
thoughts regarding the OMNI moving condenser.
Covering the carb hole on an OMNI model is actually cancelling out everything
the OMNI model has to offer.
And that is a really smooth and mellow vapor.
Actually ,to take things to the extreme side ( my fav side ) me,myself and I ,
we all consider that all the VapCaps work amazingly-awesomly -astonishingly great WITHOUT a carb hole.
At least for stoners with not so sensitive respiratory system.
Except the OMNI.
The latter is designed to operate WITH a carb hole .
And actually there's a "golden spot" regarding the depth
adjustment of the condenser inside the inner tube of the tip.
Too far out of the tip ,the pressure difference won't generate much force to pull vapor from the chamber ;and then you cover the carb hole ,to take a decent toke.So,you have paid double the price ,just to get the same operation with a standard condenser or am I missing something else here ?
( No covering of the carb hole AT ALL with the OMNI models.
They are designed to operate based on the Bernulli effect.
Thus they need -no matter what- an air inlet
far larger than the gap between the cap and the tip. )
On the other side ,too far into the tip and the velocity difference is minimised.
Thus cancelling somewhat the Bernulli effect.
Then one quick solution would have been a larger air inlet ,thus a bigger diameter carb hole .
So,no too far out ,not too far in ,with the carb hole -at all times- wide open.
I bet ya ,that somewhere there's a "golden spot" that will allow -with the carb fully open -
for a golden equilibrium between mellow/gentle and dense/thick vapor.
With an ordinary VapCap (standard condenser ) things are more straightforward.
1) Carb closed /carbless : THICK /DENSE vapor but HARSH /HOT .
2) CArb fully open : MELLOW/GENTLE vapor but THIN/DILUTE .
3) Feathering the carb : Dunno actually if it works ,
but after some practice maybe you can try and play the flute or something similar .
Maybe you'll be sounding like a real virtuoso.
That's why double the price on the OMNI.
Cause it can do what the rest can't really .