
60 going on 20
Had an early morning rehearsal, back to make a hot breakfast and the mailman surprised me with a little package from France, courtesy of @Aezhenn

A lovely live edge for my VC crew to lounge on. Oh, and he dropped off my new Mistvape Essence yesterday afternoon. Good days on the VAS front
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Well-Known Member
Dynavap in Europe :clap:

.... something you haven't seen before..... oooha
very Steve Jobs-esque.
And I mean this as a good thing.

That's the way to go Dynavap.

I am often puzzled about the lack of enthusiasm so many other vape brands present themselves with.

George does this in a familiar yet professional and innovative way.
He speaks to the customer and listens to the fanbase.
His face stands for the company. There is an icon.

products and emotion.
simple but genius
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Well-Known Member
I have been using the hemp fiber sandwich @Squiby describes in my Omni XL for quite a few months now. I did that because I noticed particles getting through the Ti screen and into my mouth, and presumably therefore some into my lungs. But I wasn't enormously impressed at the vapor production, generally. I mean, it was pretty good, but not sensational. Today I removed the hemp fiber, and just layered a SS screen on top of the Ti screen, to add a bit of extra filtration, and I feel like it made a big difference. Much faster extraction, it seemed, and freer vapor production. I also loaded the bowl less full than normal (I generally fit as much in as possible without tamping down too much), so that could have had a lot to do with it too. *And* I cleaned everything well, particularly the cap, which seemed to have some gunk stuck to the inside top, and now clicks much louder.

Anyway, I'm definitely going to keep doing this; 2 screens, no hemp fiber, not so full load. The effects were fantastic!

Is anyone else using 2 screens to provide a bit of extra filtration? I believe they're both on the lowest slot of the tip (biggest bowl), and they seem quite secure there.


Tech Geek
After watching a best of 2015 vaporizers where the five stoner "judges" went gaga over a small glass object they called a vapcap, I became intrigued . A little research, and I picked up an M, and some extras (pre M starter kit). I watched videos and tried to make it work. As I got way too many combustion episodes for my liking, I went back to my Solo, and picked up a pax2 . Fast forward 10 months, and my urge to try a ti tip to see if that makes a difference, and here I am again! Last week, in the get a pack of ccds with free shipping, I also ordered a lighter, a dark wood nonavong, XLS condenser with dark wood mouthpiece, and I am again off to the races with stoner Lego. Oh, and the combustion issue? A bit more practice, about 150 pages of forum reading plus the best of, and switching to the quad jet lighter DV sent me, and no more combustion!
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Well-Known Member
I am thoroughly enjoying my first night with my new m. A rather quick learning curve for me. Nearly combusted my first bowl. After that it's been smooth sailing and big clouds. This little vap packs a punch while not using a lot of herb. I'm hooked.
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