I got my first Vapcap around Christmas of last year and took to it almost immediately. The first one I got was a Darkwood Ti OmniVong XL, followed a Shadow M a few days later. After finding this site and Pipes induction heater, I went on a bit of a buying frenzy in early January.
That frenzy resulted in me receiving a Portside Mini (thanks
@Pipes), two custom stems (thanks
@Ed's TnT), parts for said custom stems, a Blackwood NonaVong and replacements for broken and defective parts from Dynavap all within a period of about 7 days. It was a pretty fun week.
Like the folks over at Dynavap, I also am fond of things that serve multiple functions, so I thought I'd show off my goodies and offer up a new logo for the forum (apologies if this has been done already)

On another note, for those of you keeping track of these things, I noticed what I think is a snapshot in the development of the Vong stems.
I'm not sure if this has been covered in one of the Dynavap videos, but as mentioned, I purchased a Darkwood OmniVong XL, which is the current model being sold (pictured at top), the stem in the middle is my broken Blackwood stem (sending this back to Dynavap shortly) and you can see that the carb hole and logo are pretty much identical to the Darkwood. The stem on the bottom, is the replacement sent to me by Dynavap for the broken Blackwood stem, and I believe this is an older model as the carb hole is about half the size of the other two, and the Dynavap logo is about double the size and in a different location:
The other thing I noticed was that my Darkwood stem has slightly rounded edges particularly around the tip end, and the edges along the body are a lot smoother than either of the Blackwoods as if they've been sanded down. I much prefer the feel of the Darkwood, the difference in feel when holding them is subtle, but noticeable. The odd thing is when I look at images of the current Darkwood Nona and OmniVongs, they look more like my Blackwood stems with the sharper edges, so I'm not sure if mine is a one-off. Can any other Darkwood owners comment?