Crazy long. I don't vape outside when it is cold.-26 Celsius is a heat wave in wintertime Siberia.
It was in Siberia that I learned that -40 Celsius was the same as -40 Fahrenheit.
How long does it take to hear the click at that temperature?
A Sherlock VC would be nice!Hey @Squiby, yeah the twist is nice too!
I have to order another tip/cap so I can have it ready to roll too!
I think I'm learning that my preference is for the squared off shapes, the box and the hex, but the twist has a nice soft feel to it, it's fun to hold also.
I like the length of them.
The dynavap cocobolo body is short, like I'm hittin a joint.
Wirh these stems I feel a character in an old movie smoking a cigarette in a holder.
I think a cigarette case that could hold two or three stems with tips would be pretty cool.
Mac Baren 7 Seas Black 3.5 stars out of 4, great rating for aromatic. Dry it before vaping.Sorry to post something off topic but I'm hoping there's someone with some experience on this thread that can help me out. First off I have a confession to make, I'm a tobacco smoker. I've been planning to buy a vapcap, possibly an Omni for tobacco vaping purposes in an effort to stop combustion altogether. So far I'm halfway there already. In an earlier video George mentioned a tobacco for using with the vc, does anyone know of a tasty blend to help me quit smoking? Please feel free to pm me, sorry to interrupt the thread.
Any recommendations for image hosting sites or app?Welcome to the Vapcap clan! You've got some awesome pieces!
@in8won can we be expecting pics of your new Woody?
I have a @phattpiggie Blackwood Square too and it's also my favourite piggies stem. The Blackwood is so sleek and unbelievably smooth. It's a joy to use and admire. Phattpiggie is making some new treasures for me so that Blackwood Square may well have its title challenged.
How do you like the Purple Heart Twist? There's something about it......It looks lovely. Is it as nice as the pics?
You've got a great set-up there! Nice tray! several edits and not much free time today. I can seem to get this free image hosting thing to work. any help is appreciated.
Now my tobacco never chars at the bowl opening.
Greatly appreciate it, I'll google where to order it.Mac Baren 7 Seas Black 3.5 stars out of 4, great rating for aromatic. Dry it before vaping.
Love my omni.
How does everyone use there airflow adjustment?
buying a new tip+cap today for my
@phattpiggie stem, just curious if the new screens come with?
The XL condenser is 17mm longer than the regular condenser and accommodates a 62mm stem and a mouthpiece. A Vapcap XLS model uses an XL condenser and is 4.25 inches long.1. the XL versus standard condenser, what is the difference?
The double crown reinforces the mp end of the wood stem and will protect it from rubbing against a mp. The Vapcap S models come with a body clad with double crowns because the S model comes with a mp.2. single crown/double crown performance difference?
The cap needs to have heat applied to its sides. A car cigarette lighter would only heat the top of the cap and would not heat the chamber. You don't need a stronger heat source, just a different orientation.Also can you hit them up off a car lighter or does it have to be a stronger heat source?
You can use it as a one-hitter, but you'd be missing out on 2 or 3 hits that remain after the first heat cycle. So for me it's a 3-hitter, but I know others take it much further than I.Would love feedback on if you could one-hit off these guys.
@Squiby the size differences aside what is the performance aspect of the XL versus standard condenser?
Bummer on the car lighter, was hoping it would do the trick.
Would love feedback on if you could one-hit off these guys.
Yes, individually purchased tips come equipped with a screen.
Seen enough to be sold on a Ti Woody-S this evening. If it's not really a performance thing I figured better to go with the smaller unit.
@GreenHopper can you link me to this 50% load technique/screen gizmo? Sounds like it might be the ticket for the 1 hitter concept.