can we actually see the collection? Those tubes look amazing but they look no different than my own
Its an addiction or is it madness.Honest question for those with 6+ VapCaps:
Why do you have so many?
Is it purely for the aesthetic differences? Is it so you can have them spread around in all different locations so one is always close?
I can see having a few different ones like an M, an omni, an XL, a Vong. But why so many of the same type?
Genuinely curious.
I prefer carbless stems for a couple of reasons.I see that all of these aftermarket long stems do not have a carb, is a carb preferred but just not offered
I was about to ask @Squiby about cleaning such a long stem
Honest question for those with 6+ VapCaps:
Why do you have so many?
Is it purely for the aesthetic differences? Is it so you can have them spread around in all different locations so one is always close?
I can see having a few different ones like an M, an omni, an XL, a Vong. But why so many of the same type?
Genuinely curious.
Its an addiction or is it madness.
Very interesting perspective! That’s why I ask! I usually always use the carb, as that’s what I’m used to, since I used to use glass, before converting! It also makes sense in the aspect of the “stock” stems all have the carb, so it would make sense that an aftermarket stem would have the option to go carbless! You have a beautiful collection by the way. I’m literally obsessed with exotic woods myself, so having the ability to build and design my own stems is exactly like you said “playing LEGO’s” !!!I prefer carbless stems for a couple of reasons.
I have sensitive lungs and prefer to toke using a small mouthpull followed by inhaling fresh cool air with my vapor. Coupled with a filter, the vapor becomes cool and as smooth as silk. I can get high with out any lung irritation and a absolutely no coughing.
The other benefit is that I don't need to pay attention to where the hole is; just heat and toke.
Some of my stock Vapcaps have the orings moved down the condenser to block any air intake. My Omni condensers are locked down all the way. Others are used as intended, with my finger controlling the action.
I do switch up the technique, but my favorite way to get there is on a carbless stem.
I use a long Q-Tip moistened with ISO. They are 6" long and double tipped. A few passes through the condenser cleans them up.
Then I push an alcohol wipe through the condenser for a final pass.
Some people collect teapots, others collect salt and pepper shakers. Go figure... I have unintentionally become a Vapcap collector and I love it!
Why Vapcaps?
A large collection takes up very little space.
The modular build brings out a child like glee in me while playing around with the components. LEGO for stoners.
They are beautiful!
They are functional!
They are pure artistic creations that don't require a lot of exotic material.
It is fun using them in rotation.
There is always a clean Vapcap close at hand.
I have them all over the place. Some are in my workshop, some in the garage, others in the bedroom and a few in the living room. Some are used out on the porch. One lives beside the tub and is heated with a candle during a nice soak. Some are used for concentrates and are fitted with a concentrate pad. There are those that are designated for daytime sativas, others for evening indicas. Some only come out for company while others are with me on hikes through the woods. Some are waiting to be gifted to a special someone who demonstrates a desire to FC.
Each location has a stash or decorative box or pouch of some sort to house the Vapcap(s), hence another collectable....
Oh, and Vapcaps are the best vaporizers!!!
Did I mention that they are beautiful???
Is it madness??? Yes, it's a total insanity.
Having a bunch of Vapcaps will make your heart swell and burst! So, get rid of that bulky teapot collection and get yourself a bundle of Vapcaps and maybe some nice containers...
Honest question for those with 6+ VapCaps:
Why do you have so many? Genuinely curious.
It's actually perfect! Just barely on though, so the flame is less than an inch. Hold the cap right where the flame stops. Takes 5-10 seconds to click depending where I hear. And since it's a giant camping propane tank it just sits on the table, I don't have to hold it. But I will definitely be getting a handheld one for portability in the futureGet a smaller flame. Propane torch = giant not so good flame for Dynavap.
That is awesome! I feel like now I understand people's love affair with them because you can appease VAS by just buying different parts instead of whole new devices all the time haha.Yes you can. Vapcap components are modular, so you can mix and match parts. The stainless steel midsection on the M is a stem length - 62mms long and can be replaced with a VonG stem which is the same length.
Like this...
There are lots of choices and combinations for replacing your stem. You could go for a VonG body which is 45mms long and add a spinning mp.
Or you could buy an XL condenser with a spinning mp to go along with a VonG stem to make your Vapcap an XL.
Or you could go for an aftermarket wood stem from our artists on the forum. Here is one of mine made by the esteemed @phattpiggie. Snakewood with Blackwood ends.
My metal clad Vapcaps don't get hot, but I use a small single jet Aomia lighter and keep the flame as low as it can go without sputtering. A large torch is way overkill.
Below is my lighter next to two of my favorite Vapcaps. The titanium and niobium stems were made by the incredibly talented @stardustsailor.
Basically, the choices are endless..... But that's how we like it.
I think George likes everyone, and that is part of why everyone likes him. Just part, tho, as George has qualities rarely visible from a company owner, even when they have similar qualities. George goes out of his way to be sure that we are HAPPY Dynavap customers. And we repay him by spreading the word. And buying more VCs, of course. An admirable guy who stands out from the rest.@Willy, I think George just likes you, and from reading your post, I can see why.
For some of us who have been along for the ride since early on we wanted to keep up with the tech as it improved. From all glass to other more natural materials, through various tip designs and indestructible metals and brilliant concepts. George has helped other vendors develop on his platform which has brought even more innovation, variety, and imagination that benefits us all. To be honest, the only reason I don't have more than I do is financial conditions, or I'm sure my hoarding tendencies would have take over and I would have dozens and would be a better customer for our resident artists.Honest question for those with 6+ VapCaps:
Why do you have so many?
Using them with glass exclusively I have no need or interest in a carb hole and tend to block it permanently. The negative pressure glass provides makes it unnecessary and would reduce the cloudiness I go to glass for.The lack of carb hole is the preference of at least some of the people making them, and I think users are a mix. Some like a carb hole and always leave it open, some want nothing to do with a carb hole, and I think most of us like to have it and we cover it at least part of the time.
but wait, teapots can surely be re purposed into bongs?get rid of that bulky teapot collection
@Squiby i enjoy seeing pieces of your collection every time you share.I prefer carbless stems for a couple of reasons.
I have sensitive lungs and prefer to toke using a small mouthpull followed by inhaling fresh cool air with my vapor. Coupled with a filter, the vapor becomes cool and as smooth as silk. I can get high without any lung irritation at all and absolutely no coughing.
The other benefit is that I don't need to pay attention to where the hole is; just heat and toke.
Some of my stock Vapcaps have the orings moved down the condenser to block the air intake. My Omni condensers are locked down all the way. Others are used as intended, with my finger controlling the action.
I do switch up the technique, but my favorite way to get there is on a carbless stem.
I use a long Q-Tip moistened with ISO. They are 6" long and double tipped. A few passes through the condenser cleans them up.
Then I push an alcohol wipe through the condenser for a final pass.
Some people collect teapots, others collect salt and pepper shakers. Go figure... I have unintentionally become a Vapcap collector and I love it!
Why Vapcaps?
A large collection takes up very little space.
The modular build brings out a child like glee in me while playing around with the components. LEGO for stoners.
They are beautiful!
They are functional!
They are pure artistic creations that don't require a lot of exotic material.
It is fun using them in rotation.
There is always a clean Vapcap close at hand.
I have them all over the place. Some are in my workshop, some in the garage, others in the bedroom and a few in the living room. Some are used out on the porch. One lives beside the tub and is heated with a candle during a nice soak. Some are used for concentrates and are fitted with a concentrate pad. There are those that are designated for daytime sativas, others for evening indicas. Some only come out for company while others are with me on hikes through the woods. Some are waiting to be gifted to a special someone who demonstrates a desire to FC.
Each location has a stash or decorative box or pouch of some sort to house the Vapcap(s), hence another collectable opportunity...
Oh, and Vapcaps are the best vaporizers!!!
Did I mention that they are beautiful???
Is it madness??? Yes, it's a total insanity.
Having a bunch of Vapcaps will make your heart swell and burst! So, get rid of that bulky teapot collection and who really needs more salt and pepper shakers??? Get yourself a bundle of Vapcaps instead and maybe some nice containers to go along with them..
@Squiby I came on board just after the og 7 fin tip...really sorry i was late for those.
They just have such a distinctive look... love it!
While I like having the historical perspective and owning several different tips, I am pretty confident that each tip was an improvement over what came before, and the current Gen6 tip is the best I have used. That being said, all of my tips perform well and the difference between them is not huge while still being noticeable.
If I were looking to buy a used VC I would not be discouraged from buying anything from Gen4 (7fin) on. I think many still like the Gen4 best, tho I do not.
My favorite use of the SS tip is on the end of a DDave wand in glass.
Ebay...Same here. Would be really nice to be able to get some legacy versions...
Does anyone know why exactly the steel tip doesn't have the same 3 grooves on the very end like the titanium tip does? I have the M and I'm convinced just by comparing the two tips that the titanium one would give a much better airflow. So I'm wondering if the decision was to reduce costs or if there was a more functional reason.
Has anyone cut grooves into the steel tip and noticed an overall improvement?
I second that! The dynavap community is phenomenal. I have yet to have a bad expirience!A happy customer is a repeat customer.
From the start George has strived to make buying from DV a good experience.
On occasion some slip ups occur but that's to be expected when dealing with so many people.
No other vape company has a community of users like Dynavap and it's a community I'm proud to be part of.