@Stevenski there is no other vaporizer on the market that allows for the individual to personalize their device as the VC does. That I know of.
I know you love your UD and logs are probably next in line for customer input.
I can turn a log out of any wood, any shape and make matching stems, I could go all out and decorate the body in so many different ways that seem not to have been explored, yet, but one thing log users can't do is swap out the body.
I can take mine to bits, turn a new body and start a fresh, and have done a couple of times, but not every one is capable or can be bothered to go thru the aggro so once it's built it basically remains the same log you got on day one. New stem perhaps.
Just about anyone can take a stock Ti tipped VC and go anywhere their imagination will take them.
I've backed off posting stuff for fear of 'same old, same' old, but since Feb of this year I've done nothing but stare at a screen for hours working out where I can take the whole VC thing.
Plus it all gets lost as the thread follows the
@VapCap success and snowballs.
Not many ideas are new to me which is why I totally encourage anyone who is willing to get stuck in and make new VC stuff, glass, wood, stone, metal, apple or carrot.
If you can't make it and have an idea then share it with the VC community because between us we can make any idea reality, I am sure of it.
FFS we have the most responsive and encouraging manufacturer any of us could ever want open to any and all suggestions.
@Squiby The Patron Saint of all Things Vapcap is nearly catching me up on ideas, not quite but nearly.

Squiby your posts, especially the recent fotos, make me realize I ain't the only one with OVCD.
2017 is going to be another successful year for Dynavap and any one else who can bring new things to the table, if you've got an idea, share, if you can make stuff, share.
It can only mean good things for the continued success of a product that is bringing a lot of pleasure to the regular users and surprises and the obligatory VC grin to new users.