
Well-Known Member
I wonder if some of the sinus pressure issues are more related to the restricted draw, rather than the vapor.

Well, for me, I cover the hole 50% throughout the entire hit . Then, I just remove the M from the bong and clear it. I couldn't hit the M with the carb hole 100% of the time as it does seem very restrictive. I think covering the carb 100% is meant more for mouth to lung rips compared to direct lung.

Well I found the cure for Dry Mouth at night... Orahealth XyliMelts Discs at Amazon... you just stick one of these things to a rear tooth and your dry mouth problem is solved. One works well. They sell them in various size packs so you can save a little if you buy more. I tried them out before I bought a bunch. I think most Cannabis users suffer a little dry mouth. I don’t except at night, maybe because I’m always hydrating during the day. Hope this helps. :)

Glad to hear you got your situation figured out. In all honestly, I would like to avoid taking any sort of medication (even if it's something as simple as a saliva stimulant) as solving the problem naturally would be great. Even if that means slowing down on vaping.

I just find it weird I wake up in the morning with straight chap lips as well as throughout the day, my mouth just feels dry no matter how much I drink. Therefore, if I chew gum, it sort of helps.

Lady V

Well-Known Member
I feel like this might have lead to sinus pressure
Vapcaps pack a punch. If my math is correct, you're doing between 24-63 heating cycles. And that would wear my throat out too. Hydrate, drink lots of water and make sure you have water with you for your sessions. And you might consider using a water piece.

I've gotten to the point with my vapcaps that I pretty much only use them through water using my DDave Water Wands through a 14mm water piece. Good luck.

I wonder if some of the sinus pressure issues are more related to the restricted draw, rather than the vapor.

This interests me very much! Having had issues with my respiratory system since I was 12, I do experience some sinus pressure when I overdo it... Do you guys think that a waterpiece would make a difference on that end? (still haven't gotten around to buying that tiny Chinese bong).


Well-Known Member
This interests me very much! Having had issues with my respiratory system since I was 12, I do experience some sinus pressure when I overdo it... Do you guys think that a waterpiece would make a difference on that end? (still haven't gotten around to buying that tiny Chinese bong).

I find with my little water piece I have a lot less air restriction as when I use the vapcap native but then I use the mouthpull technic.

Lady V

Well-Known Member
I find with my little water piece I have a lot less air restriction as when I use the vapcap native but then I use the mouthpull technic.

I only use the mouthpull technique because it feels more natural to me as an ex-smoker. Along with the degummed hemp fibre filter I got no issues with hot vapour. But I do get sinus pressure when I go overboard with the amount of flower and the frequency of sessions...


Lonesome Planet
This interests me very much! Having had issues with my respiratory system since I was 12, I do experience some sinus pressure when I overdo it... Do you guys think that a waterpiece would make a difference on that end? (still haven't gotten around to buying that tiny Chinese bong).

@Lady V , I believe that given some water the water helps to both cool the hot vapor, and filter any
particulates which may be present. It is easier on one’s lungs.

The bubbler’s effect is preportional to size, and the amount of water used.

If you are active outdoors, there are small pen bubblers on the market; however, because of the nature of water, it is more suited for the great indoors.

There are coil glycerine glass which can be refrigerated and used outside, but while glass is class,
it can be a pain, being fragile.

There has been silicone bubblers of late, like Eyce molds—liked by some.

A small glass bubbler, under $10 bux, mailed (if you are a patient sort) from China


I like this pendant bubbler ( even if it is male, and a bit heavy )

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Lady V

Well-Known Member
@Lady V , I believe that given some water the water helps to both cool the hot vapor, and filter any
particulates which may be present. It is easier on one’s lungs.

The bubbler’s effect is preportional to size, and the amount of water used.

If you are active outdoors, there are small pen bubblers on the market; however, because of the nature of water, it is more suited for the great indoors.

There are coil glycerine glass which can be refrigerated and used outside, but while glass is class,
it can be a pain, being fragile.

There has been silicone bubblers of late, like Eyce molds—liked by some.

A small glass bubbler, under $10 bux, mailed (if you are a patient sort) from China


Got no issues with my lungs to be honest. As I mentioned earlier the combination of the mouthpull technique, the degummed fibre filter and mostly heating in the middle of the cap leads to a very cool and comfortable vapour. I usually get sinus issues if I fill half the bowl with flower. That amount is out of my league.

Btw that last bubbler you posted is the one I will definitely buy!


Well-Known Member
I just love my tiny glass bong, it's perfect for the Vapcap: the right amount of water, the draw is effortless and the taste is less harsh but 95% as plain as when you use the Vapcap dry.
I have a Matrix sidecar but never use it: it annihilates the flavour of the Vapcap and the IQ, it is a hassle to use with the StickyBrick Junior (mini bubbler next to come).
I'll use this big Matrix bong with the Elev8R, the only vape that can handle a big bong.
The tiny bong rests in the palm of the hand, can be with you everywhere in the house (bathtub too) and you can easily fiddle with it if you don't like the splash when you draw too hard.
I thought it was a gadget, i end up using it most of the time with my Vapcap.


Well-Known Member
Company Rep
For at home, I highly recommend this one;

Along with something like this;

So you can run 2 at once for great lung pulls that will leave you wondering if you combusted as there is s much vapor. This is the best way to overcome any restriction.

Edt; Sorry, but, I really dislike that mini bubbler, not as bad dry, but just look how much hose is needed to not get wet lips.


Well-Known Member
For at home, I highly recommend this one;

Along with something like this;

So you can run 2 at once for great lung pulls that will leave you wondering if you combusted as there is s much vapor. This is the best way to overcome any restriction.

Edt; Sorry, but, I really dislike that mini bubbler, not as bad dry, but just look how much hose is needed to not get wet lips.
yes it's the problem with such a tiny bong, you have to master the technique.
I can use it now without the whip (it was for a friend that was messy :) )
i just put the least amount of water i can and i use it inclined (that comes naturally), but i don't draw very hard on my Vapcap i'm more of a slow/long dreamy drawer ;)

Always in the 10" joint mini bubbler+whip combo, there's this very cheap solution that seems fine (and for 6$...)
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Well-Known Member
Got no issues with my lungs to be honest. As I mentioned earlier the combination of the mouthpull technique, the degummed fibre filter and mostly heating in the middle of the cap leads to a very cool and comfortable vapour. I usually get sinus issues if I fill half the bowl with flower. That amount is out of my league.

Btw that last bubbler you posted is the one I will definitely buy!

For me, it isn't my lungs as well. It's literally my sinuses as I can feel my nasal passage tighten up sometimes (even let out a little squeal noise when it releases some of the pressure). I also feel my head tighten up as well as even my right ear feeling plugged (as if I'm on an airplane / high altitude). It's very weird. I literally feel the pressure within my sinuses if that makes sense, but nothing directly towards my lungs.

For at home, I highly recommend this one;

Along with something like this;

So you can run 2 at once for great lung pulls that will leave you wondering if you combusted as there is s much vapor. This is the best way to overcome any restriction.

Edt; Sorry, but, I really dislike that mini bubbler, not as bad dry, but just look how much hose is needed to not get wet lips.

I agree, I have a piece exactly like this. I use this one (https://www.dhgate.com/product/2014...irdcage/214701656.html#s1-8-1b;srp|1734478327) and my M works perfectly with the provided bowl.

Thanks guys for the answers though relating the sinus issues as well as if I am over doing it. The dehydration is for alot as now that I know I vape alot of weed, I also use a sub-ohm vape as I use to smoke cigarettes. So I can only assume the vape from the weed + the vape from the sub-ohm e-liquid is TOO much vapor. Not sure which one to decrease, but one of them has to be dramatically reduced.


For me, it isn't my lungs as well. It's literally my sinuses as I can feel my nasal passage tighten up sometimes (even let out a little squeal noise when it releases some of the pressure). I also feel my head tighten up as well as even my right ear feeling plugged (as if I'm on an airplane / high altitude). It's very weird. I literally feel the pressure within my sinuses if that makes sense, but nothing directly towards my lungs.

I agree, I have a piece exactly like this. I use this one (https://www.dhgate.com/product/2014...irdcage/214701656.html#s1-8-1b;srp|1734478327) and my M works perfectly with the provided bowl.

Thanks guys for the answers though relating the sinus issues as well as if I am over doing it. The dehydration is for alot as now that I know I vape alot of weed, I also use a sub-ohm vape as I use to smoke cigarettes. So I can only assume the vape from the weed + the vape from the sub-ohm e-liquid is TOO much vapor. Not sure which one to decrease, but one of them has to be dramatically reduced.
someone else jump in with more than my mostly anecdotal evidence, but I think I remember hearing that PG in e-cigs dries out sinuses? I know I used to get killer sinus headaches if I vaped too much e-juice regardless of the different nicotine strengths. I rarely get that since switching to mostly vapcaps.
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