
Just a dude
Dang I got 3 of the 5 items in my cart before the 40% expired, but the items is my cart remained @ 40%. Got through the ship info & the site crashed. Came back up in a few & items still in cart at discount & got to the same point again & crashed again. Then when up again, all item prices reverted back. Damn, so close.:doh: Just needed to enter my payment info (a quick copy & paste) & process order. :ugh:
This is pretty much my experience as well. On my third attempt, both parts & accessories pages were "under construction" presumably while the prices were being reset. Very frustrating and anxiety-inducing way to start my day, I sent Joe a very nice (not frustrated) and we'll see what he says.

I'm struggling to understand WTF they're hoping to accomplish with these "Windows of Opportunity", tbh. If DV know their infrastructure can't handle the traffic, then the goal is to crash the site on four random occasions and piss a bunch of loyal stoners off? What a buzzkill. I wonder how many orders were placed before the crash. I hope it was a substantial amount. By making us order as guests, it increases the odds that you won't get through; it also increases the stress of filling all in the fields correctly. I'm trying to keep it in perspective: it's just a sale, none of it's essential, you still got 20%, etc. but shit like this pisses me off.

Nothing about that experience was fun. It was a dissatisfying, frustrating experience. Opposite of fun.

You would think that after the crashes of sales past, DV would want to avoid more technical failure on sale days. Instead, I guess getting your hopes up for nothing is meant to be FUN! I feel like I've been trampled in a cybersale stampede, before my first cup of coffee and morning attitude adjustment. I'll stop now!

Sorry for the rant, folks... I think I'll pass on the three clusterfucks yet to come and just enjoy 4.20!


Well-Known Member
got nothing of my 40% as well with the bad gateway but comeon 40% for 20min, what can you expect DV beside overloading your website, i have still the cart of yesterday with an omnivong and a free m 2017, i sent an email to Dynavap but im not sure they will be able to answer and give back the 40%; damn


Just a dude
@condor020 ^ AGREE ^ These guys are smart, way more clever than I am. So I can't believe that nobody said, "hey wait a minute, let's think this through..." I really hope that DV has a back-up plan. They have a history of taking care of their customers with top-shelf service so we shall see what they say. I keep typing and deleting, lol! Going to bite my tongue and sign off for a time. See you cats later!

Worse news for those throughout Europe: That was likely our best shot at the big 40% discount. Most of North American shoppers were asleep for the first one. No way can my bandwidth compete...:D

:leaf: HAPPY 4/20! :leaf:


Lonesome Planet
The gateway (20 minutes) is meaningful, and symbolic, but an irritant when the gate is so
narrow, the site will crash each and every time with the thundering hordes comin at ya, DynaVap!

X4. The running of the 4:20!


Ahh, it’s all in the fun. Glad I took my happy pill. :lol:

Happy 4/20, y’all! :leaf:


Long Island, NY
I'm struggling to understand WTF they're hoping to accomplish with these "Windows of Opportunity", tbh. If DV know their infrastructure can't handle the traffic, then the goal is to crash the site on four random occasions and piss a bunch of loyal stoners off? What a buzzkill ...

... it also increases the stress of filling all in the fields correctly.

I guess getting your hopes up for nothing is meant to be FUN! I feel like I've been trampled in a cybersale stampede, before my first cup of coffee and morning attitude adjustment.

... I think I'll pass on the three clusterfucks yet to come and just enjoy 4.20!

You had me in stitches! :lmao: No one can deny that you are truly colorful with your words. :lol:

Well, of course, I was highly disappointed, but I did not allow myself to become frustrated, although everything you say is true. I said to myself, 'look, it doesn't matter, all that matters is that I'm still breathing & I woke up to live another day. So it's already a good day.' You'll have your cup of coffee, make your attitude adjustment & it'll be a good day. Just sit back, relax & enjoy 4/20 the way it's meant to be. :)

From a couple of people who posted it looks like they just threw that 1 vape they wanted in their cart & ran with it. Got in & got out. Just in case the 40% comes around again, & I'm lucky enough to catch it (which I highly doubt), I now have everything I want already added into my unregistered cart. So if I can get in, I can just hopefully process through quickly before it crashes again.

I'm not a fan of this type of flash sale, not only because you have to keep an eye out for the sales while you're still doing life's necessary things, even sleeping, but even if you manage to catch it, then you have to contend with website & internet limitations. It's fine if you're a kid taking the day off, hanging out in front of your computer screen all day & pressing the refresh button; it's both fun & frustrating, like gambling. But at middle-age-dom, it lacks a certain dignity of how I want to treated as a customer. I want to be afforded the same sales as everyone else, but I don't want to have to jump through hoops for it & combat things I can't control. I'm beyond spending my day being wedded to a computer screen & have no need for add'l. frustration in my life -- have had a lifetime of it already.

The gateway (20 minutes) is meaningful, and symbolic, but an irritant when the gate is so narrow, the site will crash each and every time with the thundering hordes comin at ya,

Well said, stark!

Yes, @Hogni, it is like a lottery, but I can control when I choose to buy my ticket to avoid the masses. :D

You know, it would really nice, if doable, if when you're in your browser on your computer & a DV sale pops up, if there could be a little red dot that appears on the DV tab like it does in yahoo mail when you get new mail. Sure would beat refreshing or checking out social media sites. Edited to add: Or even better, you know how when you're logged into dhgate, when you get a message or system check, not matter what tab you're on your hear that distinctive bell.
Have a wonder 4/20 everyone. Party hardy! :leaf: :spliff: :cheers:
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For the world is hollow and I have touched the sky
Happy 4/20, friends! :D

I haven't been online much lately, but my VapCaps still get daily usage -- as does my Skeletor induction heater! ;)

I'm glad I checked out the current sale, as I'd have totally missed that sweet Customized 4/20 Cap. Turns out I couldn't resist, I had to snag a couple for myself! Can't wait till they show up!

Also, I didn't realize the straight Ti-Woodys (Ti-Woodies?) were discontinued until I was catching up on the last 20 or so pages of the thread. Wow, I guess my old Blackwood one is a collector's item now. :sherlock:

I recently switched from my XL Omni condenser back to my Cocobolo spinning mouthpiece in my NonaVonG because I had been running it all the way open anyway. I forgot how much I liked the feel of the wooden mouthpiece vs the metal one. I'm sure I'll put the Omni back on it eventually -- or maybe I'll slap the Omni on my Blackwood stem... That's the beauty of the modular design... :nod:

Anyway, I hope everyone is enjoying their day! (And making the most out of the current Dynavap sale!! :rockon:)



Fat Freddy

I wouldn't doubt that DV knew full well the bottleneck that would be created due to the built-in limitations of their server(s) as they really don't want to allow EVERYONE a 40% discount, nor even that discount ON ALL OF THE ITEMS that they hoped to buy. And giving them the benefit of the doubt, the 20 minute window was probably thought of as a way to put "fun" into the process.... but it wasn't...at all! Or as Summer mentioned, maybe some of us are just showing our age! :rofl:



Well-Known Member
Hello gents, is it possible to get a NonaVong wihout a airway hole in it and no mouthpiece? I'm having a hard time put together that configuration on the website. Please help!
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Staff member
I love their product and from what I can tell it is a neat little company. Because of that I love to give them my dollars rather than someone else. I really respect their customer involvement. They have gone a long way to create raving fans.

I hate these types of sales, flash sales, black Friday sales... Anything where I have to jump through hoops-get up in the middle of the night, be at the right spot at the right time, monitor some bullshit social media site to buy your thing.

I'm an awesome customer to have. I have a nice amount of disposable income and I'm obsessive so if I have to have something I have to have all versions of that something. I'm also not one of those super anal about every detail customers. If it is two days late I probably won't be they guy blowing up the Internet bashing your company because it was supposed to be here Tuesday. I don't make a lot of returns-all in all I'm a pretty understanding guy. In my three months of vaping this has worked out quite well for some of the vendors and artists on this site.

I wish I could just always have the respect of receiving a companies best price. In return I won't make you guess which 20 minutes of the day you need to log on to sell me something. I'll pay upfront before I even receive the item. When I have a problem I'll bring it to you instead of the masses.

With all that being said...lots of people respond to these types of sales, that is why they are done. If I was DynaVap or Lettuce Wrap I'd be doing it too.


Long Island, NY
In return I won't make you guess which 20 minutes of the day you need to log on to sell me something.


Everyone is just so damn funny today. It's either that you all began your 4/20 partying super early or just lack of sleep.

@DorianGray, send an email to info@dynavap.com & ask them to make you a vong stem without the carb hole. Then they or you can mount it on a standard condenser w/ a tip & cap.
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Well-Known Member
Hello gents, is it possible to get a NonaVong wihout a airway hole in it and no mouthpiece? I'm having a hard time put together that configuration on the website. Please help!

All the Dynavap midsections, including the VonGs come with air ports. You can block the airports in various ways. I like to move one of the inner condenser xrings between the airport and the tip. This will effectively block the air intake and this modification is not visible from the outside.

To get a NonaVonG with no mp, you can choose either the lightwood,


Or the dark wood version,


Both of these models sport a stem length midsection and no mouthpiece.

If you want a midsection VonG without an airport, you can buy some stunningly beautiful after market VonG stems from @Winegums or from @phattpiggie.

@Winegums has an Etsy store.


@phattpiggie can be contacted by PM. He has a waiting list and will post when he's taking a new batch of orders.
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Just another traveller in the Cannaverse
@Squiby I would also add that you can put a standard condenser into a Vong body, or an XL condenser into a Vong stem and push it all the way into a Ti tip with the screen set in either the smallest or 1/2 setting effectively blocking the air inlet with no mouthpiece. This won't work with an M tip.

For me it's the perfect way to use with my J Hooks or WP.


Well-Known Member
I am following Dynavap on FB now to follow the sales. I am wondering now if other people will know I am following Dynavap? I dont wear my habit on my sleeve so to speak.
I don't think so? I mean, Facebook will know. But I don't think unless you share from it that people can see pages you've liked. I don't think there is a friend's list type area for followed pages
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