
Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
Size 5, are 23mm from bottom to 27mm top...

OD of M ~ 10mm, tite fit into a 5mm orafice— keep us posted.
Hole size too small, stopper size too big. :bang: Perhaps by a single size only. Oddly with the nipples on the bottom stoppers gripping, I can have rubber feet for my adapters.
So I didn't completely throw my money away. Well perhaps I did. :ugh: Need to cheer myself up.

Well I don't regret my Green 3D printed Dynastash. It seemed fairly quiet in my front pocket and the lid kind of snaps shut on its own with the magnets. Almost as light as a toy in a happy meal. VC's might peak my interest in 3d printing.
I don't use Facebook but please, please can someone ask him about those Puffitup insinuations on Reddit?
I reread the reddit post. It seemed to be a devolving conversation from the fact that Dynavap only has two sales a year to people openly scaring themselves in the further comments. Read in to it what you will.

@ataxian Do what you like when you get your M. I cleaned mine as soon as I got it and got familiar with taking it apart and putting it back together. Why? A few reasons. One being in case I combust, I can do a fire drill and clean the M immediately and get it back to vaping. Also why I got 2 M's. But that's just for my piece of mind.

Well shit you guys. Randy from puffitup is going to be on the boundless livestream. Damn streams are happening at the same time too..fml
Did I hear that George was live streaming too? Went to dynaverse, Is that correct?
Thanks for the live sesh, @paytonpenn. I have been on the fence about getting that 3D printed case and just pulled the trigger and ordered the green version with the cooling magnet. Still would like to hear what you might have to say about yours @paytonpenn. There is the nice wood ones from @Winegums. on Esty to drool over too. -> Wooden Vapourizer Parts by WinegumsWoodcraft on Etsy

I wanted to go for the rugged but lightweight-slim type of Dynastash and easy to spot if I dropped it in the woods. As much as I like exotic woods, having it camouflage/conceal itself if I were to drop it on a nature hike.:o So that's my reasoning anyway.
Few Minutes with the 3D Dynavap Case

Dynavap M Dugout

Bought some #5 Twistit stoppers. One,two or three hole optional. How about 3 VC optional holes. :brow:

Hey! It's cool to see someone actually watched my review! :)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, long time lurker, soon to be a Nonavong XLS owner! How do y'all recommend cleaning it prior to first use?

I read the Best Of Thread a few times already.
Will PBW be an effective cleaning agent compared to IPA? Will I need to clean the wood stem as well?
And lastly--is there much of a performance difference using the Nanovong without a glass piece compared to using a Normal stem/body VC? I figured there shouldn't be much of a difference, but thought I'd ask because this community is awesome! Thanks in advance!


Lonesome Planet
Chucky (@CuckFumbustion ), everything will be alright, you will find a use for #5....

On a side note, since misery loves company, thought you might find some comic relief,
in another 3D printed VC container. Touched down today.


The magnet-less version. It is almost weightless, like aero-gel.

Thank you, Heat Technician!
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Putin is a War Criminal
Hey guys, long time lurker, soon to be a Nonavong XLS owner! How do y'all recommend cleaning it prior to first use?

I read the Best Of Thread a few times already.
Will PBW be an effective cleaning agent compared to IPA? Will I need to clean the wood stem as well?
And lastly--is there much of a performance difference using the Nanovong without a glass piece compared to using a Normal stem/body VC? I figured there shouldn't be much of a difference, but thought I'd ask because this community is awesome! Thanks in advance!
As a first clean all I do is put an ISO soaked Q tip through the condenser and the tip and wipe off the wood. I don't think you need to clean the wood, but a moisturizer or wood wax or lube can't hurt. The only other real difference is the shape of the wood that allows you to mate easily with glass.

Other than the small differences between the steel and Ti tips, all VC perform very similarly. You are gonna like it.

Prepare your bank account, more VCs are likely in your future...


Well-Known Member
As a first clean all I do is put an ISO soaked Q tip through the condenser and the tip and wipe off the wood. I don't think you need to clean the wood, but a moisturizer or wood wax or lube can't hurt. The only other real difference is the shape of the wood that allows you to mate easily with glass.

Other than the small differences between the steel and Ti tips, all VC perform very similarly. You are gonna like it.

Prepare your bank account, more VCs are likely in your future...

Thanks for the advice! I can't afford to have a collection, yet :smug:


Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
Chucky (@CuckFumbustion ), everything will be alright, you will find a use for #5....
At some point it will fill a niche. :science:For now it goes to my vape junk drawer for future projects. Almost had a Hydra setup. Well back to the drawing board...

Nice Dynastash! and WHITE. Looks like you got the least inexpensive of the ones available. (v1 white, without a cooling magnet) of the 3D stashes. Are you liking it? The magnet that keeps the lid closed, does an alright job as a cooling magnet. I was considering buying the white v1 and add a cooling magnet in the lanyard space in some manner.
Just took mine for a short walk. It feels right when I took it in and out. The door on mine works fine. No rattle when I walk fast. I don't think that a simple dugout with a swing lid would have been good for me and wanted one that was more self contained. Still curious enough to design my own now. Do you think the rubber strip on the lid could have overlapped the VC as well as the chamber?

If I were to go for a legit wooden Dynastash, my choice would be one with two magnets. Since I might carry more than one tip.

I don't Facebook, but circling WI for a live stream of a George siting. :cool:
Facebook Live Map


Hole size too small, stopper size too big. :bang: Perhaps by a single size only. Oddly with the nipples on the bottom stoppers gripping, I can have rubber feet for my adapters.
So I didn't completely throw my money away. Well perhaps I did. :ugh: Need to cheer myself up.

Well I don't regret my Green 3D printed Dynastash. It seemed fairly quiet in my front pocket and the lid kind of snaps shut on its own with the magnets. Almost as light as a toy in a happy meal. VC's might peak my interest in 3d printing.
I reread the reddit post. It seemed to be a devolving conversation from the fact that Dynavap only has two sales a year to people openly scaring themselves in the further comments. Read in to it what you will.

@ataxian Do what you like when you get your M. I cleaned mine as soon as I got it and got familiar with taking it apart and putting it back together. Why? A few reasons. One being in case I combust, I can do a fire drill and clean the M immediately and get it back to vaping. Also why I got 2 M's. But that's just for my piece of mind.

Did I hear that George was live streaming too? Went to dynaverse, Is that correct?
Today I advanced on a book by: KURT ANDERSON - TRUE BELIEVERS - FICTION NOVEL .
I usally read NON-FICTION however my DAUTHER who is a wrter cartoonist (2 book's in print) sat with me in the garden and read while RIPPING on GSC and WATER PIPE + VAPORIZER = CIVILIZED LIVING in 2017.

I am waiting for my VCAP to arrive to experience TRUE NIRVANNA!

If I can clean and use the "M" my LIFE will be COMPLETE!

Can I make a water adapter to use it with water?

Where is the VAP-CAP?

Maybe I will order some more CANNABIS for testing?

I hope I get my new book by them?

CANNABIS is safer than most beverages.
Why is it not legal? (hypocritical)

After reading: "GEORGE ORWELL's - 1984" no social media.
My kid's love INSTAGRAM?

I can throw away all my plug-ins and battery powered vaporizer's in the trash!
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Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
If I can clean and use the "M" my LIFE will be COMPLETE!

Can I make a water adapter to use it with water?
did you get a MP (black rubber like mouthpiece)? I have modded my M in a few different ways. It is a straight tube SS cylinder with a carb. To over simplify...

Where is the VAP-CAP?
It's the part that does all the magic. The metal heats up and flexes. When it flexes, it makes a click sound. Let George explain the basic principle.
Respect the Click!


Well-Known Member
@ataxian yes, I took some pretty decent bong rips with the M and some flower. Pretty intense effects. Took a little while to get used to & get better results..


dunno what's wrong with the pic lol
I had some Platinum GSC that was absolutely great

The cork adapter here could have a more acute angle to fit more.. but still it made a good seal with some pushing in


yey i still got pretty baked w/o that piece even though i did two caps last night with it and got high af.
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Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
Hey! It's cool to see someone actually watched my review! :)

I liked your review, and I'm this close <I I> to ordering one of those...

Your review and @CuckFumbustion's recommendation...

Gettin me there... :p
@stark1 went there. They do come with a funnel and there is an XL version also . That's all the tempting I have for you. ATM.

Glad you spoke up @Few Minute Programming and catching all this! Say you wouldn't know where to find the file for the Dynastash?

Hey guys, long time lurker, soon to be a Nonavong XLS owner! How do y'all recommend cleaning it prior to first use?
I have nylon brushes. But thinks like crumpled up coffee filters can help. ISO and warm rinse. You are trying to remove any machine grease. KIM when you put the rings on that you will want to add a tiny amount of lube of some sort for the rings to slip back into place. Some use a speck of dynawax as one example.

@ataxian Check out @Squiby 's sig. There is a list of helpful links. Research. It's what I do when waiting for that Shiny Green bag to arrive. Ask questions! You are right when you say it is like getting your first bike or driving a stick shift. :2c: :peace:


Lonesome Planet
At some point it will fill a niche. :science:For now it goes to my vape junk drawer for future projects. Almost had a Hydra setup. Well back to the drawing board...

Nice Dynastash! and WHITE. Looks like you got the least inexpensive of the ones available. (v1 white, without a cooling magnet) of the 3D stashes. Are you liking it? The magnet that keeps the lid closed, does an alright job as a cooling magnet. I was considering buying the white v1 and add a cooling magnet in the lanyard space in some manner.
Just took mine for a short walk. It feels right when I took it in and out. The door on mine works fine. No rattle when I walk fast. I don't think that a simple dugout with a swing lid would have been good for me and wanted one that was more self contained. Still curious enough to design my own now. Do you think the rubber strip on the lid could have overlapped the VC as well as the chamber?

If I were to go for a legit wooden Dynastash, my choice would be one with two magnets. Since I might carry more than one tip.

I don't Facebook, but circling WI for a live stream of a George siting. :cool:
Facebook Live Map

Since it already has a couple of magnets (useful to pull off a hot cap) and being a minimalist of sorts, I
opted for one without an external magnet.

It is super light, and the 3-D printed concept is a novelty.

Addressing the rattle, I sliced a thin 2-3mm piece of foam from an ear plug, placed it at the
bottom. Snug as a bug now. :buzz: No rattle. :leaf::D
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Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
Since it already has a couple of magnets (useful to pull off a hot cap) and being a minimalist of sorts, I
opted for one without an external magnet.
That's kind of what I thought too. The lightest choice of them all. Spent a lot of time on the fence choosing just one. :hmm:

Ear plug for that tiny bit of rattle. :nod: Cool. Will take that further. Now I can carry it in my hip pocket while say mountain biking. :rockon:
I might get a thin piece of rubber or maybe a square cut off of a flat thin fridge magnet and slip it in the bottom of mine. Oh yes, I'm liking that idea now.:freak: Let you know if I come up with something.:science:

Ear plug idea # 2. A silicone/ rubberized one for the chamber? Haven't carried any loose materials in the chamber. Like say a traditional dugout/dynastash.
It is super light, and the 3-D printed concept is a novelty.
It has piqued my interest in printing my own design. Perhaps take your minimalist approach further? Or go Super deluxe with two outside cooling magnets and a spare tip chamber. :zzz:.
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