I have this which I use when I re-up, I tend to go biggish; it'll handle 2 oz & ask for more. It uses a double heavyweight velcro-ish seal sgystem. The company apparently has its products tested using dogs. I'm on a train for hour or so, even wrapped in multiple heavy baggies the herb's so very smelly

and while it's never been an issue, I feel better knowing it has raised my stealth factor.
I also have a Vatra bag, it's a medium. Hard-ish exterior but it has a small amount of flex. Open the main zipper and each side has another zipper. It's bigger than I needed really, I meant it for travel; but not too big, like a small shavebag. Got it on Amazon but guess they don't carry them anymore. If I bought another I would get something much smaller, enough for my omni & DSxl, lighters and herb. KISS
I really like Jyarz and Aldo. This is all so OT, my apologies and back on track:
@Zecrono Nice share! Wow, that grain's so unique. I'd say Randy & PIU really came through for you! You've got a nice triumvirate of vapcappy happiness now. Will 3 be enough?
@lazylathe Only my

, but it's so ugly? And corded?! I would much rather give my money to Pipes than Amazon or AliGenie. Why wouldn't you support a fellow Canadian, what's wrong with you?! Scandalous!! Personally, I'm outraged. But yeah, it's another option and it's only $60 for those with black shrivelled hearts and no love for their fellow FC members. Just kidding man, you know I'm so crazy!

Love Love Everybody!