This thing is giving me VAS VCAS TAS and GAS, it's the only vaporiser that's interested me since purchasing my mighty.
Hope I'm not overhyping it!
if you are anything like me, you will experience the classic 10 steps process of being sucked into the full blown vortex of the Vapcap Aquistion Syndrome.
Here's how it goes:
1. Recieve your Vapcap purchase and be shocked by how tiny it really is and how it fits perfectly in your hand; like it was made for you. Just YOU.
2. Admire its simple beauty.
3. Test out the function with a few heating techniques and discover that it actually works! It works great!
4. Refine your technique and realize that your stash is lasting much longer than usual even though you've been having just as much fun!
5. Begin putting your other vapes away because, well, they don't need to be sitting around all the time, cluttering the place up.
6. Imagine all the ways you could store your Vapcap, to compliment its beauty while keeping it within arms reach. A sleek Dynastash or a soft supple Vapcap Pouch. Maybe that antique box that you love...
7. Explore the idea of additional stems and bodies to satisfy your appreciation for variety and your childhood love of LEGO.
8. Maybe just buy more tips and caps for your extra stems. Also, might as well get an Omni and another Woody while you're at it. You need an extra Vapcap in the garage, basement, garden shed, friends house, car, summer place etc.
9. Develop a deep seated love for your Vapcap collection.
10. List those other larger, bulkier, less efficient vapes for sale. After all, you need the extra space for your growing bud collection because you are still buying and or growing at the same pace.
Do I have the first documented case of VCCAS? (VapCap Cap Aqcuisition Syndrome)
Nope!!! LOL! Welcome to the club!!!