
I make things from wood
Accessory Maker
@Dynalowrider, the screen on the cap is probably soaking heat from the cap, leading the cap to click when the bowl as reached a higher temperture than usual.
With a double or single flame, heating lower as possible, i tend to have vapor from start to the reset click (two draw if my lungs are lazy, or one huge draw).

There would be additional thermal mass in the air path, so it makes sense that there's more vapour I think?

Edit: If we think of the tip and cap like a potential thermal energy source, it's effectively making it a bigger source but not necessarily hotter. Perhaps the cap and tip can be tweaked as far as mass goes to get a single hit extraction? Maybe a chamber insert that goes in on top of the load? Anything to increase the potential energy but not the temperature.

Then, your wife wants to kill you because you need to have a spare room for storing it :rofl:

She's the one that wants more lights and is far more into photography.


My latest method with the singlet jet - I'm heating my OG at the end near the click for a dry flavor hit, my goal is just to vaporize the terpenes at around 300F, there should be little to no visible vapor. :p This heat soak seems to be sufficient for me to then heat at the middle of the cap/just a hair under with a single jet for my second heat cycle, this time going through water, toasting the entire load evenly for one smooth, thick rip of condensed milk. :ko:


Well-Known Member
I also always just take one long continuous draw per heat cycle. I always hold my vapor in for at least 5 seconds. It medicates me much more that way. My herb supply is limited and has to be rationed.
Whenever I abandon holding the vapor and exhale sooner, I start going through so much more herb, and get less of an effect.

If herb grew on trees :lol:, I would probably just vape more and exhale sooner for comfort.

So one point, taking one long continuous draw until the cool down click is the most efficient way of using your herb.
The herb will be getting spent by the conduction aspect, so surely if you heated your cap and didnt inhale, you would be losing actives? At least some right?

If you just exhale the vapor instantly, then yes taking 2 or 3 draws per heat cycle can work fine. But for me to even try and take 2 draws, I would have to cut the first one short, exhale sooner, or else the second draw will be empty and the cool down click will be very iminent.

So that way, I would not get such a big hit on either draws. And holding the first hit in would make the second hit unworthwhile.

Ideally, the cool down click would come a littel sooner. It can be hard sometimes to keep inhaling to the click, but I do it to get the most out of the heat cycle and the herb.

This is just my own way of using the vapcap however, im not saying at all this is what others should do, just sharing my logic.


I was having some issues combusting trying to vaporize the whole load in one draw; the first draw is just a flavor hit which helps heat soak the chamber for the 2nd cycle through water for the rest of the goodies. A huge toke, I posted my water tool a page ago, it's pretty big but the cap nearly milks that big piece with this method.


Man is a universe within himself
"On the 24th March 2017, around 12:00 PM UTC-5, @WakeAndVape had accidentaly released a proof about @VapCap 's secret project, kown as the VapCap M.
All proof were quicky erased by the author and independents sources, probably fearing for their familly's life.

Fortunatly, before the lead cloak struck, a whistleblower had the opportunity to have in his hands a massive proof about that shady organization, kown as Dynavap"
Source: HighBullshit Times


Introducing the VapCap Mind control :borg:

(This was offered to you by BullShit Inc.)
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Well-Known Member
Greetings, All-

Does anyone know with reasonable certainty whether the condenser outer diameter has changed at some point in VC evolution? I just received a new Gen4 tip, and my condenser(s) will not fit through the back end to push the CCD out. Not a huge problem, but just wondering. Do new condensers slide through the Gen4 tip without issues?

I have an XL and regular condenser purchased in May '16 that both fit through my Gen2 tip with almost no clearance. Both are freshly cleaned, and get stuck about 3/4 of the way through the Gen4 tip from the back. Any insights?


On the 24th March 2017, around 12:00 PM UTC-5, @WakeAndVape had accidentaly released a proof about @VapCap 's secret project, kown as the VapCap M.
All proof were quicky erased by the author and independents sources, probably fearing for their familly's life.

Fortunatly, before the lead cloak struck, a whistleblower had the opportunity to have in his hands a massive proof about that shady organization, kown as Dynavap:


Introducing the VapCap Mind control :borg:

(This was offerd to you by bullshit company)

Ah I had seen that on /r/vaporents and was wondering what it was all about . Snowden v.2??


Man is a universe within himself
@Omphaloskeptic , Oh oh, you seems to have the same problem as @ClearBlueLou...

Just tested for both of you:

*First gen Omni condenser: goes through 2nd, 3rd and 4th gen tip (both sides).
*Second gen Omni condenser goes through 2nd, 3rd and 4th gen tip (both sides).
*Second gen standard condenser (with two grooves) goes through 2nd, 3rd and 4th gen tip. The end of the condenser wich have a groove can't fit inside any gen Ti Tip
*Thrid gen standard condenser (with three grooves) goes through 2nd, 3rd and 4th gen tip. Both sides are working (the one with a groove, and the other)

You may have a tolerance issue, best is to contact directly @VapCap, he will do wonders!
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I make things from wood
Accessory Maker
On the 24th March 2017, around 12:00 PM UTC-5, @WakeAndVape had accidentaly released a proof about @VapCap 's secret project, kown as the VapCap M.
All proof were quicky erased by the author and independents sources, probably fearing for their familly's life.

Fortunatly, before the lead cloak struck, a whistleblower had the opportunity to have in his hands a massive proof about that shady organization, kown as Dynavap:


Introducing the VapCap Mind control :borg:

(This was offered to you by BullShit Inc.)
Eh? that was an accidental release?
No one told me, I didn't even notice anything was changed.


Man is a universe within himself
@Winegums , I don't know anything about, i am assuming that @WakeAndVape was not supposed to show this before officialy out. :ninja:
This went fast, thanks for me the NSA is sucking all the world's data, that's where i've got it :rofl:

For me, I'm just making fun out of it, with a tiny crop of the original picture :freak:

Although we can now expect an incoming annouce, thanks to this little "quiproquo" :evil:
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Well-Known Member
Greetings, All-

Does anyone know with reasonable certainty whether the condenser outer diameter has changed at some point in VC evolution? I just received a new Gen4 tip, and my condenser(s) will not fit through the back end to push the CCD out. Not a huge problem, but just wondering. Do new condensers slide through the Gen4 tip without issues?

I have an XL and regular condenser purchased in May '16 that both fit through my Gen2 tip with almost no clearance. Both are freshly cleaned, and get stuck about 3/4 of the way through the Gen4 tip from the back. Any insights?
I did experience this also with my Omni condenser after I got my 3rd gen tip. It seemed to fit easily through my 2nd gen tip. It does just fit through the back end of the 3rd gen tip, but very tight and with some force.

I dont know if I would try it now though, I think I will need to clean the condenser as it is slightly gummed up on the outside and a little sticky.

So you are definitely onto something here. I used a small screwdriver last time to remove rhe screen.


Active Member
Easy. Did you see my post yesterday about using the hemp fiber gauze with only one screen, in the lowest bowl position? It is post 12278 above :

Im hoping someone else will try it this way and see if it does work well enough. Easier installation/ removal, with full bowl size too.

Hi Alexis, I've tried your method today, I found a better airflow than with the sandwich method (my filter are still too big I guess because I found the inhalation still difficult). Only one problem, the airflow vanishes when I open the condensor. I mean it is almost impossible to puff.

But I have to say it's difficult to judge the VC and all of the methods yet because I almost found a different experience everytime I try, depending on how I charge my chamber or heat the cap (the angle and where you apply, the torch used..)and now how to place the filter.

Today I've tried to mix what I used to put in one joint with blueberry leaves and smoke all day with my mix.
For a light buzz and plenty of smoke time it's perfect.

I like to see the omni through the glass body and change to ti-body when going out.

VC is pretty cool

Good night everyone !


Man is a universe within himself
Didn't said it before, but the carbon body seems to have a new version too:


The new one is on the top and is about 1mm longer than the old one
He's shinnier than the old one who have a "mat" finish and the fibers are crossed differently.

I prefer the old one because the carbon fiber texture is nicer, mat finish feels more classy ( I'm not a "shinny" guy) and I freaking love the "Tetris" pattern.

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Well-Known Member
@Omphaloskeptic , Oh oh, you seems to have the same problem as @ClearBlueLou...

Thanks @TheVaporist, great info. You're like our resident service engineer/wizard, I picture you with indexed and cataloged bins full of every VC part made in the past or imagined in the future... :borg:

Don't think I will bother following up, I've got other ways to get the CCD out. Also gives me a good excuse to buy an Omni.

You may have a tolerance issue

You take that back right now!


Man is a universe within himself
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60 going on 20
I think that I need the new another Omni! I mean, my Omni is great, but the new body and rounded mouthpiece is absolutely stunning.....Hmmm, how many Omnis does one need, do you imagine?

:) :D :p :ko: :cool: :\ :o :nod: :tup: :rolleyes: :love: :hmm: :brow:
@Squiby, you need as many as your heart desires! I now have 4 Ti tips, including one Omnivap, with a new Omni with a burl body on the truck from Wisconsin to the east coast............every time I place an order, I think, well finally done with VAS.......but alas, not. One great return from VAS though, is that after combusting for all of those years, both in my youth and now, vaping has cut my consumption to less than half of what it was before. Therefore VAS is not costing me any more than I spent combusting.......How's that for rationalizing?


I make things from wood
Accessory Maker
Hey guys I just finished up this batch of steel core stem blanks. If anyone is interested in a custom shape don't hesitate to message me.

I'm in love with the blackwood, bronze and burl piece, it's something I always wanted to make since I started this.
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