@StringTheorista sure. Though the h/t belongs to
@phattpiggie the inventor of the technique.
I use my '18 M tip on a PP 100mm stem for this. I heat to the click in the IH and take a couple of mouth pulls and then drop the tip back into the IH for a couple of seconds without waiting for the cool-down click, and then take another couple of mouth pulls and repeat that if I can until there's no vapor left. It's an intense experience, and I cache the .1g load in a couple of minutes. I've almost combusted once, but only almost and only once. As with all things when you go 'around' the click feel is very important. You'll start to get a feel for how long you can reheat without consequence-I usually heat to a count of 4 at least twice during this process, but most are only to a count of 2 or 3. It's dependent on the quality of the vapor and how deep into the 'session' I'm in as to how much I reheat.
And it's a fun intense experience. As PP says, going the normal route of heating and cooling to the click gets you high, doing Sip & Dip gets you stoned.
I'm not sure if anyone is doing this with a torch. If any of you are, please chime in. I wouldn't mind learning to do this while out in the wild.