
Sexual Maven
Do you use a Bic or torch? I noticed that the v on a cap for an og I gave to a buddy a while back was almost completely gone. I suspect he heats too close also, but I didn't see any black coloration, just the usual patina.

double jet scorch torch

I think I had it too low before... but still, takes awhile to heat up, sometimes I say fk the click and just hit it because it's been so long (click will usually happen shortly after removing flame)


Well-Known Member
@Squiby ok so I fixed my orings i had my big oring as the first one not the middle one. Also my condenser doesn't have a groove for the first Oring... Is this normal?


Well-Known Member
^^^ Niiice! That's a whole lot of love right there, brother :tup: Merry Christmas to you, indeed!

And I've said it before (elsewhere in this forum), and I'll say it again - From desktop to cliff-top . . . . . .


I know, I know! I have a problem! :freak:

Merry Christmas to us all! :party:


Is that the Pembs coast?


Well-Known Member
It is due to the wood mouthpieces.

The Ti Woody comes with a condenser and two orings, like you mentioned. All the Ti Vapcap S and Ti Vapcap XLS (all Vapcaps with a wood mouthpiece) models come with three orings on the condenser. The extra oring holes the spinning mp secure.

You can see the condensers here.
Thanks @Squiby - you are truly our resident expert on VC configurations! I and many others here appreciate your constant efforts to help people understand VC, its modularity, and various tips on how to use it. :tup::clap:


Well-Known Member
Seeing all your beautiful VCs makes mine feel like a dirty slut. My cap is nearly black too. Perhaps I heat too close?

Here's the dirty bitch here:

You're calling her names after all she's done for you... The more I like something/someone, the more attractive they appear to me. I think you need to use your OG a bit more often to appreciate her special beauty...Beauty IS in the eye of the beholder, after all. Just sayin'.

And some would say that reclaim your Vapcap is building is an pretty pretty sight.

My caps get discolored too. I haven't cleaned mine up, but someone here suggested that they can be made to shine again. It think it was toothpaste or something. Anyone remember?

Also my condenser doesn't have a groove for the first Oring... Is this normal?
there should be two grooves on a regular condenser and three on the XL. The two groves on the regular condenser are placed about 17mm away from each other at the mp end. The XL is the same but has an additional groove half way down.


WOW!!! Love the set up and love the Ti VonG. Very classy! I know absolutely nothing about water and don't know what a claisen is (is it the cap on the second female joint?), but I can appreciate the interesting configurations. Water pipes must be the original stoners LEGO.

Why do you have a bit of silicone around the Ebony stem?


Collector of Functional Art
Along with the Ti Vong at the BF sale, I purchased replacement CCD screens for my Omni, which originally came with the ceramic disk. I’ve been enjoying the Vong for the past couple of days, but decided to clean my Omni and replace the screen yesterday evening. After testing it out, I decided that the CCD is a great improvement over the ceramic disk. The air flow seems to be much more open, and hits were closer to the new machined tips. It’s interesting that I also have an older non-VC vape that came with a ceramic disk that was also improved when I switched out the disk for a screen.

@VapCap, the improvements and expansion of the product line have been amazing, along with a complete redo of your now easy to follow website. It has been exciting to watch the progress of Dynavap over the short time you have been in business. Way to go, George, Matt and the VC crew! I look forward to the new developments in 2017!


Just fished a green envelope out of my mailbox, perfect timing to start the holidays. The new Ti Tips look & feel great, can't wait to try it out soon. I wonder why nobody mentioned the two aditional groves in the Tip. They allow to place the CCD in three different positions, 1/3, 2/3 or full volume, perfect to adjust the volume to the materials strength. :clap:


Collector of Functional Art
Just fished a green envelope out of my mailbox, perfect timing to start the holidays. The new Ti Tips look & feel great, can't wait to try it out soon. I wonder why nobody mentioned the two aditional groves in the Tip. They allow to place the CCD in three different positions, 1/3, 2/3 or full volume, perfect to adjust the volume to the materials strength. :clap:
On page 375 of this thread, George posted a video about the adjustable CCD position, and shows how to adjust the CCD. Perfect for micro dosing!


You're calling her names after all she's done for you... The more I like something/someone, the more attractive they appear to me. I think you need to use your OG a bit more often to appreciate her special beauty...Beauty IS in the eye of the beholder, after all. Just sayin'.

And some would say that reclaim your Vapcap is building is an pretty pretty sight.

My caps get discolored too. I haven't cleaned mine up, but someone here suggested that they can be made to shine again. It think it was toothpaste or something. Anyone remember?

there should be two grooves on a regular condenser and three on the XL. The two groves on the regular condenser are placed about 17mm away from each other at the mp end. The XL is the same but has an additional groove half way down.


WOW!!! Love the set up and love the Ti VonG. Very classy! I know absolutely nothing about water and don't know what a claisen is (is it the cap on the second female joint?), but I can appreciate the interesting configurations. Water pipes must be the original stoners LEGO.

Why do you have a bit of silicone around the Ebony stem?

It's an external carb cap. Instead of removing the vong to clear the draw you just pull the carb cap.

Love the Seed of Life sidecar... Been a fan of his work for some time now. His Amanita tube is one of my favorite pieces of glass ever.


Well-Known Member
Anyone still waiting for their Black Friday orders to ship? Was hoping to have my order by Christmas as part of it was supposed to be a gift but looks like that may not happen. Maybe I had the wrong expectation???


Sexual Maven
You're calling her names after all she's done for you...

I apologize if my language was offensive... but it's a fitting analogy. I don't love her, I only love what I can get from her... and she's not worth cherishing because she's basically disposable. I'd never want to be seen in public with her. If I lost her or when I inevitably break her fragile body, I won't mourn. I'll replace her. Maybe get 2. One to pass around to the rest of the fellas to use and abuse.


Well-Known Member
I apologize if my language was offensive... but it's a fitting analogy. I don't love her, I only love what I can get from her... and she's not worth cherishing because she's basically disposable. I'd never want to be seen in public with her. If I lost her or when I inevitably break her fragile body, I won't mourn. I'll replace her. Maybe get 2. One to pass around to the rest of the fellas to use and abuse.
Man, between your comment and @Diggy Smalls last comment, today is a great day for hilarious out of context statements


I apologize if my language was offensive... but it's a fitting analogy. I don't love her, I only love what I can get from her... and she's not worth cherishing because she's basically disposable. I'd never want to be seen in public with her. If I lost her or when I inevitably break her fragile body, I won't mourn. I'll replace her. Maybe get 2. One to pass around to the rest of the fellas to use and abuse.

She's pretty low maintenance for being such a hot head.


Well-Known Member
I don't love her, I only love what I can get from her... and she's not worth cherishing because she's basically disposable. I'd never want to be seen in public with her. If I lost her or when I inevitably break her fragile body, I won't mourn. I'll replace her. Maybe get 2. One to pass around to the rest of the fellas to use and abuse.

Poor OG, the humble hard life of servitude to a stoner.

do anybody have tried to put a small piece of cotton inside the mouthpiece as filter? does it work?

I did try placing a bit of fiber inside the condenser both at the tip end and the mp end, but I just ended up sucking it up into my mouth.


A filter fashioned from a small length of degummed hemp fiber works wonderfully to smooth out the vapor, stops tiny particulates from getting into the condenser and completely eliminates throat and lung irritation. No coughing and your Vapcap needs cleaning WAY less often.

I am now sandwiching a disc shaped filter between two CCD screens. I also tried this a few days ago with some 8mm titanium screens that I purchased from eBay. Both work, but the CCD screens are really the premium solution.

Prior to this, I just made a disk shaped filter and fit it to the bottom of the chamber. It worked great but bits of flower would get caught on the fiber when emptying the bowl.

Anyway, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new CCD screens and the new tips!! The three ridges inside the chamber allows screen placement customization for a larger or smaller bowl. It also allows a nice setup for sandwiching a filter between two screens.

Here is my approach to making a disk filter. I highly recommend this for anyone experiencing throat or chest irritation.
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