Somewhere North of The Wall
Plazma lighters aren't particularly dangerous, but they simply wont work with VCs due to the cap being conductive, sorryI asked about those when I first joined here (because I’m a nerd and have been looking for a reason to get one, plus WINDPROOF) and someone told me it was a bad idea, but I don’t know why. Maybe screw up the metal, hotspots, or electrocution?
Someone with a plasma lighter and no fear of electrocution, please attempt and report your findings?

Tha Plazma lighters create an 'arc' that is essentially a sustained spark, between two points.
Introducing any conductive material between the points will simply prevent the formation of the arc which produces the heat used to light cigarettes, by conducting the current instead of allowing it to form an arc.
Apologies if you were talking about something else