Well-Known Member
For the Price and hype, I was expecting something brilliant, and it just isn't.. It's no different from a vaponic
I have a vaponic and a vapcap right here and I can tell you it's different. I can also mention that it's the exact same price for the glass vapcap as the glass vaponic, and the wooden vaponic plus costs more than the steel vapvap.
Vaponic gives better taste and the vapour is cooler and smoother. It does not give as thick vapour and it doesn't hit as hard, and obviously it's far more fragile even in Plus form. It's harder to use as well, since you need to either time yourself or watch the weed very carefully, whereas the vapcap you just listen for the clicks.
Newcastle, I've got no worries about wood flavor, that wasn't me. I'm worried about smell escaping and about weed debris ending up on the inside that I can't recover and smoke.

Dry weed is harsher and doesn't taste as good, I've got some right now and I've set my brand new Woody Ti XLS aside until I get some better, it's not worthy of my Woody. That's not a factor for me though, I don't expect any container except a glass jar to keep weed from dehydrating so I don't put it in anything else except to take out and smoke. I mean vape.