
Unknown Member
Might be more revealing with your black M on the ice, and snow
Should you “loose” it?

Either way, hope you catch some whoppers! :o

Stay warm, Bro.
Funny you say that, I dropped my blue ti vapcap in the snow yesterday and thought it was a goner.. two wet knees and ten frozen fingers later I was a happy boy with a soaking wet vapcap.

I need more xl dynatubes..

Maybe if the roads are good I’ll drive to prince’s house.. Paisley Park isn’t too far.

Brian Patrick

Well-Known Member
There were a few post above talking about Induction Heaters.

My friend who smokes cig's, has a USB Coil Lighter/Heater almost what use to come in cars. I don't have the knowledge, but his lighter can say on for 15 seconds at a time. If someone could find a way to have the coils run up the sides, we could have a pocket friendly flameless heater that would work with our Dynavaps.


Well-Known Member
ok so I think I have tried teh omniXL enough and asked enough questions and read around enough to feel at peace with it.

I'm in search of some M guidance/tips now.

I tried the M for like one like half bowl when i first got it. but it was literally my first attempts with vapcap. kinda worked and I was like ok interesting. then i moved on and tried the omni and started having all my problems and experimenting trying to figure out why the expensive fancy thing was having trouble.

so i feel good about understanding the omni now regardless of how I feel about it.

So I went back to the M to give it an honest session and I felt like I couldn't even draw on it this time. I was getting no vapor but my material was getting toasted. It felt like the cap was making a perfect seal on the tip or something. I tried backing the cap off the tip a bit to give a little more airflow but no dice. it was really baffling. using 4 flame torch.

If I had the carb covered it was like sucking on a pencil. open carb = airflow but no vapor.

I pulled it apart, popped the screen, re-seated the orings. didn't seem to make a diff. I dumped my slightly toasted but not enjoyed chamber and loaded it in the omni and got a big juicy.

gonna break it all the down and clean it and start from scratch with the M. looking for any tips or ideas to list out for when i go to "work" with the M tonight trying to master it.

I feel like a moran struggling with these.

Anyone here being the owner of an Interplanetary Development Silo XL for his/her Vapcap?
If yes - are you happy with it? And how much ground herb fits approximately into the storage part of it?
I would be thankful for your information! :)

I orderd 2 XL silo to go with my omniXL purchase and the M and I figured I'd get the extra XL extension in case I ever needed a bigger chamber. I never vape out, so not sure why i did that lol.

the main chamber that holds the vapcap had a bunch of like brown gross stuff on the bottom inside (like where the cap would rest when inserted) It was like rust almost, but it's aluminum, it's probably like sputter from the coating application??

I tried like hell cleaning it out. but only minor improvements. The outside looks great. the inside you can see the paint/coating like where it didn't make full coverage (or wasn't supposed to be inside at all?) so the inside finishing where you store everything and its touching/rubbing while stored is ehhhhhh. I figured if I ever go to use it, I'd put a pad of cotton or something at the bottom and maybe at the mouthpiece side too just to reduce clanking around and would also serve teh purpose of isolating from the internals a bit. doubting if I'd use the smaller storage area to store anything regularly. you can use the XL extension piece on either side to make more storage. you could use 2 extensions to have an XL VC and and bigger storage.

I thought about contacting to see about swapping out, but saw some other posts about the same thing and it's a cheap little accessory that was even cheaper with BF sale. I also got a SWii which is great so far and a couple of launch pads which are cool.

I will see about loading up the chambers if I can remember next time I grind, because I was wondering that too, but figured the XL extensions could be doubled up really so you could have XXL material side. lol
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Well-Known Member
@2hrs The SS M tip seems very restricted to me can use it with the Ti tip from the Omni instead, but it’s still possible to get vapor from the M tip, it just works much better if you suck on it like a straw.

You can try pulling it directly to your lungs (which I do, at least with the Ti tip, but the restriction can be tough), or you can pull some vapor into your mouth and then into your lungs as a second step - the “mouth pull” technique you may see people talking about.

A lot of people are used to smoking joints that way and are good with doing it, but if (like me) you’re not used to that it may take some practice.


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
@Dynavaper I'd say the herb storage on the Silo stores around 6-8 loads of the VC's small bowl setting if packed loosely.

You could pack it in harder but then you might have issues getting it out. And the Silo can generally suffer from the weed getting compacted at the bottom and a key or something is required to loosen it up enough to suck out as you get down to the bottom.

I recently ordered the xl extension tubes to enlarge the herb side rather than store an xl vapcap in the other side..

I love the compact and discreet nature of the case despite its weed compacting issue. It sits in my jeans pocket without even noticing it. But with a jacket the preferred dynastash is used.

Your M troubles may be solved by a different lighter. Double, triple, single... Whatever you weren't using before (in terms of carb open use) i always use carb open in my VCs, and sometimes i stop getting the desired results with my triple so the double gets used for a period. Maybe it got colder, maybe my recent weed purchase is different.. Whatever the reason a lighter change can make all the difference.

Also try other heating routines. Maybe first heat stick on the end of the cap for a gentle warm up, then second heat hit the bottom of the cap and go a second past the click for a big hit.
Or vice a versa... Many of the very experienced and happy members here have very different usage styles... I'm sure that at some point you'll suddenly have great success.

But also many live the SS tip over the TI tip, but i find the SS almost usless compared to the Ti. I can get it to work, but never as well as the Ti.
Could i try harder to make the SS work for me? Probably but i can't be bothered as im SO happy with the Ti.

I can't comment on carb closed options, because i don't ever do that as for me it results in less/no vapour and is too hard to direct inhale (others use the smoking/mouth pull style here.. Or glass)

But over packing your bowl or cap too pressed on may be contributing factors?

I appreciate this all sounds stressful and anoying and very un simple, but once you start having success the curve quickly continues in that vein.
In 20+ months of almost daily VCing i can count on one hand the times/days I've scratched my head and asked myself why it's not going so well today... Normally i think it's just the weed ive bought ain't so great.

And re: Silo case
What you see inside is just the finish not properly covering those hard to reach areas. The manufacturer explained this and said it won't chip off. And my many months of use agree with this.
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Well-Known Member
Some people have modded their Ms for more airflow .....

Try it without water~ you will be BOOM!:brow:

I also like the 18M a lot, the air flow of the 18M SS tip have so much improved, I also filed the tip, the air flow is very close to the LE 7fins ti tip, even better than one of my oldest Gen5 5fin ti tip. I think its not only because the double helix goove outside the bowl, i found the first fin next to the bowl have slightly smaller diameter, compared to the old design, there is 5 to 7 fins with same diameter to all fins, the air only get in the cap thought the groove on the first fin. SO the smaller first fin VS tiny groove on fins, smaller fin allowed a lot more air to get in the cap, i.e. better air flow, this smart small change have very good improved result:tup:


I should also say that some have regretted doing the mod too.

Personally I prefer an unmodded M18 tip for normal stem uss and a modified tip for water use.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys - just wanted to drop in....I haven't kept up with the VC thread for quite some time...just moved too fast and a bit to busy for me to keep up with.

But, I'm still enjoying my glass OGs, my Ti tip on a Phatt Piggie stem, and my fav which is a Ti tip in a DDave mod glass gong stem that I use with an FC-187 water piece.

Is @Squiby , the queen of VC, still hanging out on this thread? She was so much help to so many people as this product was fast evolving. Hi Squiby :wave:


Well-Known Member
I like da “M” the way it is?
Yes, but that's probably because you go through water mostly IIRC. I filed my Sandblasted M and liked the results. I'll probably do the same on the Shadow. Really looking forward to getting it although I may end up giving it away pronto. I'm finally winning a couple of mates over :tup:
I got some no-name herb thrown in with my last deal (sometimes I think I prefer living in an illegal territory - more real, you feel me? ). Not very smelly, big cola, long tendrils - he said it was “light" and it is but it's a sneaker-upper and an all over feelgood grinner :D - definitely one to keep for discrete holiday season hits. Anyway, I gave the full chamber OG a rare couple of runs with Ye Olde Vertigo triple flame lighter and it was pure magic :rockon: It's kind of the best Vapcap experience - anyone agree? :D:leaf:


Yes, but that's probably because you go through water mostly IIRC. I filed my Sandblasted M and liked the results. I'll probably do the same on the Shadow. Really looking forward to getting it although I may end up giving it away pronto. I'm finally winning a couple of mates over :tup:
I got some no-name herb thrown in with my last deal (sometimes I think I prefer living in an illegal territory - more real, you feel me? ). Not very smelly, big cola, long tendrils - he said it was “light" and it is but it's a sneaker-upper and an all over feelgood grinner :D - definitely one to keep for discrete holiday season hits. Anyway, I gave the full chamber OG a rare couple of runs with Ye Olde Vertigo triple flame lighter and it was pure magic :rockon: It's kind of the best Vapcap experience - anyone agree? :D:leaf:
U have your way 4 sure?
I have my way 4 sure?
Da “M” 4 me da way it is?
Da “M” MODIFIED 4 some?
FREE THINKING is acceptable!
Do what U want?

There is not a right or wrong way 2 do anything?
Just a way!

Do what works 4 U!


Karma Farmer
@mrb, sometimes, while reading your posts, I think that we might be twins, separated at birth, one enjoying his Vapcap in the UK, one in Germany... ;) Seriously, our Vapcap usage seems to be very similar concerning preferences and expectations. Don't forget to say Hello if you ever come over to Germany! :wave:


Well-Known Member
@Squiby is a female???

Mind blown

There are more women here than I expected when I signed up. If you want to know who else is female, you can click on someone's name or picture and it’ll list their gender along with location (assuming they entered that info - sometimes it just says something like “Whale’s Vag” for location...but you wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?). ;)


Karma Farmer
Yes, I ask my wife for access to her Diego everyday. Now I know why it doesn't work. Language barrier... She probably does not know that it means 'Vagina' in her own language. ;)

Achtung! Alles Touristen und non-technischen Looken Peepers!
Das Diego Control is nicht fur Gerfingerpoken und Mittengrabben. Oderwise is easy schnappen der Springenwerk, blowen Fuse, und Poppencorken mit Spitzensparken.
Der Diego is diggen by Experten only. Is nicht fur geverken by das Dummkopfen. Das Rubbernecken sightseenen keepen das Cotton picken Hands in das Pockets, so relaxen und watchen das Blinkenlights.
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Well-Known Member
thanks for the pointers everyone. not gonna give up yet. but i've been feeling like my seshes feel like research and work that are leaving me more annoyed then relaxed.

as far as mouth pull, im a former blunt guy so I was trying every pull technique on that M.

gonna try some other lighters too. Does anyone have any pics of the SS tip mods?

And re: Silo case
What you see inside is just the finish not properly covering those hard to reach areas. The manufacturer explained this and said it won't chip off. And my many months of use agree with this.

I can see the finish part not covering everything, but this is like brown splatter. When I tried to swab it out with q tips and some alcohol during my pre-clean of any equipment i get, the q tip came out brown and gross like I had stool sampled my bum. on both of the silos, its only on the device side, not the material side, so thats why I kinda wasn't that worried beause I'd probably cover with cotton (or cork, thanks for the pointer). the material side didn't leave anything gross on the q tip, but also didnt look like rust, just looked like it wasn't painted all the way.

Maybe I'll try to take a pic down the hole.
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Zangano Cruel

IG zan.cru (code) zancru (5% NV checkout discount)
This message has just dowsed my Omni fire.

Being a poor man in the UK i felt the prices for the M where to high for what it was. "a metal pipe" i thought , I Understood the Bi-metal and knew it was genius ......Thx to all the hype i got one £40 to the door. Bang instant love few fks ups on the way but the efficacy "bang for ma Bud" -then the finish the crafting and thought to the minor details and the finish ohhhh such a nice finish smooth shiny and not a rougth spot on it. All of this made me look hard and strain more to NOT buy a omni. Price was the ONLY factor - ofc being a poorpa right now it was a big one. I WAS goning to pick u an omni next year but im gonna pass now.
get yourself a Ti Tip, I know is a steep price, but you'll be really happy.
The Ti body imo don't change performance or flavor, but it makes it a beauty and super light weight and durable.
I have the 2018 M, the Shadow, the Omni XL Ti and 2 OG glass ones.
Ti tip makes wonders in the regular and Shadow M's indeed.
Stay vaped.

And for those sporting a Ti Tip in an Omni or an M, I felt that sometimes the Tip was leaning slightly to one side, like Pisa Tower, so I removed the first O-ring, that one that makes no sense and sits next where the Body and Tip metals join, now the Tip sits flush in both bodies and no effect in performance.
Now the Omni and Ms looks better, without that ugly grey O-ring showing off ;)
Stay vaped.
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