Well-Known Member
So, Spannabis sadly came to an end! I can't believe it was so good: to be honest, I did not expect it to be so incredibly FUCKING GOOD. I've spent both days helping a bit the Dynavap - Vaposhop team (I never thought they were actually *so* close). We have had the chance to try the induction heater (which is amazing, but may require heating a bit past the click if you are a cloud chaser) and to talk a bit with George and CIA about the future of the company (don't worry, I don't know any hard secret; but even If I knew, I wouldn't be allowed to share it here). Today we actually managed to sell a OmniVap XL to a Spaniard who had never seen a VapCap before (that's a success, considering the average budget of a Spaniard). We also had the chance to try several CBD and THC concentrates, as well as several good quality different weeds from here, from there and from everywhere! But, what's more important, we were able to increase the DynaVap Family. Even if only one of the new customers is happy (which I can already tell you that there is more than one who is happy, cos they came back to say that they really liked the device that just bought a few hours ago), what we did is worth it.

What else...? I'm just writing as it flows in my head, so it's not the most consistent explanation of the event that I could possible provide. Anyway, knowing these amazing people was an unforgettable experience that I hope I'll be able to repeat next year. They are incredibly nice. I don't know how many times I've said it, but all the crew was amazing! I feel honored they actually let me spread the love for the VapCap and vaping in general while helping them a tiny bit the language. They were vary warm! I hope to see them all next year (or even sooner!).

I also want to have a few words for @phattpiggie, who is an incredibly nice, talkative, warm, chilling and lovely person to share your time with. Not only this: he actually gave me one of his lovely carbless stems! I'm soooo incredibly happy... I just can't believe it! When he said that this morning I felt very special. In the end, a HUGE HUG. I really hope he's back next year. It'd be amazing to see you again, man! :')

Also, for all of those around Europe, consider coming next year! I can't really say so, but it seems to me that the VapoShop - Dynavap collaboration (in and outside Spannabis) will only grow bigger in the future. And even if not, it will be great to meet up! There is lots of stuff to see (and show) at an event like this one (from drinks and edibles to big machinery that reaches the 100,000 euros to make extractions and any imaginable thing related to weed you can actually think of).

With love,
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Vapoleon Bonaparte
Yes really, worth a try.

No im in an eastern eu country, so I wasnt in BCN.

It is not easy to get good material here so I well apreciate every bit of it.
Meaning the stems/twigs/ ramas are also welcomed :)

And the effect is not just OK with the VC, i think it is better than from other vape, so this is why I asked if any of You ever felt this incredible BRUNCH/LIMB/TWIG/STEM effect that I noticed using the M.

Vapes are not so common here either so im really glad i have some US made VC which is not sold in any shops here but form Vapefiend ;)
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hotboxing the cockpit
We have had the chance to try the induction heater (which is amazing, but may require heating a bit past the click if you are a cloud chaser)

Did anyone manage to combust using the IH? I'm sure all was fine if @phattpiggie was manning the helm the entire time, but figured I'd ask.

With 3 18650's the loads/battery capacity must be really nice.

I think this will be very nice for my use... and solidify the fact that I'll be bringing a vapcap with me everywhere I go. This will easily fit in the side pocket of my backpack (and I'm sure every other backpack) and you can slap stickers on it (like some folk do with their re-usable water bottles) if you're really worried about drawing attention...


Well-Known Member
Did anyone manage to combust using the IH? I'm sure all was fine if @phattpiggie was manning the helm the entire time, but figured I'd ask.

With 3 18650's the loads/battery capacity must be really nice.

I think this will be very nice for my use... and solidify the fact that I'll be bringing a vapcap with me everywhere I go. This will easily fit in the side pocket of my backpack (and I'm sure every other backpack) and you can slap stickers on it (like some folk do with their re-usable water bottles) if you're really worried about drawing attention...

We were all professionals there: NO COMBUSTION. Only some of those who came to try the VapCaps eventually burned some buts. So, no: nobody screwed with the IH. I thought there were 4 and not 3 18650; but don't take my word on this (I did not pay much attention to this detail, tbh).
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
@Willy It has been the most fantastic weekend. The very best for a long time.

We have thoroughly enjoyed your company and hopefully our combined efforts vaping over 8 grams for the crowds today alone has helped spread the Vapcap word.
50,000 people attended on Saturday.

@VapoShop are amazing hosts and hopefully we can all meet up in the Netherlands later this year. Thank you so very much for indulging us.

TheHedonistClub and myself met the DV team for Tapas after the expo.

Beer, octopus, black sausage and pigs ears amongst other things were the order of the day.
Perhaps no ears for Matt next time.

Unfortunately I have had to sign a non disclosure about what happned after we left the restaurant but suffice to say it was great.

It has been a real pleasure spending time with such like minded people.

To the rest of the VC community I can assure you there are some mind blowing things to come.

Safe journey home to George, Matt and Ben.



happy camper....
@Willy It has been the most fantastic weekend. The very best for a long time.

We have thoroughly enjoyed your company and hopefully our combined efforts vaping over 8 grams for the crowds today alone has helped spread the Vapcap word.
50,000 people attended on Saturday.

@VapoShop are amazing hosts and hopefully we can all meet up in the Netherlands later this year. Thank you so very much for indulging us.

TheHedonistClub and myself met the DV team for Tapas after the expo.

Beer, octopus, black sausage and pigs ears amongst other things were the order of the day.
Perhaps no ears for Matt next time.

Unfortunately I have had to sign a non disclosure about what happned after we left the restaurant but suffice to say it was great.

It has been a real pleasure spending time with such like minded people.

To the rest of the VC community I can assure you there are some mind blowing things to come.

Safe journey home to George, Matt and Ben.


You promised yesterday to tell us a probable price quote on the IH. Okay? :nod: (any excuses for denying this info will not be accepted) :D


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Quick one before we head home.

@GtrBob Yes that's me, I think the locals thought I may have lost it when I was putting it on for fotos.

As for a price @kushkush I'm sure it was under $150.
125 is stuck in my mind but don't quote me on it.

The parameters for adjust were a bit vague and George didn't want to entirely commit himself to an answer, which is fair enough.
It's a brand new product.

I can say that once it's readily available and you good folks get it in your sweaty hands George is more than happy for the computer savvy amongst you to go into the on-board chips brain and do as you please.

The more meddling that gets done the better but please this is an open source project so share your findings with the VC community.
It can only drive product development for the greater good.

The thing that has stuck in TheHedonistClub's and my mind the most is the shock to the system @VapoShop got seeing three people who came out to Spannibis for shits and giggles jump behind their counter and promote a product they sell.

They cannot get over how strong the VC community is and how willing people are to help out at any opportunity to spread the love we all have for @VapCap, his team and their products.

So much so that we got an invite out to Amsterdam so the can repay us for the help we willing gave them.

@Willy can't wait to catch up with you again sometime in the future.


Well-Known Member
Quick one before we head home.

@GtrBob Yes that's me, I think the locals thought I may have lost it when I was putting it on for fotos.

As for a price @kushkush I'm sure it was under $150.
125 is stuck in my mind but don't quote me on it.

The parameters for adjust were a bit vague and George didn't want to entirely commit himself to an answer, which is fair enough.
It's a brand new product.

I can say that once it's readily available and you good folks get it in your sweaty hands George is more than happy for the computer savvy amongst you to go into the on-board chips brain and do as you please.

The more meddling that gets done the better but please this is an open source project so share your findings with the VC community.
It can only drive product development for the greater good.

The thing that has stuck in TheHedonistClub's and my mind the most is the shock to the system @VapoShop got seeing three people who came out to Spannibis for shits and giggles jump behind their counter and promote a product they sell.

They cannot get over how strong the VC community is and how willing people are to help out at any opportunity to spread the love we all have for @VapCap, his team and their products.

So much so that we got an invite out to Amsterdam so the can repay us for the help we willing gave them.

@Willy can't wait to catch up with you again sometime in the future.

@phatpiggie I'm super happy the Hedonist Club and you yourself got an invite to go to Amsterdam! That's amazing. I really hope you have fun in there! And yes, we should be meeting at some other cannabis event soon, be it a Spannabis or not. I hope that VapoShop and DynaVap continue to work together, since I think such a team would be great for both companies.

As a sidenote, just let me say that after having tried several DynaVap-related products, I'm quite surprised at two things: the magnet and bubblers. If you hit the VapCap from-click-to-click, cooling the cap down faster is quite helpful. And it turns out that the cap makes the cooldown-click right after placing it on the magnet (it takes like 7 seconds or so at most if the cap is still really hot). That reduced the risk of combustion and speeds up your session if you wish so. And all this on top of the already-well-known benefits of the magnet (namely, that allows to keep the hot cap away from any delicate surface).

The bubblers... Well, I hadn't had the chance to try one with the VapCap yet, and at Spannabis I could try one and I'm amazed! If you like big clouds, a bubbler is amazing to get them while keeping the vapor REALLY SMOOTH & TASTY (to be honest, I particularly like it with hash).

PS: See @stark1, I told ya I didn't have the impression the IH would be super pricy!


Well-Known Member
Just put a rama instead of the flower/bud. Great taste, great vape amount, and an effect that I never had with any other vape using only the ramas of the plant.
Dude, I did that thing with the stalks/stems/ramas and it certainly adds flavour over the three or four heating cycles :tup: Not sure how much added effect it gives as I was already pretty high when I saw your post :D. I was even higher afterwards :rockon:. Will try it again today under controlled laboratory conditions :brow:
EDIT: I guess we always discarded the stems because they poked pesky holes in the Rizlas...... wonder how many active ingredients are in there? I'll sometimes chew on a piece, just for the taste, so that part of the theory certainly holds up:leaf:


Lonesome Planet
Well, @Willy I am glad you were spot on, I opted for the higher pricepoint to discourage
my iHAS, haha!

At a later date, it should be good to see a small DV IH, for those of us
in the EDC crowd. A pocketable DVIH would be the tits.

Thank you, and PP, and Whissimu, and of course Geo & Co! for giving us a window to what must have been
a Dynafabulous meet! VapCap Rules!

Please post more pics, y’all! It’s all too beautiful.
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Flower of empathy

Sometimes to stupid to become a fool
Accessory Maker
I guess we always discarded the stems because they poked pesky holes in the Rizlas...... wonder how many active ingredients are in there? I'll sometimes chew on a piece, just for the taste, so that part of the theory certainly holds up
I always collect the stems before grinding (even the small tiny ones = less 'stress' on the grinder) and fill up a bottle with white Havanna Club Rum (no Baccardi! ;) - white Ron Santiago de Cuba would be the best choice imo ) Let it sit for a few weeks (or longer, i'd say minimum 2 days), then filter it out - it will look like the aged brown rum and taste a bit weedy, less 'sharp' (guess the hollow fiber also absorbs some of the bad alcohols). It really gives a nice buzz, somehow between edibles and vaping if hit the right dosage :cheers:
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