known Member
Ha well thankyou FC I have managed to order a Omni XL locally but only got a 10% discoun
All of this we agree upon.They're already super affordable and now they're on sale. I'm happy to support them. I hope they make a ton of money.
All of this we agree upon.
I’m still unclear as to why you tagged my post. You read the part where I said I’m always happy for a DynaVap sale and that I’m not ungrateful, right? That was what you replied to, so I would hope so.
As I’ve said now twice, it’s simply underwhelming compared to previous sales.
I’m not going to lie, 20% off and a 419 cap plus some leftover green Omni parts is pretty underwhelming as far as it goes.
Were it not for the M19 introduction sale I suspect folks might be happier with this sale, but coming right after that some are disappointed. Since I blew my wad for the intro sale I wasn't gonna be buying anyway unless there was something very special happening. Personally I think 20% off and free shipping (over a value) isn't a bad sale.Not that I am ever sad about a sale, and I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, but... I have to admit I too expected more.
I have: the glass OG, the M18, the M19, M18 Kharma and Omni XLFor owner of both devices, do you think that the Titanium Omnivap really worth 2.5 time more money more than a M19?? I would really like to try an omni, but I find the price a little exaggerated if I compare it to the M...
Thanks Hopla for your help, I already own a shadow M, but the look of the titanium so amazing! But the price vs the 57$ M19.... think I’m gonna wait for the new Omni.... hope they came out soon!
you're very welcomeThanks Hopla for your help, I already own a shadow M, but the look of the titanium so amazing! But the price vs the 57$ M19.... think I’m gonna wait for the new Omni.... hope they came out soon!
Were it not for the M19 introduction sale I suspect folks might be happier with this sale, but coming right after that some are disappointed. Since I blew my wad for the intro sale I wasn't gonna be buying anyway unless there was something very special happening. Personally I think 20% off and free shipping (over a value) isn't a bad sale.
"Damn! that price, i will never buy some metal the price of electronic devices..."
then i went deeper in the idea of that price: what will last longer between an electronic device (with a lot of parts that can go wrong, and cost money in, say, 5-10 years) and this piece of engineering that won't cost me anything and will last forever...
On the long run Dynavap>any electronic device.
yeah! I loved that extended time allowed by electronic devices.My reasoning exactly! I almost bought the HR Fury2 for 420 because I read it performs well with the type of material I use. Ended up getting another M. The Vapcap hits the spot - although I do wish it were possible to use it over extended times, and that is where the electronic devices shine.
Happy 420 everyone!
Hope the weather clears at least a little (unless you need the rain, in which case, enjoy!).
Happy 4/20 to you and everyone here as well!
I received my 4/20 present to myself today, and I've been putting this big ol' steamroller through it's paces with various vapes, including my Vapcaps, and it's lovely with them! All the flavor.