
Well-Known Member
comparing to others vapes is vapcap making you more coughing ?
I have very sensitive lungs, but I have found that the Vapcap is the least harsh of any vaporizer I've tried. I've been able to smooth out the vapor even more by taking mouthpulls, smaller hits and placing a degummed hemp fiber filters between two CCD screens. The filter stops tiny irritating particles from entering the condenser and into your lungs. It also keeps your condenser very clean and you can visibly see that there are no tiny bits sticking to it.


Well-Known Member
i find coughing is very helpfully for me, it helps me increase capacity of my lungs before bed, provoke my lungs but same time after short time my breathing is deeper and sleep become better.

i got aswell sticky brick orginal but im not coughing by this vapor so i pick vapcap at night , maybe first 10min isnt so pleasure but then i sleep well all night :hmm:

thanks for your replay :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have a G2 dynastash? Finally got mine that I’d custom ordered a few months ago.

Love it, it’s georgeous, but surprised that even though it’s a dual garage there’s only one magnet on the front. Not a huge issue and don’t want to email Dynavap about it, was just confused as I expected there to be 2 magnets on it for the 2 vapcap it holds. Anyone else with a G2 stash, does it have one or two magnets?

I have a couple extra magnets around the house but not sure how I’d go about attaching another to the stash without ruining it I think.


Lonesome Planet
i find coughing is very helpfully for me, it helps me increase capacity of my lungs before bed, provoke my lungs but same time after short time my breathing is deeper and sleep become better.

i got aswell sticky brick orginal but im not coughing by this vapor so i pick vapcap at night , maybe first 10min isnt so pleasure but then i sleep well all night :hmm:

thanks for your replay :leaf:

RU shure it is not how you medicate, but what you medicate with?

Try some melatonin, it is a natural hormone which your body produces less and less as one


I sleep like a rock—despite Moose mating snores in the middle of the nite. :zzz:

But, if VapCap works for you, why fixit. :spliff:
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Well-Known Member
Try the 2018 M first.
If you like it (and trust me you will) you can upgrade to an Omnivap at a later date.

That’s good advice for someone trying to pick up a VapCap without spending too much, but for a new user with the money I think the Omnivaps are easier to learn and get right, plus the load size is adjustable in the Ti tip which can help a lot in figuring out what works best for each of us.

Either one is a good way to go, but there’s a trade off between expense and ease of use. Not that the M is hard to use, but unlike the Omni which you can dial in by turning the mouthpiece, if you want to adjust the airflow on the M you have to do it manually with your finger on the carb each time. Not a huge deal for most people, but more complicated for people who aren’t familiar with that type of airflow regulation.

Also, if I was just about to pick up my first VapCap I’d probably wait until the livestream next week to see what George is going to announce. I don’t know what it is, but there’s some chance it will change some purchasing decisions.


Well-Known Member
The ones I've seen have two magnets but I think with a custom order you need to very specific.

Did you request a 2G 2M Dynastash or just a 2G Dynastash?

Hmm never heard of 2M, I suppose I didn’t specify 2 magnets on it. Just a dual garage XL. If I remember correctly, a few months back when they had a couple of G2s on their website, they all had dual magnets. Maybe I’m misremembering.

Truly it’s just for aesthetics I think, I don’t see myself ever cooling two at once, but it looks more proportional with two, and makes good resting places.

However, no big deal, I will learn to live with the one magnet. And now I have a gorgeous two-tone cocobolo stash that matches my two tone vong!


Putin is a War Criminal
I found it necessary to sand out the hole in my new Wenge XL stash to comfortably handle my XL Vong. It would hang a little, and I figured why not enlarge it a little. It didn't need much. I used a wood dowel with some sandpaper wrapped around it. 10 minutes later all was well...

BTW, I DID do it outside to avoid any potential issues with the wood dust.


Unknown Member
I found it necessary to sand out the hole in my new Wenge XL stash to comfortably handle my XL Vong. It would hang a little, and I figured why not enlarge it a little. It didn't need much. I used a wood dowel with some sandpaper wrapped around it. 10 minutes later all was well...

BTW, I DID do it outside to avoid any potential issues with the wood dust.
If I ever get it out, that’s my plan..


Well-Known Member
If I remember correctly, a few months back when they had a couple of G2s on their website, they all had dual magnets. Maybe I’m misremembering.
I think that you're right that all the ones listed had two magnets. Way back a couple years ago, the custom stashes were refered to in this way to describe the features.

Please, please, post a picture of that Cocobolo stash. In fact, how about a family picture?:clap:

Fuckkkkk.. my Blackwood with cocobolo mp is STUCK in my wenge dynastash..

At least I had a backup Omni with
Now, how in the world are you going to get that outta there? :huh:


Putin is a War Criminal
Mine was not caught too tightly and I was able to grab it with a needle nose pliers. Good luck...

If you have a hemostat (didn't we all have one as a roach clip) you could stick it inside and open it to grab it. Just a thought...
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