Lonesome Planet
I don't really need anything for now, but I'll buy the 2018 M, and yay I'll get 2 free lighters.
I like supporting dynavap plus I miss the M since I gave my 2017 model to a friend, who totally wrecked it btw hehe.
I wish DV would sell concentrate pads that fit the vapcaps.
BTW doe's anyone know what the M stands for? I feel like I knew this but forgot.
What does “ Model T “, or “ D-Day “ mean? Take a guess.
Likewise for Model M.
Geo, I believe, said that when the durable entry level SS/Metal sleeves were introduced,
after the more fragile wooden sleeves, they were talking about what to call them.
“M” seemed like a natural.
& to this day people keep

Go figure.
Whatever you call it, it works for me. My Micro-dozer. My M’.
—Progression in the Evolution of Basic VapCaps: Glass. Wood. Metal.

The M.

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