My feeling is that restricting airflow via the air intake carb or through dialing down the Omni condenser achieves the same thing with the difference being an automatic vs manual approach.
I think that the tip determines the degree of convection action. The titanium tip with its deep set channels and carved tip ridges allows for more air to be pulled through the channels under the cap and heated before passing through the herb. Compare this to the M which only has two channels and no ridges.
With the airflow restricted, the amount of air pulled through the tips channels and heated is maximized, creating thicker, denser vapor.
Unrestricted airflow blends fresh air with the vapor. The fresh air comes in through the airport, travels down to the tip, makes a 180° turn creating turbulence, which then helps pull vapor into the condenser and cools it before inhalation.
This !

Only to add couple of notes :
-While the Titanium and stainless steel tip share almost same thermal properties ,they differ regarding their density.In that manner the Ti tip has almost half the mass of the SS tip.
The mass difference -as also the grooves & air gaps -involved "define" the Ti tip as more "convective" ,while the SS tip is more "conductive" .
-The operation of the carb hole is actually dictated by the Bernulli effect/principle.
Velocity vs pressure.Large diameter (stem) vs small diameter (condenser) .
Once you draw ,the air enters through the carbhole into the stem .
Then it takes a sudden 180° turn and enters the condenser.
Since the incoming air moves from a large diameter into a smaller diameter tube ,it's velocity increases.That creates a pressure difference ,exactly where the condenser tube end is located
inside or near the tip.That pressure difference "pulls" vapor from inside the tip into the condenser.The turbulance created by the 180° turn ,
makes the air velocity difference stem versus condenser ) even greater,
thus increasing the pressure difference ,thus forces more vapor to be mixed with the incoming air.
A VapCap with the carb hole open differs operation-wise from a VapCap with the carb hole closed (or without a carbhole at all ! ) ,like the day differs from night .
Still the carbhole has nothing to do with making the VC more convective or more conductive.
It alters other things like the air /vapor ratio,the vapor temperature ,the amount of reclaim oil
condensed on the condenser,the draw resistance (incoming air velocity),just to name a few amongst others.