Hey lady, nice to see you aroundGood news! just placed my order for a glass VapCap, let the waiting beginbeen a while eh? I'm excited

Hey lady, nice to see you aroundGood news! just placed my order for a glass VapCap, let the waiting beginbeen a while eh? I'm excited
Do you wanna have it?Do I have the first documented case of VCCAS? (VapCap Cap Aqcuisition Syndrome)
Easy. Did you see my post yesterday about using the hemp fiber gauze with only one screen, in the lowest bowl position? It is post 12278 above :Regarding the degummed hemp filter, I swapped mine out yesterday after about a week's use - it was a golden-brown colour and probably didn't need changing yet. Inserting the screens was a hassle though.
Anyway, the point of this post is in reference to @Squiby 's hemp fiber filter.
Originally I was just placing a ball of hemp fiber under the screen, just above the condenser. I wanted to keep the bowl size maximum for the biggest hits, so was never keen on the 2 screen sandwhich idea. But the draw was actually very restricted with hemp fiber just above the condenser.
So I decided to try the 2 screen sandwhich method. My first installation resulted on both screens in the lowest position, and a bit awkward to remove. So I thought, sod this, why cant I just drop the hemp fiber gauze under the screen in the bottom of the bowl? Then I just put the one screen on top and pushed it into place in the lowest groove.
Anyway it seems to be working well. Maybe the airflow is a tad more restrictive than the 2 screen sandwhich method, but it works absolutely fine.
Fortunately for u my friend I'm currently working on a treatment for VCCS, it's still in it's experimental phase but u can pm be some detailed photos of some byproducts of this problem. I will extract the excess caps and offer instant relief to this issue. Treatment can begin immediately and I offer discounts to FC membersVCCAS
I have a confession to make, I have six caps, only need four at most, and have only used two.
I currently have three Ti tips and one Original Glass unit. When I first got sucked into the VapCap ecosystem I bought some spare caps because I thought I might lose them or something. Don't ask me, it seemed like a good idea at the time.
I mainly use one, it's the one that's turning black. I use one other cap that's not nearly as dark as my main cap. That means I have three pristine old version caps, and a pristine custom engraved new cap, as well as two used caps. Do I have the first documented case of VCCAS? (VapCap Cap Aqcuisition Syndrome)
I gave up on it as it was badly exacerbating my hand and wrist/tendonitis, repetitive strain.
I finally got around to shooting a quick video of my OmniVap being powered by @Pipes induction heater. I really enjoy using by vapcap even more with this cool device.
Click to play YouTube Video$(document).ready(function(){ $('div.62c2an-SZas').click(function(){ $(this).html(''); }); });
Thanks, I have actually already ordered the jarhead heater from Pipes. Cant wait!I think you should consider one of these, or the battery powered units pipes is making...
Oh, no picture of the little bubbler as well?Yo man, this thread is flying fast as superman! I can't keep up. The vapcap love is strong and growing fast!
So check it out, a forum member sold me a kick ass little bubbler and it's 18mm...I was very creative in my ideas to connect my vapcap to the bubbler. They all involved silicone sleeves in one way or another. Eventually I came up with this idea and it's awesome.
So, it's an oversized NonG from @underdog , a little tiny silicone sleeve I got from @Alan that is also used to hold ss tips in glass, and of course the vapcap tip. I'm always juryrigging things together hehehe
Look how DARK the cap and tip are!
I'm still loving all the photos! Keep em coming! I so so so want a custom stem or two. I think the wood and acrylic hybrids are my favorite so far that I've seen...well and the twists of all variety!
The Dynavap website really need to be updated with up to date photos of the products!
For example the titanium body, for me the difference between photo description and current design was enough to make it just a dissapointment and waste of money . Lession learned here that more research should have been done on the FC forums, but it is hard knowing what is custom built/home made and right at the point of a design change it takes some time before new user photos start circulating in these pages.
You are right. @VapCap should commissions @TheVaporist as photographer.
His pics are brilliant and let look all VC sophisticated. And so far as I've understood he would do so.
Yo man, this thread is flying fast as superman! I can't keep up. The vapcap love is strong and growing fast!
Everyone has to start somewhere and not everyone has the time to study ISO, F stops, depth of field, colour balancing, etc. No one starts out being their best at something and not everyone wants to be the best. I didn't know much when I started and I'm still learning.Unfortunately, serious photography is something commonly laid aside by a lot of people (even the press is replacing photographers with untalented people with crappy iphones...) who prefer to do that task by themselves.
The current technology is pushing this mood forward in a world where everyone thinks he can be a photographer, trading knowledge and art for egotism and lack of creativity.
To me it sounded very discouraging as I'm one of those people who is trying to do it themselves. The idea that an amateur can't replace a professional is quite negative to me.@Winegums ,this is not to sound elitist, everyone can practice as they wants and do what they can.
I was speaking professionally.
And in this area polished, professional work always as more impact than his amateur counterpart. There is nothing bad about it, but that's what people are paying photographer.
"The idea that "it's an art form so only professionals can do it" sounds elitist" is something that you had extrapolated from my speech, all I was saying is that an amateur can't replace a professional.
Although if you look at my previous posts, I'm always pushing people forward to do their best
and improve themsleves, sharing my knowledge and ideas.
if you are anything like me, you will experience the classic 10 steps process of being sucked into the full blown vortex of the Vapcap Aquistion Syndrome.This thing is giving me VAS VCAS TAS and GAS, it's the only vaporiser that's interested me since purchasing my mighty.
Hope I'm not overhyping it!
Nope!!! LOL! Welcome to the club!!!Do I have the first documented case of VCCAS? (VapCap Cap Aqcuisition Syndrome)
It's alright, I think we're all good.@Winegums, sorry about it. But there is no point to be discouraged as you ain't a picture's professional, and ain't a big company enough to pay for this kind of service.
It was just my point of view on a tough market, not on everyone knowledge.
An amateur can replace a professional, but he will have to buy for thousands of dollars a good camera, different lens, umbrellas, flashes, backgrounds, tripods and acquire all the knowledge to make the best shot.
Sorry, but I don't want to start a debate, please just don't be discouraged and think about all my previous post. I share a lot of stuff that a very tiny amount of people do, because they prefer to keep their secrets for them![]()
It's alright, I think we're all good.
And about all the equipment... it gathers really really fast. Suddenly you're looking at 50mm lenses, better tripods, and ALWAYS MORE LIGHTS.
With my water piece I draw from click to click as the vapour is so smooth. I typically get two heat cycles from one load if I don't Boost (torch the cap before the cool down click) in the middle of the hit. I've experimented and found that I can practically toast a load in one go if I boost.So you may not believe this. I have tried to replicate this in the past, and have not been successful. I have pursued the "two draw, one heat" rip and was never able to accomplish it.
What I'm getting at is, has anyone ever gotten two (2) pulls from one (1) rip? I use the vc through water.
Heat, draw, clear water tool, draw again without heating again.
I'm playing with the "cap screen" mod. It works folks.
I'm not sure why but I'm getting double draws on one heating. It's almost every time on the second and third rip.
The clicks on cool down are weird too. Two distinct clicks, second one is almost like a thump.
What is the current design if I may ask? The Omni does seemed to be varied a bit, there's the diamond cut pattern that is what I take to be the norm and I've seen the loose wire coil pattern Which I like a lot more. I was watching sneaky pete's vapcap review and he had it but hard to gauge what timeframe George and company was making those, they're always experimenting