Warning, contain late reply, quotes and hazardous sentences.

Great shots again and thanks for posting the settings it's helping me understand my camera a bit more.
Sorry for the late thanks but hey, thanks man! Better late than never! This week was a bit busy, as the sun start to shine!
Your twisted paduak stem is really stunning, the grain and the feeling of this piece is incredible!
Although, your little making of on your thread is a real breath taking!
Oh and talking about the camera's settings, I don't know if thats sarcasm but your recents pictures are honoring your work a lot more!
I was willing to explain these numbers to you (and others) last week, but was too 'capped and, you know how it goes

So here we goes for a tiny off-topic:
The 35mm number stand for the focal length which is a measure that indicates the angle of view of the camera lens.
This 35mm lens is my favorite, close to human angle of view, wonderful bokeh, sharp details...
The other 3 informations, are part of what we call the Exposure Triangle composed by :
Aperture (the size of the hole in your lens, made with blades and named "diaphragm")
ISO (the film or captor's light sensibility)
Shutter speed (amount of time of film's light exposure.)
And as a picture speak better than a thousand words:
I hope that this is understandable, that's a bit tricky to explain that to another language !
Thanks again, sometimes I wonder how good it would look if a professional like yourself took the picture. Keep up the awesome shots!
Wow thanks for this, I have to carefully watch my ego aha!
You have such an amazing collection of.... everything... a single session won't be enough to honor the beauty of your pieces!
By the way, I think we'll be wasted after such a session ahah!
Love my omni. Great improvement over my woody.
How does everyone use there airflow adjustment? At the moment i am taking the first cycle with the mouthpiece screwed all the way in. Then when i do further hits i screw out the mouthpiece for more air. Later hits can be harsher so this conteracts this nicely.
I tend to use a closed carb if I use it with a water piece, and 90% closed when mouthpuffing. Then gradually I open the airflow a bit more as reclaim is building up
Has anyone use PBW to clean their omni or titanium pieces? Just a little hesitant to ruin my beautiful omni.
I don't have PBW anymore as I reclaim everything with ethanol now, but it was great and inert on the volcano solid valve and other metal parts.
If I recall correctly, PBW only react on organic matter, so you should be fine using it with titanium.
On a side note, when I don't want to reclaim, the cheapest way I've find is acetone (you can reclaim with lab grade acetone but that's another story). On metal this is a wonder, after many years I haven't found something more quick and cheap.
Beware with plastic material, acetone can melt it.