Yay ! The green package arrived !
So I got my replacement body for the OG : I got some good taste on first puffs (no visible vapor at all) but then I came back to the dark side of my early days with the VC : almost no vapor, no good taste, spent abv :/ . Two loads and put back on the side for later !
Luckily my plan-B (or A in fact ? ) was this : I got a B&W ebony Vong-S. 1st, I think I should have go with a regular Vong : if you rotate the vong-s mouthpiece while heating it does a annoying "itchy" sound with the silicone against the wood body. So keep this in mind. I have been told about this but you know : this VongS look so classy with the MP and I thought a MP is more comfortable. I rotate it in one whole piece so..and i must say the Vong-S is so tiny ! I was imagining it bigger and thus the regular Vong even more. Another annoying OCD from me : the Titip scratch while getting in the cap and I tried squeezing etc.. i just don't like it and thought it would go all smooth being the "newtip". Is this the difference between "new" and "new-new" ? lol..
Now to the result : have done only one load so far, and I must say the results where better than Og for me. Much more forgiving. no vision on the vapor but giving try with gentle draw and mouthpull tech'. that way I got something from my load : wouhou ! At least I can say I'm getting different effects, let's see now with more trials (and errors) where can I push the things ? More to report .. I need to work on this mouthpull-tech, draw style, my heating tech' and load quantity! I'm still like a rookie..
2nd load : was ok, whispy puffs but no combustion and quite good taste, ABV was even, ..though I could get that "smell" which I get toward the end with the OG and this = to me as : close to combustion, whispy vapor, awfull taste. But maybe it's only my technique or my fear of coughing.
I wanted so much to try the hemp-fiber filter in order to help this issue, but I still have to wait for some CCD screens which were missing. Yes, even at Dynavap they can forget sometime !

I think it's normal when you do so much customs order and let your customer change whatever they want after having paid + treating them with special customs, questions, assistance, etc... that's pretty unique and can explain some dysfunction, sometime... Especially that they answered me within a few minutes .. So I wanted to thumbs up

once again here for Dynavap, Matt, George and the crew ! Just continue ! You have the best CS i've ever experienced.
I've been advised to order High temp silicone rings as extra (for the TI-tip so) but I advise you'll planning an order to get the condenser O-rings AS WELL : you might probably loose them.
+ 1
Any Europeans out here (or pref. fellow Belgians) who had customs troube? Any extra costs connected to their vapcap ordering straight from U.S.?
Or did it sneak past those pesky porks?
It did ! Arrived today ! I'm still 6 pages backward so maybe you got it too ...
Shipped 07/12 arrived 28/12 at USPS facility 04/01 at home after 1 day through customs (no worries there if your package is under some amount as the value on the package is kept the minimum : easy ! )
None import taxes here, but my bank have charged me every time for abroad paiement .. Banksters!
Maybe it's time for you to try paypal or some credit card ? I'm against all this credit thing, but seems we don't have much choice for INTL orders, so I just have paypal and a pre-paid card to not get "fucked" by banksters. Well, we are all fucked, anyway, that's for sure !

I wanted to thank you personally as I got a splendid "ohm" lasered on my new cap after having seen this possibility from your pictures !