For plenty of years I've been salvaging various parts
from various (old and/or broken ) electronic devices .
Apart from salvaging electronic parts like LEDs ,diodes ,transistors,MOSFETs and so on ,
many times I collect stainless steel parts ( especially from VCRs and printers ) as also rare earth magnets
(found inside CD /DVD/BR players /recorders ,sited near the laser diode ) ,sensors ,fans ,heat sinks and other cool stuff.
Anyway ,long story short :
Inside an inkjet printer I've found these stainless steel rods ,
actually being some sort axles of the printer's paper feeding system ) .

I'm not quite sure ,though...
Maybe I've salvaged them from a CD player ...

Can't really remember .
Anyway .
Then using a dremel and a fine cutting disc ,i've made a notch on one end .
With some pure organic cotton (vaping wick ) ...
I 've turned that printer axle into the finest cleaning tool for the VC !
With that I can push one cotton ball ( ISO dipped) through the condenser !
Or twist around the notch some cotton and clean the back end of the tip !
And those tiny rare earth magnets on the stand are very versatile !
When they do not pull a hot cap ,they keep the cleaning tool handy for use !
I do not use the VC for vaping the reclaim -cotton balls.
Mainly I use the VC for herb.
I've found that the Arizer Air is a more appropriate tool
for vaping those reclaim-cotton balls(@ 205 -210 °C ) .
The latter are the best treatment for muscle pain relief after a hard day of work.
Also they serve fine as a very effective medicine against some types of insomnia .