Good day all! I would be inteested to hear- what butane are any fellow UKers using for ypur torch lighters?
I am going to order some more "newport premium filtered" for my friends' new M's. But you can get this "Bull" brand in poundland. It says it has low imurities, like 50 ppm or something on the can.
Has anybody been using this cheap Bull brand? Or Newport? Newport seems like the cheapest for real pure stuff, in the UK anyway.
Big thunbs up for anybodies input.
I am going to order some more "newport premium filtered" for my friends' new M's. But you can get this "Bull" brand in poundland. It says it has low imurities, like 50 ppm or something on the can.
Has anybody been using this cheap Bull brand? Or Newport? Newport seems like the cheapest for real pure stuff, in the UK anyway.
Big thunbs up for anybodies input.