@voodoo_vape !!
For sure, Clipper is a really good lighter (spanish device lol) i own many of them, but no one like this. Think today go to my local store and pick someone

How much goes with a charge?
To your question, i have not answer because i'm a newie hear

ya lo se! In Spanish products, and women I have to add here

, we trust!

The amazing thing about this little lighter is that it can definitely give you more than 25-30 caps easily..it'll last me several days on personal usage..
By the way, welcome to FC Furnias and happy vaping amigo!
Well I just tried it again and I still don't like the taste. I heated up at top and middle with a single flame torch, got a few nice size hits. Two hits per heat cycle. The taste is just not there. I was expecting better taste though. Definitely feel the effects, don't want to bash this device at all. But I think I will stick with my Fury 2. I really wanted to use this as a quick hitter to stop smoking cigarettes completely. Like a quick hit when I wanted a cig. Well thats it, I wouldn't go on and on. I'm just felling a little disappointed. I will keep on practicing though.
having two hits per cycle is too little I'd say.. it sounds like you're 'overheating' the cap and you're getting really strong and thick hits.. try heating the cap with the edge of the flame and not the 'thick' part of it. As soon as you see that vapour production is getting less, then you move your flame closer to the cap. On average, you should be getting 3-5 hits per cycle with 3 of them fairly big and cloudy.. And of course this depends on the quantity that you're putting and to a certain extend on the bud quality as well..
VC is the closest you can get to a joint feel and taste..especially on the feel.
Reg the metal taste that few people have been mentioning, personally I don't find this metal taste annoying at all, if there is any.. on the contrary I like that feeling where I know that I can hold the M with my teeth and it is more likely to break them rather than the vape

The 'shadow' taste is much more pleasant and 'weirdly' nicer than the M...and I think that it hits much better than the M as well...
@KidFated. What you just described earlier with the tweezers is siiick dude... so i guess in that case you wouldn't have to roll the cap around to get it clicked, right???