Gee, I'm so stoked!!!
My Blackfriday order's finally completed, made its way through third world mail system and the DynastashER that was still travelling finally arrived!! In fact it arrived friday, two days ago....
Everyone around here must be aware about the VC product family quality and the awesomeness we feel when some new pieces come in to increase our "lego" collection. I need to throw a personal and giant shout out and thank you very much for the Vapcap team!! I am really amazed!!!!
Funny to mention, I brought the Tiwoody and the DynastashER to a friends place yesterday, and we went into testing it, for the sake of science and fun!!

... Some moments later, my friend discovered the DynastashER cover rotates freely 360 degrees (I believed it should only be opened one side or the other), and surprise!! The dabber tool showed up! Wow!!
Helped some friends make their way into VC based on my recommendation. So, there are three more new Vapcap OG users. They are now into starting to realize stuff that we Vaporists know pretty well, like: "Wow, how can a tiny bit of herbs last so long, and be so effective?" and/or: "Hey, the taste from the herb when using the vaporizer feels so much better than combustion" and one of them just questioned me: "Do you believe the more expensive models work even better than this? " .... hehehe ... definitely vapcap is an effective tool to convert smokers to vapor!!
So, here are some photos of my vapcap family, now bigger with the DynastashER, and just waiting for some new family members to come...
whole family
OG, an awesome piece! Still being used eventually...
Ti Vong. Perfectly matches and milks the 14mm bubbler
OmniVap into sexy titanium clothing.
OmniVap, dressed in a glass body
OmniVap, wood body clothing
Tiwoody single crown body
My preferred ones, the Tiwoody and Omni with the wood body. Being able to choose and change bodies makes them even better
Sorry for the long and full of images post, but you know, it's Vapcap awesomeness guys!! When the mailman drops that green (or purple) package at our place we can't feel less than absolutely excited!!
Cheers everyone, and thanks again
@VapCap !!!