Well-Known Member
@Summer I will find out the details as to exactly what can and cannot be adjusted. I know the one at the show is on a 15 second cut off timer. I'm assuming this is to help with battery life but it could well be set so it did the counting for you.
Not sure how much control the user would have but I can only ask.
George is a top guy and it's open source to improve product development and user experience he said he doesn't mind if someone goes into the brains of the IH and totally changes the set up as long as they share the info.
After all it is for the greater good.
I've not tried the 2018 M so can't say much about finding the carb. If I get a chance I'll spin it with my eyes shut.
@Whissmu never apologise for your English you want to hear my Spanglish
@Squiby I'm so pleased the open twist arrived before you left and my guesstimate of a stash size has worked for you. The glass does add to experience and I've enjoyed using the first cobalt one.
@GtrBob a lot of Squiby's pictures are first class but I have to agree with you this one is on another level, truly stunning and as I've said before I appreciate each and every picture posted by my customers.
Even if they have me racking my brains as to who has taken them especially when they post elsewhere using different names.
Last day here so it's going to be busy as...so I'll apologise if now I don't get all the info you'd like.
No sooner had I spoken with George about the IH and I was explaining heating to the click to a young guy from Cyprus then another from Malta and then the Canary Islands and the info was gone.
My ability to absorb and recall is bad enough anyway without the constant bombardment it's been this weekend.
Apologies for font size changes in any messages or posts but my fone has a mind of it's own.
Just seen your likes @Willy it would be good to see you today if you can make it.
I'm getting ready at mine at the moment. I said yesterday that I'd be back today and I'll stick to my word. Most likely I won't make it by eleven, but I'll be there at some point.