EDIT: Added my own quote here to keep the below relevant after it was moved with another part of same post to a different thread.
... Flew out of town recently and was TSA pre-check both ways. Had 5 jet lighters with me (some for different situations, but mostly to have enough juice without taking/buying a can of butane). 2 were in checked bag and 3 spread around my carry on. When I was coming home they kept putting my carry on back through the scanner. I thought it was because of my Mi (broken on trip

, wrapped in tissues and in camera case). I was pretty tuned at the time, as we squeezed in a couple hours at a fun beer fest on way to airport. I told TSA yeah, that's my e-cig in the bottom. The guy on the scanner (who seemed a little new) kept putting it through. I was damned near shitting bricks remembering that I didn't clean my broken Mi female GonG. I had cleaned the stems, but never thought about the busted up Mi until now. Anyway, the more senior TSA guy opens my bag and pulls out my longest owned triple torch! It was a beast with a pretty big tank, butane sight glass, and lit 99% of the time it clicked (Scorch Torch Skyline in pic below, but all black). He said these jet lighters aren't allowed on flights. I just said OK and tried not to wince as he took it out and threw it in the trash. Felt lucky to get through with no more issue as I had 2 more jets, an M, a Ti Woody, and my broken Mi with 2 clean stems all in the same bag. I had thought you were allowed to carry 2 lighters on person or in carry-on bag. Checked since and NO jet lighters are allowed at all. The 2 that made it through were the inline triple jet from DV and a flattish dual jet Scorch.
Sorry to hear you got mugged by the TSA.
I believe
you can fly with a jet lighter as long as it's stored in a DOT approved container and checked with baggage.
Problem is the TSA officers don't always know that and might take the lighter from you anyway.
I kind of thought that but was in no position to question them with a good beer & vapor buzz on (nice sleep on flight!), and more "contraband" in my carry on.
Your info and link are from March 2013. It looks as though this was updated in Nov. 2013, but you are correct. You may carry 2 lighters in checked bag (including jet torch) if they are in DOT approved containers (Q2 below). Or, technically as many totally empty lighters (not even residue) in checked bags (Q3 below).
From TSA FAQ Doc dtd. 11/18/13
"Q1. What type of lighter can I bring onto the aircraft?
A1. Under DOT rules (49 CFR 175.10), when traveling on a commercial airline, you can bring one (1) lighter that uses a flammable gas (butane) or that uses a flammable liquid that is absorbed in a lining (Zippo-type). The following restrictions apply:
• For safety reasons, permitted lighters must be in your carry-on or on your person (in your pocket), not in checked baggage. See Q2. regarding special travel containers that allow lighters in checked baggage.
• Under TSA regulations, torch lighters (a.k.a. jet lighters, blue flame lighters, cigar lighters) are forbidden in your carry-on or on your person. TSA rules also prohibit lighters that look like guns or other weapons.
• Containers of lighter fluid or gas (butane) are for bidden in carry-on and checked baggage.
• Micro torches, chef torches, utility torches, etc., are not considered lighters and are forbidden in carry-on
and checked baggage. Fuel for such torches is also forbidden in carry-on and checked baggage.
Q2. Is there any exception to the “one lighter only” rule or the “no torch lighters” rule?
A2. You can bring up to two (2) additional lighters—including torch lighters—in your checked baggage when
you use DOT-approved airtight travel containers for lighters. Major lighter manufacturers such as Colibri, Prometheus, and Zippo have secured DOT special permits for their lighter travel containers... These DOT-approved containers are the only way you can carry the torch lighters that the TSA bans from the aircraft cabin.... These DOT special permits only apply to U.S. domestic air travel.
Q3. Are empty lighters restricted?
A3. A lighter that is truly empty (absolutely no fuel residue or vapors) is not regulated by the DOT as a
hazardous material. There is no limit on how many empty lighters you may carry..."
Link to full document.
FACTS MATTER - especially in situations such as this!
Looks like we need the mods to move a bucket of recent posts to the
vapcap lighter thread
Way to go,
Why? I believe the thread you're referring to is titled
"What's your favorite torch or lighter to use with the Vapcap?" - which is an entirely different topic. Are you referring to another thread that deals with lighters allowed in flight by TSA? I couldn't find one like that.
In my humble opinion:
- This is an entirely different topic. (I also posted the part that is relevant on the Flying with Vapes thread.)
- This topic is relevant to VC use (or taking it with you to use), and information at least some here may like to know.
- Other "Off-Topic" posts regarding carrying cases, lighter use and others (don't even get me started on fucking magnets and magnetic theory!) are a regular part of the discussion here. Many are a worthwhile part of the discussion that I (and assume others) enjoy and value.
- I hope these posts stay here contrary to your suggestion, as many of us aren't shopping for new lighters and don't really care what are others' favorites, so have no need/desire to go to that thread. However, this information could be worthwhile for many.
- The Mods usually do pretty well at moving things around without your guidance (or anyone else's).