I tried twirling it while inserted, no different from just holding it still. My unit has a top hat insert that is removable for easy cleaning, I insert the vapcap fully in the middle of the hole (it does not hurt anything if you touch the sides) I just tried it hands free, just sat it in and let it balance by itself, got to first click in about 7 seconds with the 2nd click less than a second later, rinse and repeated 5 times and thought I combusted on the last because of the amount of vapor and less than great taste, dumped the abv and it was milk chocolate brown, the load was not even singed but by fucking oath I am.

Edit; Probably better off not leaving it hands free as it is leaving melty marks on the inside of the plastic top hat(I didn`t hear the second click as it was so fast after the 1st click, I suppose the cap was getting a bit hot for it, I wonder what I can use to stop the melts.(pay more attention I suppose.)